The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1307 Eye contact (second update)

Lin Yi nodded silently, and his clone also moved at the same time.

He turned and walked towards the gate of the palace.

At this time, at least half of his true destiny had been occupied by black matter.

The back of his hand and the position of his stomach had grown strange flesh and blood, and he was gradually turning into a monster.

However, Lin Yi's clone didn't care. The power of tracing the source of true destiny was still searching and locking the power fluctuations of the crown.

He looked at the gate in front of him. The power fluctuations of the crown were hidden on the gate, deep into the spiritual pattern system, but he didn't touch it when he entered just now.

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It was as if this power and he were in two different parallel worlds, and they could never be touched.

He took a deep breath and was about to use the power of the true destiny prophecy to let himself touch the power fluctuations of the crown.

But a strange thought sounded beside him.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

The mysterious black-robed man appeared again. He seemed to see what Lin Yi wanted to do and stopped him directly.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the mysterious man in front of him, "Do you want to stop me?"

"Yes, it's been so long since someone came. I don't want you to die, and you're very interesting."

"It's very lonely here. No one is with me. It's very lonely."

"Now you're infected and can't leave here."

"Why don't you be my companion? I can teach you how to resist this infection."

"Although it can't be completely resisted, it can be delayed indefinitely. At least you won't die in a short time."

The black-robed man made a tempting proposal, but unfortunately, he was facing Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled lightly, "That won't work. I came here for the Crowner."

As he said that, he raised his hand and touched the door.

The power of the true destiny prophecy sounded at the same time, "Let me touch the power of the Crowner."

The next moment, his whole body was filled with the power of the true destiny prophecy, and he seemed to be in a wonderful state.

The black-robed man looked at him with a trace of pity in his eyes, "The ignorant are really fearless."

"Those who touch the power of the crown will inevitably face infinite backlash."

At the moment when Lin Yi touched a mysterious power, an unimaginable wave came to him across infinite time and space.

A thought from the dark seemed to be looking at Lin Yi.


The next moment, Lin Yi evaporated instantly, and his body, true destiny, and everything were directly wiped out, as if they had never existed.

This power followed the connection in the dark and came to the location of Lin Yi's body.

But at this moment, Lin Yi's body also activated its own skills.

"Loading title-Savior."

Instantly, the perseverance of true destiny was raised to an unimaginable realm.

At this moment, Lin Yi's mind entered a realm that could not be touched.

Even this power in the dark could no longer find any trace of him.

It seemed that Lin Yi had really disappeared, completely ignoring any effect of this tracking power.

True destiny is not a single force on the surface. With the continuous injection of true power, it will naturally move towards perfection.

Just like True Destiny Perseverance, its basic ability is to be immune to all attacks at the level of mind consciousness.

When the infinite enhancement effect of the title Savior is loaded, True Destiny Perseverance can ignore any power at the level of mind will.

Whether it is tracking attack or even sensing, his mind and thoughts are in an absolutely uninterferable state.

In the end, this mysterious power was cut off from all tracking capabilities under the effect of True Destiny Perseverance.

This power naturally disappeared in the dark.

A pair of huge eyes appeared again above the eternal battlefield, staring at the giant city of the Savior Organization below, and he seemed to be observing something.

"Interesting, who can actually cut off my power projection?"

These eyes seemed full of doubts, but also a hint of expectation.

The eyes only appeared for a short moment, and the entire eternal battlefield seemed to be in wailing.

Countless living dead people knelt down in fear, their heads on the ground, an instinctive fear made them kowtow in this direction.

But this fear only lasted for a moment, and then their consciousness fell into a haze. When they came back to their senses again, they had completely forgotten what had just happened.

The eternal war continued, and death was the main theme here.

The essence fell continuously, most of which disappeared underground, and only a small part was taken by the victors of the battlefield, integrated into themselves, and increased their upper limit.

In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi's face showed a trace of vigilance.

In the contact just now, he felt the horror of the power of the Crown.

That kind of power is deep and unfathomable, and it is completely beyond his understanding.

It is a nearly infinite power, and he even felt a trace of despair in his heart.

"Can anyone really stop this kind of power? What kind of existence are they?"

At this time, the voice of the final order system slowly sounded.

"In order to capture the traces of the power of the Crown, in-depth calculations are being carried out, and the calculation time is 7 days."

"Please be careful during these 7 days, your behavior has attracted the attention of the Crown."

"In the next 7 days, the Crown's minions will appear to search for you."

"They will appear in various forms. Please remember that you must not let them find you, otherwise you will fall into their hands."

Lin Yi frowned when he heard this, "Since it is so dangerous, then you should give me the reward this time."

The voice of the final order system continued to sound, "No, because the calculation results have not yet appeared, it is impossible to determine whether the information collected this time meets the mission objectives."

"Therefore, no more help can be given."

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

"Okay, I will be careful."

The final order system fell silent in Lin Yi's heart and never said a word.

At this time, Lin Yi showed a trace of thought in his eyes.

"In other words, the next 7 days will be very dangerous."

"The Crown's minions? It seems that I have to be careful."

He took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed with thought.

This time, his loss was not small, including seven complete true lives, several spiritual pattern tools, and a clone.

But the gains were not small, as he had a detailed understanding of the true life system.

Especially the different levels of true lives, which made him clearly understand many things.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of thought appeared in his eyes, "It's not too bad."


That night, Lin Yi looked at everyone in the Wanshiwu, "Everyone, from today on, we have to be careful."

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