The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1221 Plan Information (Second Update)

There are at least 300 remaining D-level events that he can solve, but it may take him more than half a year. These events have various problems and require time. Read М

But he still has this time, so he is not too worried.

"After solving these events, the spiritual wave can almost support C-level or even B-level ghost stories."

"The mysterious light obtained by then can be placed on the eternal nature."

He is also very satisfied with his recent gains. The support given to him by the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau is very powerful.

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As long as he needs, he can also take a fighter plane to and from any country.

It greatly saves the longest time in the process of solving the incident.

As his spiritual wave limit increases, the observation of Sanye Kangbi's true destiny is getting faster and faster.

Basically, the whole picture of his true destiny has been analyzed by the true destiny solution. As for the more subtle parts, it will take at least another week.

At that time, he could formally start analyzing the immortality of the true destiny.

He really began to understand what the true destiny is, and the true destiny handprint, how to transform the truth into the handprint.

What he wanted to know most now was to figure out the essence of the "Yi Ling Jing" and how the eternal nature corresponding to each handprint was composed.

This requires a lot of experiments.

In this month, the other people in the Wan Shi Wu have been well trained.

Each of them has been exposed to more than three strange events, and analyzed the whole process of solving each strange event.

For strange events, they are not experts, but they have a deep understanding.

And now they are constantly observing various low-level events and formulating solutions.

In each of these plans, possible solutions will be given in detail and a detailed logical chain will be outlined.

The people in the Wan Shi Wu are different from ordinary earthlings. Each of them has received a lot of knowledge, has mastered powerful powers, and has all reached the level of Tianxiandao.

And this level has a unified symbol, that is, powerful computing power, and thinking ability is like a supercomputer.

Even though they only have pure consciousness now, their consciousness is different from that of ordinary people.

Ordinary human consciousness cannot think so deeply, and cannot converge into one, because their thinking all depends on the brain.

Brandy and his thinking mode is purely conscious, relying on imagination and deduction within consciousness.

This leads to their thinking speed, deduction speed, and observation ability far exceeding everyone in the world.

These plans will eventually be sorted and archived, turned into a detailed document, and finally appear in Lin Yi's hands.

Lin Yi will analyze their plans and summary contents, and use the true destiny solution for secondary reconstruction.

The reason for the secondary reconstruction is to detect loopholes in their plans and confirm the correctness of the logical chain.

After all, Lin Yi once made a wrong judgment in the Yushu Apartment incident.

The collected data alone does not necessarily lead to the logical chain or rule loopholes. These are just inferences.

However, with these inferences, as long as the accuracy rate can reach more than 50%, it is also a huge gain for Lin Yi.

However, so far, among the remaining 2,900 D-level ghost stories, even if several people work overtime and take turns, there are only less than 500 feasible plans that can be sorted out.

And it would be good if half of these 500 plans are correct.

Among the remaining ghost stories, there are still some that they cannot find loopholes or logical chains. These ghost stories can only be solved by Lin Yi or eliminated by time.

Ghost stories do not exist forever. Generally, ghost stories have a periodicity.

Some ghost stories will suddenly disappear after a period of time, and some ghost stories will exist for a long time.

According to the information provided by the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau, 90% of ghost stories will disappear within a few decades.

From this data, Lin Yi saw something else, combined with the unknown place where the true destiny disappeared that he observed.

"The strange events may have a source, and they did not appear for no reason."

"It is not just known and imagined by people."

"Some of their disappearances may be the true destiny of the strange events, entering the unknown level."

For a whole month, he not only obtained a lot of mysterious light, but also observed the disappearance process of some true destiny.

For the place where the true destiny disappeared, he had a vague sense in his heart, and the mysterious level had gradually been locked by him.

There are usually two ways for him to solve strange events.

One is to cut off the root of the logical chain, and the other is to use the loopholes in the rules to let them self-destruct.

And the two results, after the strange events disappeared, the true destiny went to different places.

One is a place of infinite light, and the other is a dark and terrifying place.

This made him more and more suspicious of the existence of heaven and hell, perhaps it is the true destination of the true destiny.

During this period, in addition to observing the place where the true destiny disappeared after the destruction of the strange events.

He was also observing where the true destiny of ordinary people would go after their death?

For this reason, he went to the hospital specifically and saw the magical side again.

When ordinary people die, their true destiny will disappear instantly and enter a vast and boundless torrent.

That torrent is composed of countless true destinies, which shocked him greatly.

The place where the torrent of true destiny is located is also an unknown mysterious level.

Every time Lin Yi wants to lock it, he will consume a lot of spiritual waves.

Every time he almost consumes all his spiritual waves, he may be able to see the mysterious torrent of true destiny.

This is because his spiritual wave limit has grown dozens of times, otherwise it is impossible to see the mysterious torrent of true destiny.

And this also gave him a new guess.

"If places like hell, heaven, fairyland, and Hades really exist."

"Then can we judge that the True Fate Flood may be the first place where all the True Fate-level strongmen who come to the universe of Blue Star landed."

"Then, they will reincarnate in this universe, and Blue Star is the only planet with life that I know of so far."

"But in the process of reincarnation, they may encounter some kind of accident, become a strange story or awaken God-given abilities."

"It is still unknown what the final outcome of the God-given ability is."

"But the results of the strange story are very clear. If they are cracked, they will go to places like heaven and hell, and even transform into human form again, which looks like they have found their memories and past."

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