The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1193 Arrangement and Entry (Second Update)

Lin Yi nodded slightly, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Yes, that's the reason. It's not an easy task to rescue you."

"There are countless wills in my mind, and they all need me to rescue them."

Shirley Sakuragiya shook her head slightly when she heard this, "If this continues, I don't know how long it will take to completely rescue them."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I will not die naturally. As long as I live, I can continue to rescue them."

"Okay, that's all for today. Now I have a task for you."

Shirley Sakuramiya's face hardened when she heard this, "What mission?"

"That's it..."

Lin Yi smiled mysteriously and began to quietly tell Sakura Gong Shirley the information.

After hearing this, Shirley Sakuramiya showed a hint of surprise, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true, that's the only possible reason."

Shirley Sakuramiya was silent for a moment after hearing this, "If it's true, it's really cruel."

Lin Yi smiled lightly, "This is human nature, it never changes."

"And maybe this is not just cruelty, but more helplessness."

Shirley Sakuramiya opened her mouth when she heard this, but said nothing in the end.

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow morning."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, turned and left here.

Abnormal Event Investigation Bureau-Tokyo Bay Headquarters.

A meeting is in full swing.

There were four people in the conference room, and Yamada Junji stood in front of the other three people.

They are the three elements that make up various abnormal event investigation bureaus around the world.

The director, principal and supervisor each manage one aspect of matters.

The captain is the person who executes all orders uniformly.

The three people in front of me are the people in charge of Tokyo Bay.

Director Nobi Yasuo, Senior Colonel Ishida Kazuya, and Supervisor Charlie Lund.

The three of them looked at Yamada Junji with a hint of deep thought in their eyes.

Yamada Junji reported Lin Yi's request to them.

They were thinking about whether to agree to Lin Yi's request. After all, this request was too bloody. If they really agreed, it would cause a lot of problems.

The current situation is very critical, and there is not much time for them to make a choice.

Just listen to Yamada Junji say, "We can accept his conditions. This is my suggestion."

"There are several reasons."

"There are currently very few God-given people around the world who can come to support us, and they may not be able to solve this matter."

"Shiba Kazuya and Maeda Yoshiko have also failed."

"Now this mysterious Mr. Lin Yi seems to have a way to solve this matter. From chatting with him, I can feel a trace of confidence in his words."

"Secondly, in both the human skin mother-in-law incident and the clown hunting incident, he showed amazing abilities, which is worthy of our gamble."

"Third, this incident has risen to level C. If it cannot be dealt with as soon as possible, our martial law cannot continue forever, and it may have serious consequences."

"Fourth, he is just a prisoner of the God-given. If he really runs away, we can just ask Mr. Lin to compensate us. In the future, we can ask him to help us deal with some strange incidents for free."

“It’s beneficial and harmless to us in every direction.”

Yamada Junji's words made several people's eyes show a trace of thought.

Nobi Yasuo looked at the other two, "What do you think?"

"You can give it a try," the two looked at each other and said slowly.

Nobi Yasuo nodded, "Then please authorize me from now on. You will be fully responsible for this incident."

Yamada Junji's face hardened, "Yes, Director."

One night passed in the blink of an eye, and Yamada Junji came to the door the next day.

Lin Yi looked at Yamada Junji with a smile on his face.

"Looking at you, the people above you should agree."

Yamada Junji nodded slightly, "Yes, have we agreed to your request?"

"I can give you a God-given prisoner, but I can't agree to other conditions."

Lin Yi thought for a while after hearing this, "Okay."

He is not short of money now, and he doesn't care too much about information about a C-level incident. As long as there is a strange incident, someone will always come to him.

Lin Yi looked at Yamada Junji, "I will go to the scene to take a look next."

"You asked Fukada Kyoko to accompany my friend to another place."

Yamada Junji said calmly, "All your requirements can be met."

"Okay, let's go."

After negotiating the terms, Lin Yi and Sakura Gong Shirley split up.

He and Yamada Junji went to Yushu Apartment, while Sakuramiya Shirley and Fukada Kyoko went to another place.

In front of the gate of Yushu Apartment, Lin Yi appeared quietly. There was no one else in the whole street.

With this as the center, there is no one within a diameter of 3 kilometers. All the quarantined personnel are gathered at the border, and no one dares to get close.

At this time, Yamada Junji and Lin Yi were both standing in front of the door of Yushu Apartment.

Just listen to Yamada Junji say, "Mr. Lin Yi, I can only send you here, you need to solve the rest by yourself."

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "Okay, we'll talk about everything after I come out."

"The first step in solving the ghost story incident is to truly understand it."

Lin Yi took a step forward and walked towards Yushu Apartment.

His face was calm, his eyes flashed with a faint light of true destiny, and his body exuded a faint magnetic field, which interacted with the magnetic fields around him.

As long as he wanted, he could use the power of the magnetic field at any time to do all kinds of incredible things.

The magnetic field of ordinary life is actually very chaotic. There is repulsion and attraction between matter and matter.

Although these magnetic fields will reach a balance, the final result is that the organism will have a unified balanced magnetic field.

But this magnetic field is the result of the balance of various magnetic fields. It itself has no power and will not affect any existence.

After practicing martial arts, the magnetic field of life will change dramatically.

The most obvious thing is that there will be a lot of conflicts, repulsion and attraction between magnetic fields, but after reaching a balance in the end, it will be reversed by martial arts.

The original repulsion and attraction will become a unified force under guidance.

The magnetic field formed by this force is a new life magnetic field, which can have different effects according to the will of the practitioner.

For example, it affects the magnetic field of other lives, thereby controlling them.

Another example is destroying the magnetic field balance of matter, causing the matter to self-collapse due to the chaos of the magnetic field, which has an effect on almost everything in this world.

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