The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1174 Discovery and Entry (First Update)

The first is the power system deduced by Lin Yi. It is very simple for them, and they can fully understand it in a few minutes.

Secondly, they also began to understand the eternal nature. Although they cannot use it, the principles within it can be infinitely absorbed.

There may be opportunities to build True Life in the future.

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Time came to the second day in a blink of an eye. Zhao Hongxia opened the door of Lin Yi's room and walked in.

"The clown appears again."

Lin Yi had recovered all his spiritual energy, and after hearing this, he rolled over from the bed.

He looked at Zhao Hongxia, "Where is it?"

"Follow me."

The two quickly went downstairs, and Paul Weir's car was already waiting there at the door.

After the two got into the car, Paul Weir stepped on the accelerator and rushed onto the road.

Zhao Hongxia is holding a tablet computer with a red dot and a blue dot on it.

There is another line flashing between the blue dot and the red dot.

They seem to represent blue light spots.

Zhao Hongxia kept directing Paul Weir's driving route. The red light spot suddenly disappeared before the car was halfway through.

Paul Weir and Zhao Hongxia both frowned.

Just listen to Zhao Hongxia say, "We lost track. It took too long."

"A clown usually doesn't take more than five minutes to catch its prey."

"The maximum is only 10 minutes. If it exceeds the time, it is normal for you to lose track."

"We'll just have to wait until he shows up next time."

Lin Yi nodded nonchalantly, "Let's park the car directly in the city center."

"That way, if a clown shows up, we'll be able to get to the scene faster."

Paul Weir nodded silently and drove the car to the central square of Strandan.

Time passed quickly, and how many hours passed in the blink of an eye?

Suddenly, the tablet lit up the map, with red and blue light spots appearing on it.

This time, the distance between them was much shorter.

Paul Weir woke up instantly and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

And Zhao Hongxia said in a rapid voice, "The road on the left."

The jeep rushed out in an instant, and Lin Yi stared at the tablet, calculating their time.

They could arrive at the scene in 4 minutes at most, feeling slightly relieved.

Four minutes had just arrived and they were already parked outside an alley.

It was dark inside, and a figure was walking out of it.

The figure was a dark-skinned boy, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He was swaying, wearing headphones, and seemed very happy.

He didn't see a clown in green clothes appear in the shadows deep behind him.

Lin Yi did not get out of the car at this time, but just looked quietly into the depths of the alley.

The clown slowly stretched out a hand and put it on the black-skinned boy.

The black-skinned boy stiffened, turned around and looked behind him, his pupils contracted, and boundless fear arose from the bottom of his heart.

The next moment, his body went limp and fell to the ground.

The clown's hands with three sharp nails had already lifted him up.

Then, he turned around and walked deeper into the shadow alley, paying no attention to the jeep outside the alley.

Lin Yi had already rushed out, following closely behind him.

The clown didn't notice Lin Yi's following at all and continued walking forward.

Lin Yi's eyes shone with the light of his true destiny. He saw the clown holding the person in his hand and jumping into a dark well in the alley.

Lin Yi chased after him closely. When he got here, he also saw a well with a looming hole in it.

Without any hesitation, he jumped down.

The boundless power of his true destiny covered him, passing through a wonderful barrier,

When he appeared again, he had arrived in a huge underground passage.

This passage is made of soil and tree roots, with a height of more than 7 meters.

I looked around and saw that it was very empty and there was nothing there.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, "The place where we came in was the same as the clown, but it's different when we get here."

Thinking of this, he moved forward slowly. He needed to be very careful here and try not to waste his strength.

The next thing he has to do is to carefully observe the clown and observe the changes in the clown throughout the hunting process.

Then verify your logical guess.

It is an iron rule that strange events cannot be destroyed by violence.

Now that he had found the suspected logical chain, the next thing he had to do was to verify his conjecture.

There are many long passages here, each one at least hundreds of meters long.

Soon he came to the end of the passage and saw an open area.

The open area will be connected to four or five different passages.

This was a complex underground maze, and Lin Yi felt something was wrong after just walking through a few passages.

"A new problem has arisen. This underground maze is huge beyond imagination."

"Is this really something that can be produced by a strange event, independent of the earth's time and space?"

"According to my observations of the True Life Path, there is no supernatural power in the space and time where Blue Star is located."

"Everything is made of the most basic particles."

"There is no trace of any supernatural energy at all."

"But now this infinite maze-like place obviously does not conform to normal physical laws."

"Is this a high-dimensional space? Can the power of ghost stories affect this level? Change reality?"

"But considering that the true destiny can also ignore the physical laws of the blue planet to a certain extent, the ghost stories may not be impossible."

Thinking of this, a lot of thoughts flashed in his eyes, all kinds of different possibilities.

Slightly opening the light of the true destiny solution, he needed to find the existence of the clown before he could conduct the next verification observation.

In the light of the true destiny solution, nothing can be hidden.

This wonderful huge passage also revealed some traces in his eyes.

Countless black lines constitute this mysterious passage maze, which seems to be part of the ghost story.

Lin Yi also found a problem, "So that's the case, now my logic chain has one more piece of evidence."

Soon he found the location of the clown, narrowed his eyes slightly, turned off the effect of the true destiny, and continued to move forward, walking in the direction of the clown.

Finally, after about 30 minutes, Lin Yi walked at least several thousand meters and adjusted his direction several times before he finally came to a huge empty place.

This was an empty cave with an area of ​​at least several hundred square meters, and there were more than a dozen different passages connected to the four sides of the cave.

At this time, in the center of the cave, three people were lying on the ground, but there was no clown around, and he seemed to have left here.

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