The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1241: Prisoner, Doomsday (Second Update)

"During a space exploration we once organized, something happened. Read М"

"That is, our most advanced spacecraft can easily leave the solar system."

"But the moment we leave the solar system, we will die."

"Or it should not be said to be death, but the disappearance of true destiny."

"According to the information sent back by the artificial intelligence on the spacecraft, the spacecraft is still sailing normally."

"But when flying out of the outermost area of ​​the solar system, true destiny will disappear directly from everyone's body."

"What does this mean? You should understand, right?"

Lingshan said with a serious face.

"We are restricted and can only stay in the solar system and cannot leave."

"We suspect that the solar system may be a kind of prison or a place where we are kept."

"According to our inference and observation, the true fate of the deceased should have entered the true fate torrent."

"The true fate torrent exists in another mysterious level where the earth is located, and the true fate of all humans who die normally will return there."

"According to the information sent by some of my friends in the later era."

"These true lives that are involved in the true fate torrent will be reincarnated in the later era, but they will lose their previous memories and become a brand new person."

"But I don't know what the specific results of the research are."

"Because my friend has never appeared again after continuously transmitting information for hundreds of millions of years."

"Including this mysterious time and space, no one has come here except me."

Lingshan's words were calm, but Lin Yi heard the cruelty and horror in them.

It is incredible that Lingshan in front of him can still maintain a normal mind after not communicating with anyone for more than one billion years.

But this may be the basic quality of people with great wisdom and great ability, and they will not collapse because of loneliness.

Lin Yi's face was slightly solemn, and Lingshan's eyes looked at the ground of the blue star under his feet.

He pointed to one of the largest dark masses and said, "That was the end of civilization in the last era."

"I once watched it erupt, sweeping across the entire blue star and destroying almost all humans in the last era."

"Even the True King with six true destiny cannot avoid death."

Lin Yi heard this, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, looking at the dark mass that the other party pointed to.

It was in the deepest part of a deep sea, where a dark hole appeared.

In Lin Yi's true destiny, he could see what was in the depths of the black hole.

It was a terrifying existence that could not be described in words, as if it was a mass of meat mountain formed by the melting of countless corpses.

It can be clearly seen that countless heads and limbs extend out from it, densely covering the surface of the entire meat mass.

This meat ball was soaked in a nearly black seawater. Lin Yi saw that the usual black seawater was flowing out of this meat ball.

Countless heads were spewing black water, pouring into the light black ocean.

Lingshan said on the side, "This black ocean is the source of the ancient flood."

"They will erode all living things, and they will be killed as long as they come into contact."

"Only a few people escaped the destruction in the last era, and they are the ancestors of civilized humans in this era."

"Of course, there are also some who may be abnormal in some cave system."

"I believe there must be similar existences like me, hiding all the time."

Hearing this, Lin Yi nodded slightly, he had vaguely understood the horror of this blue planet.

In the past few decades, or in the thousands of years of human civilization recorded in history, these dangerous strange events were just in a dormant period, so they did not cause the destruction of human civilization during this period.

Once they all erupt, with the current technology and civilization of mankind, they will be destroyed in an instant, and there is no other possibility.

Thinking of this, he showed a trace of solemnity in his heart, "The ghost story incidents are really too terrifying."

"It is impossible to interrupt the logical chain, it is impossible to use the rules, and it is impossible to destroy them at all. They are simply invincible."

"Even their power seems to be endless, as long as they cannot be destroyed."

Lingshan nodded and said, "The ghost story is so unsolvable."

"We have experimented a long time ago, capturing weak ghost stories and conducting countless destruction experiments on them."

"But no matter how we destroy them, they can always recover in a short time."

"The conclusion is that violence cannot destroy them, no matter what kind of true destiny."

"Unless you have infinite true power, and then use infinite power to keep these ghost stories in a state of destruction forever."

"At that time, although they will not be destroyed, they will not cause any harm."

"It is equivalent to solving the ghost story in disguise, but for countless years, no one has ever completed the true destiny of infinite true power."

"So this last method cannot be used."

Listening to Lingshan's words, a picture suddenly flashed in Lin Yi's mind.

A mysterious existence, lying high in the void, suppresses countless strange stories while he sits down, and they are in a state of destruction at all times.

The picture in his mind reminds him of a person in ancient mythology.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, this one has made a great wish.

I will not become a Buddha until hell is empty!

It looked as if he had saved countless ghosts from hell and suppressed all evil ways.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Yi looked at Lingshan Clan next to him.

At this time, the other party's eyes fell on the black light spot of the ghost story below.

"Lingshan, what do you think happened to your old friends? Why did they lose contact with you?"

"I don't know. I basically haven't left the Dongtian system since the 1st era."

"Even if I contacted them, I would only come here at most."

"You can't really understand what happened in the outside world from here. You can only see some information."

"In this era, strange events seem to have a tendency to break out again."

"300 years ago, I came here. At that time, the number of strange events was only 5,000 at most."

"And at least 4/5 of these 5,000 were left over from distant times."

"It has doubled in just 300 years. This rate of outbreak is basically equal to the early phenomenon of the 1st era civilization."

"I'll give you a warning. Be careful. The destruction of this era is obviously not far away."

Lin Yi frowned slightly when he heard this, "Okay."

After that, Lingshan slowly disappeared here, and Lin Yi began to record these strange events one by one.

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