The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1180 Explanation and Request for Help (First Update)

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"Is this another new ability of yours? Or is it your ability to stay in the sky?"

Every action of Lin Yi will bring her a huge shock and a new feeling. This is a person full of mystery.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and looked at her, "This is not a wonderful ability, it's just an ordinary martial arts."

"Martial arts, do you mean traditional martial arts?"

"That seems to be false, right?"

"We have also studied this thing before, according to all our research results."

"The essence of traditional martial arts is actually related to innate conditions."

"A special training method,"

"Through special training of various parts of the body from childhood, damaged muscles and bones are strengthened due to biological instincts."

"For example, the legendary iron shirt is to continuously destroy bone cells and muscle cells, and then soak them in drugs during the regeneration process, so that these The regrown tissue becomes harder. "

"Rather than strengthening the body, it is better to say that it is overdrawing and consuming. Therefore, in ancient times, people would hurt themselves by practicing boxing and it would be difficult to live long."

"Some extreme iron sand palms can also cause lung disease due to inhaling a lot of dust. "

"Only those boxers who are really good at keeping healthy can live well to old age."

"But when they die, I heard that because of overdrawing in their early years, their bodies are deformed to a certain extent, which will be very painful."

"Traditional martial arts itself is not magical. We have analyzed it all with scientific methods."

"Is this what you are talking about?"

Facing Zhao Hongxia's question, Lin Yi smiled faintly.

"Martial arts is indeed this thing, but it needs to be more systematic and refined."

"It is the martial arts after my derivation and perfection."

"The ones circulating in the world now, as well as those in ancient times, do not have a truly perfect system. Each family has flaws and tricks, which ultimately leads to no one being able to break through to the highest realm of martial arts."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Zhao Hongxia's eyes showed a hint of interest.

"What is the highest realm?"

"Is it really like the legend says, immortality, eternal youth, or flying?"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at her, "You've read too many novels."

"The highest realm is that the whole body is perfect and all body structures are integrated by oneself."

"Perfect martial arts can integrate all of one's own life magnetic fields into a large magnetic field,"

"For example, the atoms and molecules that make up human cells have their own magnetic fields, but these magnetic fields are large and small, and they repel and attract each other, and cannot be integrated at all,"

"And the ultimate state of martial arts is to perfectly integrate the magnetic fields of the materials that make up one's own body, without wasting a single magnetic field."

"The large magnetic field formed can interfere with the magnetic fields of other substances and living organisms."

"Magnetic fields are the most essential phenomenon possessed by everything in this world."

"And the highest realm of martial arts is to master this most essential phenomenon, and then use this phenomenon to destroy everything that stands in my way."

"But this power is useless for ghost stories."

Hearing this, Zhao Hongxia was stunned.

She originally thought that if this power was so magical, it might have an effect on strange events.

But she didn't expect it to be useless. "Have you tried it?"

Lin Yi glanced at Zhao Hongxia, "Of course I have tried it, just like the iron law you have experimented with before."

"Pure physical destruction, even energy destruction, has no effect on these strange events."

"When I was fighting with the clown, I punched him, but it had no effect."

Zhao Hongxia frowned when she heard this, "No, I clearly saw you hit him, and there were signs of petrification on his chest."

"He also dug out a stone from his chest, a stone that looked like a palm print."

Lin Yi smiled, "That's not the power of the magnetic field."

Hearing this, Zhao Hongxia realized something instantly, narrowed her eyes, and looked at Lin Yi.

"You've hidden it too deeply."

"I really don't know how many secrets you have."

Lin Yi smiled, "Who doesn't have secrets in this world? But people who reveal all their secrets are usually meat on other people's chopping boards and can only be slaughtered by others."

"Let's not waste any more time. What should we do now?"

"This is the sea, and our plane has been destroyed."

Zhao Hongxia, who was soaking in the sea water, sighed helplessly.

"Wait for rescue."

As he said that, he took out a button from his clothes.

She pressed the button hard, and the button began to change.

After opening it, it quickly split and quickly turned into a strange machine, extending a 10-centimeter-long thin antenna.

At the same time, an illusory keyboard and screen were projected on the machine.

Zhao Hongxia held up the small machine with her left hand, looking at Lin Yi and said.

"Help me, I need help."

Lin Yi nodded, bent down and grabbed her right arm, and directly lifted her out of the water.

At this time, Lin Yi's legs also sank halfway, submerged to his waist.

However, the upper bodies of both of them were exposed above the water.

Zhao Hongxia quickly started typing on the illusory keyboard with her left hand, and lines of text were typed out on the illusory small screen in front of her.

Other words soon appeared on the opposite side.

"The rescue coordinates have been confirmed. Rescue will arrive within 30 minutes. Please wait with peace of mind."

After doing all this, Zhao Hongxia lightly tapped the keyboard with her right hand, and the mysterious little machine began to shrink again and returned to the shape of a button.

She put the buttons back on her clothes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, the Anomaly Investigation Bureau closest to us will send people to rescue us soon."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, "I hope, if they don't come, we will have to swim back."

"I'm fine, but I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on."

Zhao Hongxia shook her head when she heard this and said, "Don't worry, the Abnormal Event Investigation Bureau has offices all over the world."

"It is a truly global organization and is officially supported by various countries."

"Once something happens to us, we will mobilize as much strength as possible to come to support us. Especially since I, as a God-given person, have a lot of privileges."

"Furthermore, your identity is also very special. Now many people in the Abnormal Event Investigation Bureau already know your existence."

"This time you have eliminated another strange incident, and I don't know how many people will pay attention to it."

"So don't worry."

Lin Yi shrugged indifferently. At this time, he had put down Zhao Hongxia again.

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