The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1250: Alarm, Experiment (First Update)

These things are extremely twisted. If you look closely, it seems that there are billions of resentments in them. They are made up of black lines. Read

This extremely terrifying scene will scare anyone who sees it.

At the bottom of the light column are strange-looking humans, whose eyes are full of anger, despair, unwilling obsession and other emotions.

And in their bodies, there are true lives that are completely infected by black lines.

One after another black swollen lines appear on this true life, and the true life beats strangely like a heart.

The majestic power gushed out from it, supporting the black light column, allowing them to fall from the sky and surround this huge volcanic continent.

In the center of the volcano, there is also a huge light column rising from it.

It is a strange figure, his head seems to have 6 faces, and the front face is indifferent.

The 5 faces on the side and the back have 5 expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, and fear.

In his mind, six true destinies were flashing, and they were also entangled by countless black lines, beating like a heart.

His eyes looked down at the entire dark and terrifying continent, and a torrent of thoughts sounded in everyone's mind.

"The final impact is about to begin, everyone is ready to welcome it."

"I have discussed with the King of Kings. This impact will advance and retreat together. If it succeeds, we will all get rid of this situation of neither death nor life."

"Start the ultimate change."

As his voice fell, more powerful power gushed out of his body.

The people under the black light pillars opened their eyes, and a trace of excitement appeared in their hearts.

The majestic black light rushed to the sky, turned into a huge black sky, and quickly enveloped the whole world.

In a short period of time, this world was shrouded in black, and everything was shrouded in black lines, which looked extremely weird.

It was as if something terrible was bred in it.

And all these changes have also had a huge impact on the earth.

"What is that?"

"Look, something has appeared in the sky."

A burst of exclamations rang out around the world.

In the sky, a black and white ball of light appeared at some point.

They were somewhat illusory, but extremely clear, and everyone could see their existence. This was obviously an extraordinary phenomenon.

At this time, governments of countries around the world and the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau held a meeting again. They were nervous about the two huge balls of light that suddenly appeared in the sky.

In just a few days, the earth seemed to have changed, and all kinds of problems appeared.

At this time, Lin Yi also noticed the changes in the sky. His eyes were solemn, and the light of the true destiny was flashing. His eyes saw the two balls of light in the sky.

He had seen some information in the two balls of light. In the blur, one after another huge breath shocked him.

"There are so many true powers, at least tens of thousands."

"It's the heaven I saw, and there's a hell-like place, are they going to be born?"

"It seems that the vortex is more dangerous than I thought, and it has affected them."

Lin Yi didn't know what the two strange spaces of heaven and hell represented.

But the characters in them were obviously accumulated over countless times. How terrifying they are will only be known when they really appear.

At this time, he had left the Wanshiwu and appeared in a huge underground base.

The cells made up of strange transparent blocks were moved here.

All of them were selected by him, and they had the true lives he needed.

The true lives they had had a characteristic that they could use their true lives for a long time.

That is to say, their true power recovery ability is very strong, or the true power consumption is very small, or the true life itself has a special ability that can restore the true power in a short time.

All those in the cages are criminal God-given people, a total of 97.

At the same time, the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau and the Doomsday Cult have also sent their God-given members' information.

Among them, 78 people met Lin Yi's requirements and they have gathered here.

One of them is the one that Lin Yi cares about particularly.

Because this person has two true lives, one of which has the power to quickly restore the true power of himself and others, which is very amazing, and it can ignore the difference in true power.

In addition to the true life itself, Lin Yi also values ​​this person before he came to the earth.

In his original world, he consciously created a true life that can quickly restore the true power.

Obviously, he noticed the weakness of the true life. The most amazing thing is that he can create the true life in a targeted way.

It means that this person has an extraordinary understanding of the true life.

This person is called West, from the United States, and immigrated from Eastern Europe.

This person is very important to him, giving him the ability to observe the true life almost non-stop for 24 hours.

He can help him recover the real consumption at any time.

One prisoner after another screamed in Lin Yi's hands, and everyone saw this scene.

On an operating table, various instruments, under Lin Yi's control, stimulated the prisoners in front of him.

The prisoner's body was even injected with drugs that could increase nerve sensitivity, and then he was stimulated.

Let his pain increase 10 times, and his true life fluctuates wildly in his pain. Wanting to exert its effect, he attacks Lin Yi and breaks through the shackles.

But unfortunately, all this was in vain and fell completely into Lin Yi's control.

What Lin Yi wanted was for them to do this, while she observed the other person's fate with a blank expression.

This operation has been going on for a week, and he has basically determined that at the current speed, he will be able to see all the mysteries of his true life in three days.

Most of the true lives do not have more than 365 eternal qualities.

Almost all are 108 and below, which is already the highest.

"This progress is acceptable, and we may be able to catch up."

Lin Yi murmured to himself, a trace of thought flashing in his eyes.

Lin Yi would receive messages from all over the world every day, and the vortexes on the ground were getting bigger and bigger, and one of them was even close to a city.

The information of the catastrophe could no longer be concealed. A huge city was swallowed up.

New York, located in the beautiful country, has completely disappeared.

Although most people had evacuated before he disappeared, the impact on the entire world was huge.

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