The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1147 Phone call, arrest (second update)

After saying that, Lin Yi turned around and left the gold shop, and began to walk on the street, looking around with a strange look.

The weather was very hot, and the air was filled with heat everywhere.

There were not many people on the street, and almost no one was willing to appear outside except for those who had to work.

The street fell into his eyes, giving him a feeling that was both strange and familiar.

"I always feel that I have been away for a long time."

Just then, his phone suddenly rang.

He looked down and saw three words on it - Pug.

A familiar person emerged in his mind.

He worked in a company that specialized in selling air purifiers.

His job was to handle various orders, shipping, and other clerical work in the company.

The monthly salary was only about 4,000 yuan, with five insurances and one housing fund, basically he would not starve to death, but he would not live a good job.

As for wanting to buy a house, it was basically a dream.

Pug was his immediate superior, the manager of the cargo department, who often made trouble for him.

The moment the call was connected, a rough voice inside cursed.

"Lin Yi, why didn't you come to work today?"

"Do you want to be absent from work? Believe it or not, I will deduct three days' salary from you."

Listening to the violent voice of the manager he labeled as a pug, Lin Yi's face was indifferent.

"I won't go to work from today. Don't call me if you have nothing to do."

He hung up the phone directly after saying that.

On the other side of the phone was an office. The pug general manager looked at the hung up phone with a furious face.

"Damn guy, how dare he, doesn't he want to do it?"

But the next moment he suddenly stopped, the other party really didn't want to do it.

His heart was filled with evil fire, but there was nowhere to vent.

The call from the pug general manager interrupted Lin Yi's sightseeing.

He looked around and walked into a hotel.

He came to the front desk and looked at the hotel receptionist and said, "Book for 10 days first."

The receptionist heard the words and immediately began to check him in enthusiastically.

A few minutes later, Lin Yi came to the top floor of the hotel.

This is a chain hotel, and his room is on the top floor.

This hotel is about 20 stories high, and the king-size bed room on the top floor has a floor-to-ceiling window, from which you can see the bustling scene outside.

Furong City is located inland, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and belongs to the basin area.

It is 10 o'clock in the morning, and from where he is, he can even see the mountains in the distance under the sunlight, and the top of the mountain is white.

In the room, Lin Yi sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, looking down at the magnificent city below, he fell into a trace of contemplation.

"The situation is a bit complicated now."

"I have to face several situations."

"First, the consumption of spiritual waves on Blue Star is very huge. My true destiny can deal with a certain degree of danger, but it cannot last long, so I have to stay away from danger before finding a way to increase the upper limit of spiritual waves."

"Second, living on Blue Star requires money, which can be well solved by relying on the root of true destiny."

"Third, the Wanshiwu and the eternal nature are completely dormant. I can't wake them up. There is no way to make them change from the spiritual state to the material state again. I need to find a solution."

"Fourth, Blue Star seems to be different from the Blue Star I am familiar with. There is an inexplicable phenomenon such as the human skin grandmother in this world, and even the true destiny cannot completely resist it. I need to be vigilant about this strange phenomenon and try to find the reason."

"Fifth, Blue Star is a place without any energy, and the power of any energy system cannot be used. Then, can the power system of the doomsday world be used on this Blue Star? You can try to summarize and summarize, and re-master a supernatural power system that can be used on Blue Star in addition to the true destiny power system."

After careful analysis, Lin Yi already has some ideas about what he is going to do now.

The most important thing is to stay away from danger, explore strength, and after being prepared, try to understand the world again.

In the afternoon, Lin Yi went to a nearby shopping mall to buy some clothes.

The nearby shopping mall is a place called Renren Shopping Mall. There are many people here even during the day.

Especially some uncles and aunts, they all walk here to enjoy the air conditioning.

Lin Yi quickly came to the men's clothing area, picked and chose, and finally chose about four or five sets of summer clothes, and a few pairs of shoes.

Carrying large and small bags, he came to the front desk to check out.

Just as he finished checking out and left from another exit of the mall.

Suddenly, a group of fully armed mysterious people rushed out from all around the exit and rushed directly towards him.

Lin Yi saw this scene and felt awe in his heart, but he did not choose to hide.

Instead, he let the other party catch him and then put on handcuffs.

These people didn't say a word and directly pulled Lin Yi into a black van.

Eight black vans had been parked outside the exit at some point, and there were no photos or signs on them.

Lin Yi was in the van, carefully observing the surroundings and these people. They were all wearing black combat uniforms and hoods, looking like robbers.

Lin Yi pretended to be innocent and confused, as if he had no idea what was going on.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me? I'm just an ordinary citizen?"

Lin Yi asked three questions in a row, but the mysterious people who caught him didn't say a word.

They just looked at him quietly. There were two people holding guns opposite him, pointing them at him.

It seemed that if he dared to make any move, he would be shot into a sieve.

Seeing that no one spoke, Lin Yi stopped asking and just waited quietly.

The glass windows in the car were all covered with black curtains, and he couldn't see outside at all.

The cab and the rear car were also separated by curtains. Lin Yi only knew that the car was running, but he didn't know where it would go.

However, although he no longer had all kinds of powers, his spiritual destiny still existed.

The information of memory has never disappeared. Even with the information from his senses, hearing and eyes, he can simulate the direction and distance of the car in his mind.

This is the only supernatural ability he has mastered so far.

You can imagine that the memory palace in the TV series Sherlock Holmes is not much different from his current thinking ability.

The journey was very fast, and an hour later, he could judge that he had left Furong City.

Since we are here, we should make the best of it.

Lin Yi waited quietly. He felt that the person who suddenly appeared this time might allow him to get in touch with some truth of this world.

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