The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1165 Information, Arrival (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

One day, amidst the ridicule and bullying of a group of people, the clown suddenly exploded.

He pulled out a weapon from nowhere like a madman, killed all those who ridiculed him, and finally rushed into the forest next to Stranddam and disappeared from the public's sight.

Starting from that year, he seemed to appear every 10 years, and then selected hunters to play hide-and-seek.

So far, 100 years have passed, and this incident has not been solved.

Almost every time, 30 to 40 people died. This year, it was his 12th appearance.

The total number of casualties has reached more than 400, and it seems that only 5 people can escape his black hands in the end.

Most of the key information obtained by the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau came from these five survivors.

And these five survivors also spent their lives in fear.

Some people even went to self-destruction in their later years because they could not bear the shadow of the past.

Among these contents, he was most concerned about the confessions left by the five survivors.

The nest seemed to be in a closed underground, full of passages.

Those passages were made of many tree roots and soil.

The passages were full of corpses, some of which were entangled by branches, some of which were hung on branches, and there were many snakes, insects, rats and ants.

It was like a desperate hell.

These passages were very large, usually with a diameter of 7 or 8 meters, enough for more than a dozen people to run at the same time.

In the process of being hunted, it seemed that every time a person was killed, the clown's body would grow bigger, until finally, his height would grow to the size of the passage.

It's not that no one thought of resisting, and some people even attacked the clown when he first appeared.

When the clown was the same size as them, his strength far exceeded theirs.

In the confession of one of them, they had a strongman who had been exercising since childhood, had a muscular body and infinite strength.

Facing a clown who was a circle smaller than him, his attack seemed to be useless.

The clown's limbs were directly cut off by the clown's mutant hands, and his head was cut off while screaming.

That horrific scene was deeply reflected in the confessor's mind, and eventually led him to the final self-destruction.

At this time, Lin Yi also paid attention to one point. All the people caught by the clown lost consciousness the first time they saw him.

And all the people who escaped, when they led the police back to the place where they escaped, could not find the mysterious underground maze at all.

Everyone appeared in a different place, and the only commonality was that they were all near Stranddam.

All of this content told Lin Yi a message that this clown was very dangerous.

"Judging from all the information displayed, this clown has several characteristics."

"First, after catching someone, he will not kill him immediately. He will seem to fall into a coma when he sees him."

"Second, at the same size, the clown also has powerful strength, which is not something ordinary people can contend with."

"Third, as the game progresses, the more people he kills, the taller the clown will be."

"Fourth, as long as you can escape the maze, you can avoid the clown's continued pursuit, but this fear seems to be rooted in the mind, and ordinary people can't bear it, and will eventually go to self-destruction."

"In summary, everyone who encounters this clown will eventually die, but one dies slowly and the other dies quickly."

Lin Yi quickly analyzed some information about this clown hunting ghost story.

He looked at Zhao Hongxia, "Have you ever tried to eliminate him?"

Zhao Hongxia glanced at him and said calmly, "Someone tried it 20 years ago."

"They implanted a micro high-explosive bomb in the body."

"Then they selected an 18-year-old assassin."

"The Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau at the time, after layers of speculation and various deductions, found the location where the clown appeared and sent the assassin over."

"The assassin was successfully captured, and the high-explosive bomb was successfully detonated, covering the clown in the range of the explosion."

"In that incident, there was a last survivor who escaped, and from him we confirmed the success of the explosion."

"But the final result was terrible, and the clown did not suffer any major damage?"

"According to the confession of the escapee, the clown was indeed injured at first, and his body The body was blown into several sections."

"But his body quickly re-fused together and restored its original appearance."

"This means that the body of the clown cannot be destroyed physically."

"It conforms to our definition of a strange event. A strange event cannot be destroyed by violence."

"It is necessary to find its deepest logical chain to truly destroy the existence of a strange event."

"A terrible thing happened in the next 10 years, which was the clown event 10 years ago."

"You also saw from the information that the number of deaths reached hundreds of people that time."

"Our human and rough interference triggered the escalation of the clown strange event."

"Once again verified the iron law of strange events we once made."

"Cannot interfere with the strange event itself physically."

Lin Yi nodded when he heard this. He also saw this in the content of the information.

For this clown ghost story incident, he could get a lot of information from the data alone, but he didn't see any information that could eliminate the clown.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Zhao Hongxia, "Are you sure that every ghost story incident has its own logical chain?"

"We are very sure, because looking back at the past history, all the ghost story worlds that have been eliminated started from the logical chain."

"The so-called logical chain, I think this ghost story incident will definitely follow one or several rules to operate."

"We found its core rules and interfered with the normal operation principle of this rule,"

"It will eventually lead to the destruction of the ghost story."

"Based on all the information we have now, the logical chain should be the root cause of the existence of the ghost story."

Lin Yi listened to Zhao Hongxia's explanation and nodded slightly, "I understand."

"Then next, it's time to go and see this mysterious clown in person."

The discussion on the plane ended after a while.

Time always passes quickly.

At 8:00 in the evening, the plane slowly descended and landed at an airport.

It is now 6 o'clock in the morning in the United States. The sun has just risen in the sky and dawn has arrived.

When Zhao Hongxia and Lin Yi got off the plane, a black jeep had already parked below.

A white man with blond hair was standing in front of the iron ladder of the plane door, quietly waiting for them.

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