The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 129 Conditions and Preparations (3rd update)

At the same time, Lin Yi seemed to be talking to the air, and the whole atmosphere became more and more weird.

Lin Yi's eyes had already followed Wan Mingyuan to a weird place.

It was vague, and it seemed to be a village.

Wan Mingyuan was standing in a place in the village with a look of horror, as small as dust.

Lin Yi could only see a rough outline, and then with the arrival of Wan Mingyuan.

The vortex in the small door disappeared quickly, and then he lost all traces of Wan Mingyuan.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, "Village, martial arts power, interesting, the information in this shrine is true."

"It's interesting that you can do all kinds of things according to the contract."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and at this time, Lao Wei's voice sounded, "How is it, Mr. Lin, have you found anything?"

Seeing that the trembling look in Lin Yi's eyes disappeared, Lao Wei plucked up the courage and hurriedly began to ask.

Lin Yi looked at Lao Wei and nodded, "I did find something."

"It's very dangerous to save your son."

"Your reward may not be enough."

"If it goes wrong, I will die."

Hearing this, Lao Wei's face changed drastically. If it was as Lin Yi said, his son would be in danger.

"Mr. Lin, I can increase the reward, anything is fine, please help me save my son."

Lin Yi looked at Lao Wei and waved his hand, "I don't ask much."

"After rescuing your son, this shrine will be my trophy."

"At the same time, you have to pay 100 gold coins as one of the rewards."

"Plus the treasure seal you provided."

"And you have to pay me all the rewards in advance, because maybe I can use them."

Lao Wei said without saying a word, "No problem, I'll give it to you right away."

After saying that, he was about to get something, but Lin Yi stopped him at this time.

"This matter is quite special, very dangerous, and involves my personal safety."

"I'm going to a special place to do it, and it must be kept absolutely confidential."

"I will take your son away too. It's hard to say when. If it fails, your son and I will die in a secret place."

"Maybe you will never see your son again."

"If you agree to these conditions, I can help you. If you don't agree, then just pretend I've never been here."

Old Wei heard that he was going to take his son away, and he might never see his son again.

Undoubtedly, he was very hesitant, with a struggling expression on his face.

Looking at Lin Yi, who looked calm, he knew that if he didn't agree to this condition, Lin Yi would never save his son.

Looking at Wan Mingyuan's situation, he knew that this treatment might cause Lin Yi to be unconscious.

This state is very dangerous. If he is found by his enemies, he will die.

He also understood the other party's concerns, everything is for safety.

After thinking for a few minutes, Lao Wei's face turned fierce, "Okay, I agree to your conditions."

"Besides you, I have no one else to trust."

"If he can't be saved, it means Tian'er is unlucky."

Lao Wei is the head of Fengmei after all. He has experienced many storms and waves, and his decision-making ability is still very strong.

Hearing this, Lin Yi nodded, "Okay, since you have made up your mind, I will take this job."

"First, move your son into the car, and Wan Mingyuan, the shrine, seal and gold coins, all sent to the Wanshiwu."

"Then you leave, don't come to me, I will hide secretly."

Lao Wei nodded, looking at Fang Kai, "Go and prepare."

Lin Yi saw that Lao Wei was so decisive, and didn't waste words, turned around and walked towards the garage.

Half an hour later, in the Wanshiwu, in Zhuang Wuming's bedroom.

Wei Mingtian's body was lying on his bed, and Wan Mingyuan's body was casually placed on the chair.

The shrine, seal and gold coins were placed on the desk.

Brandy stood by the desk in the bedroom and looked at Lin Yi, "Manager, what's going on?"

Looking at Brandy with a worried look on his face, Lin Yi shook his head, "Don't worry about it, I will disappear these days."

"You have to take good care of the store. If there is something you can't solve in the store, go out and hide for a few days."

"I will leave some things in the store, they will help you, and there will probably be no problem."

"But if I don't hear from you after seven days, this store will be given to you."

Brandy was shocked when he heard this, and looked at Lin Yi and said, "Manager, is it so dangerous?"

Lin Yi smiled, "Taking money from others and helping others get rid of disasters, there will always be risks in my line of work."

"Manager, you won't be so unlucky, you will be blessed by God."

Brandy looked worried and sincere.

He can live so well in this Red Lotus City, all because of Lin Yi's help.

Lin Yi waved his hand, "Okay, go get busy."

"Yes, manager, be careful."

After that, Brandy left the room with a worried look on his face and went to the store to get busy.

Lin Yi closed the door and came to the corner of the bedroom.

The room was paved with square marble tiles, each of which was 60 cm * 60 cm in size.

He stood in front of the tile in the corner, squatted down and took out a special flat object.

Gently inserted it into the gap in the corner, used this object to hook it, and the tile was directly lifted by him.

There was a wooden entrance under the tile, and Lin Yi pressed the mechanism.

The wooden board opened downwards, revealing a deep pit with a steel ladder on the wall that extended all the way down.

A few minutes later, Lin Yi put Wei Mingtian, Wan Mingyuan, the shrine, the seal, and the gold coins down.

Then he covered the marble floor again, closed the wooden door of the underground entrance, and went underground.

This is a basement, about ten square meters.

There is only one bed and a shelf with all kinds of canned food piled up on it.

There are several small windows on the right side of the room, and some breezes blow in, so that this secret room has enough air.

This place was not built by Lin Yi, but was discovered by chance after renting it.

During the war, many families had the habit of digging basements in order to avoid various possible dangers.

This place was also used by Lin Yi as his last refuge.

There is also a very small exit in the underground secret room, which is connected to the sewer, but it is not completely dug through.

The exit dug to the wall of the sewer, once broken, it can be directly connected to there, which is the last escape route.

Two blankets were laid on the floor of the secret room, and Wan Mingyuan and Wei Mingtian were lying on one blanket each.

Lin Yi looked at them, his eyes falling on the box containing the seal.

He took the box and slowly opened it, and a seal as black as ink appeared in his sight.

The upper part of the seal was a seal handle made of a black coiled dragon.

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