The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1156 Glory, Interrogation (First Update)

In the reflection of the mirror in Lin Yi's eyes, the human skin granny saw its own eyes.

The human skin granny seemed to be stunned at this moment, and its eyes saw its own face in Lin Yi's eyes.

The whole person seemed to be caught in some kind of mechanical contradiction.

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Suddenly, his body began to twist violently, and her hands grabbed her head.

The next moment, its hands pulled a piece of old human skin off its body.

Then, the bloody human skin granny disappeared in the twisting.

There was only a thick stack of human skin clothes left on the ground, which seemed to be from the dead.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes changed again.

Under the power of the true source of life, it turned into his own eyes again.

This is what he thought of, using the rules of the human skin granny itself to eliminate it.

If others can't see the face of the human skin granny, can it see its own face?

Now there is an answer.

The human-skinned woman disappeared, and Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

A trace of thought appeared in his eyes, "This time we can verify two conclusions."

"The phenomenon of strange talk may be destroyed by its own characteristics."

"The composition of the phenomenon of strange talk seems to be related to a large number of people who know about strange talk."

At this moment, Lin Yi's pupils shrank slightly, and a strange light appeared in front of his eyes.

This light cannot see the color, but it can make people realize that it is light.

This light floats quietly in front of him, exactly where the human-skinned woman disappeared just now.

Lin Yi was thinking in his heart, and directly stretched out his hand to grab this piece of light.

As he touched this piece of light, it flowed directly into his heart like an invisible thing.

Lin Yi could clearly see that a group of independent light appeared in his true destiny and heart.

He could feel that this group of light seemed to have a mysterious power.

This power is somewhat similar to the indescribable power displayed by the Gate of Truth, and also somewhat similar to the power of spiritual waves and true destiny.

He suppressed the urge to explore this group of light in his heart.

He looked at Kong Shunlin, who had been squatting on the ground and trembling.

"The human-skinned woman has been dealt with, but you should wait another 15 minutes before opening your eyes."

"After 30 minutes, everything will be completely safe."

"Then I'll leave first, bye."

After that, Li Suinian left without looking back, and did not communicate much with Kong Shunlin.

At this time, Kong Shunlin's heart was full of contradictions when he heard Lin Yi's words.

He wanted to open his eyes, but he didn't dare.

He was afraid that everything that had just happened was done by the human-skinned woman to shake him.

He could only close his eyes and wait quietly, not daring to say much.

At this time, Lin Yi had quickly left Kuanzhai Street.

The mysterious light group that appeared after the elimination of the human-skinned woman gave him a premonition that this might allow him to get in touch with the deeper secrets of this world.

Just less than 10 minutes after he left, a black van appeared in Kuanzhai Street.

They directly blocked Kong Shunlin's house and rushed in quickly, led by Zhao Hongxia from the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau.

All other combatants were fully armed and occupied the commanding heights and key positions around.

Zhao Hongxia came to the second floor alone, wearing a special pair of glasses.

These glasses are a camera device that transmits the contents of the camera directly into Zhao Hongxia's brain in the form of some kind of electric current information.

This method is a special equipment that appears to avoid looking directly at the face of the human skin grandmother.

Even if she is a God-given person, if she falls into the logical chain of strange events, she will die.

Every time they target different strange events, they will first understand the information.

Then they make high-tech products in a targeted manner to prevent themselves from falling into the logical chain of strange events.

Through the mysterious glasses camera on her face, she saw the human skin clothes emitting a foul smell on the ground.

And Kong Shunlin who had been squatting in front of the gate.

A trace of solemnity flashed through her heart. She looked left and right, but did not find the mysterious human skin grandmother.

Thinking of this, she immediately picked up the intercom, "The scene is safe, send the processing team up immediately."

Soon, a group of people in biochemical suits had come up, and each of them lowered their heads and entered the passage.

After they came up, they immediately started to divide the work. First, they carefully put the human skin clothes on the ground into a special box they carried.

Kong Shunlin, who was squatting on the side, was lifted up by several people and directly put on handcuffs, leg cuffs, and restraints.

Before Kong Shunlin had time to resist, he was tied up like a dumpling and couldn't move at all.

Zhao Hongxia's face showed a trace of solemnity. Today's scene was completely different from the past.

First of all, the hunted person was alive, and secondly, the human skin clothes that the human skin grandmother should have been wearing were left at the scene.

What does this mean? She already had an idea in her mind.

"The human skin grandmother was solved? What happened?"

Thinking of this, she followed Kong Shunlin with a gloomy face and left here. Next, she would interrogate him as soon as possible.

As for the scene, it would be solved by others.


In an independent interrogation room, Zhao Hongxia had already appeared in front of Kong Shunlin.

Behind a wall of the interrogation room, Supervisor Bai, Colonel Tie, and Director Zhang all appeared here.

They all looked at the scene in front of them cautiously.

At this time, Zhao Hongxia was interrogating Kong Shunlin.

"Hello, Kong Shunlin?"

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Zhao Hongxia, and I belong to a special department."

"I arrested you to understand the incident of the human skin grandmother. What happened at the scene?"

"Please answer truthfully. If you hide anything, I can't guarantee that you can get out alive."

Kong Shunlin was so scared at this time that he trembled at Zhao Hongxia's cold face.

As an ordinary person, how could he bear such pressure? He directly told everything he had encountered without hiding anything.

Zhao Hongxia frowned slightly when she heard what he said.

"You said you only heard these conversations throughout the whole process, but you are not sure whether they really happened?"

"Yes, I am absolutely not lying."

"You said that you asked for help from the person who posted on the forum, and the other party promised to come and save you?"

"Yes, but I don't know whether he showed up later. I only heard his voice."

"But I still have records of my conversations with that person on my phone, and even voice messages. You can check if you don't believe me."

Zhao Hongxia was thoughtful when she heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said slowly.

"Okay, I believe what you said."

After that, she turned around and left here.

Kong Shunlin on the side exclaimed, "What should I do? Let me go."

Zhao Hongxia did not pay attention to Kong Shunlin's shouting, but opened the door and left directly.

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