The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1191 Archives, Analysis (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

"I will notify you when I have news."


Lin Yi and Sakuramiya Shirley left here, and under the leadership of Fukada Anzi, they found a hotel to stay in.

Yushu Apartment has been blocked, and they can't go back to where they originally lived.


Now they live in a place called Venus Hotel, located in the most prosperous area of ​​Tokyo Bay.

The room has floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can directly see the most beautiful Tokyo Bay sea.

Lin Yi and the other person rented a room each, and they were quietly waiting for the notification from the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau.

Lin Yi was swiping his phone on the bed, using a foreign video APP.

It was all about the island country, but after swiping for a while, he found that there was no information about Yushu Apartment today.

Obviously, all this information has been blocked.

"The information was blocked quite quickly. It seems that if you want to know more information, you can only go through the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau."

After closing the video APP, he began to search for information about Yushu Apartment on the island country's website.

Similarly, almost all the news was blocked, with only a few sporadic information.

This information can only be seen occasionally on some very niche websites.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Dong Dong Dong.

Fukada Anzi's voice sounded, "Mr. Lin Yi, I have sent you the information you want."

Lin Yi opened the door, and Fukada Anzi outside was still wearing a black work suit.

Holding a document in a yellow paper bag in her hand, she handed it to him.

Lin Yi took the document and smiled at Fukada Anzi, "Thank you,"

Fukada Anzi had a habitual smile on her face, "You're welcome, this is my job,"

"Mr. Lin Yi, I'll take my leave first, please have a good rest."

Lin Yi nodded slightly and closed the door casually.

Sitting back on his bed, he began to read the document.

This document is a detailed investigation of all the information of Yushu Apartment.

It is more comprehensive than the information he got from Zhao Hongxia.

It contains a detailed record file of all the information about the deceased in Yushu Apartment by the Tokyo Bay Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau.

This document was two centimeters thick, with hundreds of pages. Lin Yi sat on the bed and opened it, and began to read it carefully.

As he read it, the content of the story gradually took shape in his mind.

Yamada Guiye was born in a wealthy middle-class family with a prosperous family.

He had excellent academic performance since childhood, but in high school, he was bullied by the school and finally became a shut-in and NEET.

He stayed at home for four or five years and had a quarrel with his family.

He finally chose to leave home and rented a cheap apartment to survive alone.

Because his mother was really worried about him, she would send him some living expenses and daily necessities every month.

With the help of his mother, he barely survived.

But 10 years later, his father became one of the countless middle-aged islanders who were eliminated due to layoffs.

Their family collapsed after that, without income, his father seemed to have disappeared and became a homeless man in Tokyo Bay.

Because he had no job, he had no face to go home.

And his mother could only receive some insurance money, and finally had no ability to continue to support him.

In the end, Yamada Guiye died in his apartment due to starvation and cold.

It was his elderly mother who collected his body. The miserable scene of this family is just part of the social reality of the island country.

Although the companies and employees with lifetime employment system have given these people a stable life, they have also lost the courage to keep starting over.

Most islanders, especially those with lifetime employment system.

Once fired by the company, it is almost equivalent to having no future and hope.

It is almost impossible for them to start over, first of all, they can't let go of their face.

People in their forties and fifties dare not engage in ordinary physical labor, because that is not something that decent people can do.

Many unemployed middle-aged islanders will go bankrupt in the next six months to a year.

This is the case with the Yamada family, no matter how rich they were in the past.

The father's career not only led to the death of his son, but also ruined his own future.

Only one wife is still lingering on, relying on women's relief.

After seeing all of Yamada Guiye's past, his eyes turned to a set of detailed photos.

This set of photos is the room where Yamada Guiye died.

A set of photos were neatly taken from every corner of the room, including the canopy, the ground, and the walls.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with the light of the true destiny, and countless scenes in the photos were being decomposed.

Analyzed by the true destiny, a model of the death scene was formed in his mind.

In the flow of countless information, Lin Yi seemed to see the night when Yamada Guiye died.

In a dark independent room, the area is about 15 square meters.

There is an open kitchen at the entrance, a small independent toilet on the left, and a bedroom after passing through a small corridor.

The interior of the bedroom is dirty and messy, with piles of lunch boxes and garbage, and only a quilt on the tatami.

At this time, a middle-aged man was lying on the tatami, his face was pale, and his whole body was thin and weak.

He looked severely malnourished, and it was unknown how long he had not eaten.

This appearance made him look so desperate and horrible.

Finally, in despair, he went to death, and some unknown changes seemed to have occurred in the process of death.

As time passed, his body began to rot.

These traces of decay corroded the bed, seeped into the tatami, and finally even eroded the floor under the tatami.

Lin Yi got complete information from countless pictures in the photos, the miserable death process of Yamada Guiye.

There were even some traces of search after the police entered the door.

All of this can be converted into pictures by the true destiny solution, allowing him to clearly see everything at that time.

And in the process of Yamada Guiye's death, he also found something.

He saw traces that should not exist in the traces of Yamada Guiye's death and decay.

That is poisoning, a bleaching agent.

He did not die of hunger, but was poisoned, weakened little by little, and finally died.

The reason why there is no such information in this report is because there is almost no flaw in this person's death.

No one would believe or think that this person was murdered.

"So can we say that the beginning of all logic is because of this murder?"

"Because the murder created resentment and fear, it eventually led to this mysterious black shadow ghost story?"

Lin Yi's mind quickly analyzed the whole incident and its logical chain.

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