The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 114 Records, Premonitions (3rd update)

He is a peerless martial arts genius from the royal family.

Only with countless natural treasures can one enter the path of human immortality.

But this time, the incident of Honglian Moro made many people see something wrong.

It is impossible for a master of human immortality to appear a hundred years ago without leaving any trace.

All forces that are long enough and have various records have noticed the problem.

Considering the changes in the world today, they feel that there may be some connection between them.

However, Lin Yi didn't know these. After getting the report and the gift, he returned to his bedroom.

The Wanshiwu was directly thrown to Brandy to take care of.

In the bedroom, Lin Yi walked to his bookshelf.

Reached out and took out his "Strange Event Book".

Began to summarize this incident.

The elegant man wrote down the main content of this time in the event book.

Case No. 21

Time: February 10, 2020, Red Lotus Calendar

Location: Lan Kwai Fong, Lotus Street

Event: Lan Kwai Fong disappearance incident

Black-clothed Blood Department consultant task, after investigation, the whole incident in Lan Kwai Fong originated from the former prince Honglian Moro.

This person obtained the "Hundred Life Corpse Immortal Array" with the intention of transforming himself into a corpse immortal, so as to obtain immortality.

The processing process is extremely complicated, and the members of the Black-clothed Blood Department were combined to crack the spiritual space array eye of the "Hundred Life Corpse Immortal Array".

In the end, Honglian Moro was destroyed because the formation was broken and the transformation of the corpse immortal failed.

According to the results of the Blood Department's investigation, the incident seems to be a conspiracy that has lasted for a hundred years, and there is a mysterious black hand behind it, which is worth noting.

Harvest: A spiritual jade.

Writing here, Lin Yi stopped the pen in his hand, looked at it carefully and nodded.

"Another thrilling event, I really look forward to the future of the event book."

With a smile, Lin Yi closed the event book and put it back on the bookshelf.

Only then did he have time to carefully study the compensation sent by Blood Department Minister Yin Xueli - the spiritual jade.

Opening the wooden box, Lin Yi took out the spiritual jade. The moment he touched it, he felt a tingling sensation in his fingers.

As if he was electrocuted, a faint wave spread from the spiritual jade.

Along his fingers, it rushed into his body.

The essence in the body became more active at this moment.

The resonance between the essence and the outside world also became more intense at the same time.

Faintly, Lin Yi felt countless essences beating in his abdomen.

A faint sense of heat constantly appeared and disappeared in the resonance with the energy of the outside world.

"Hey, is this a precursor to the condensation of the spirit pool?"

The symbol of entering the human immortal path is to condense the spirit pool, but the spirit pool is a gift from heaven and cannot be achieved by human force.

Since ancient times, even in this era, I don't know how many people have cultivated to the peak.

But they just can't break through this last layer of condensed spirit pool. At this level, luck occupies too much probability.

Lin Yi felt the feeling coming from his abdomen and immediately realized that this might be a precursor to condensation.

However, there was still a pain between the chest and abdomen at this time, and the blood circulation was a little blocked, and he was thinking about something.

"The damage to Lan Kwai Fong has not healed yet. Maybe when I am fully recovered and completely restored to my peak state, it will be my time to break through."

Looking at the spiritual jade in his hand, Lin Yi's eyes flashed with green light.

The structure of the spiritual jade appeared clearly in his eyes.

In the depths of the spiritual jade, a ray of mysterious light wandered in the spiritual jade.

This ray of mysterious light emitted a faint wave.

This wave has a strong attraction to the free energy around it.

Let the energy around it approach it spontaneously.

At this time, Lin Yi took it in his hand, and this wave also enveloped Lin Yi's whole body.

This caused the energy concentration around Lin Yi to increase a lot.

Among these countless energies, a kind of golden energy has the highest concentration.

This energy seems to have a considerable connection with the "Great Power Vajra Seal Method" in Lin Yi's body.

Lin Yi observed this scene and thought about something in his heart.

"That is to say, each kind of skill attracts different energy from heaven and earth?"

"The Spirit Pool is completely a matter of luck. Is it related to the nature of this energy?"

"Maybe you can learn about it from the Blood Department."

"This is an official agency. They must have enough knowledge about martial arts."

"I am really stupid. Why didn't I think of this?"

A hint of joy appeared on Lin Yi's face. His knowledge of martial arts was actually limited.

Most of it was obtained from the old man and Sakuramiya Shirley.

But now that it has the official status of a supernatural agency, it would be a fool not to use it.

Using the power of the entire country to study martial arts information is naturally more complete and systematic.

Lin Yi felt the impact of the changes in the world of the Red Lotus Realm all the way.

He knew very well that this power had begun to break the secular balance of power.

As a ruling agency, the Red Lotus Empire was naturally the first to discover the problem of world changes.

He didn't need to think about it to know that the Red Lotus Empire would definitely invest a lot of manpower and material resources.

To study martial arts, which has been passed down since the mysterious era.

Otherwise, there would not be so many martial arts halls, and there would be no such thing as a martial arts practice list.

This is the Red Lotus Empire promoting the revival of martial arts while selecting talented people from the public to enter the imperial system.

In the past, Lin Yi did not understand why the Red Lotus Empire would spare no effort to promote the expansion of martial arts.

Since ancient times, knights have violated the law with martial arts.

When great power belongs to oneself, it is definitely not a good thing for the ruling body.

The stable national structure will inevitably be affected.

But when Lin Yi knew about the weird side hidden in the dark and the various weird events that kept appearing, he figured out what was going on.

All this is to fight against the weird tests and various weird events in the dark.

It is impossible to rely solely on the official Red Lotus Empire. It is necessary to increase the number of civilian martial artists.

Only then can a large number of talented masters be selected to continuously provide new forces for the system.

The system has great appeal to most ordinary martial arts masters.

This is something that the weird side or other forces cannot provide.

The purpose of the Red Lotus Empire is very simple. Through its own research on martial arts and the joining of countless martial arts masters, it can complete the crushing of quality by quantity.

At the same time, it also continuously improves the quality of the strong in its own system, completing the complete crushing from quality to quantity.

"The naked kingly way, with infinite resources, piles up strong people."

"Then there must be very detailed research materials on martial arts."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi directly called Huang Yiming.


"Mr. Lin Yi, what do you want?"

"It's like this, I want to ask, with my authority, whether I am qualified to check various information about martial arts."

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