The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1115 Action and Response (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

Endless power poured down, and arms were shattered in an instant.

Countless strange essences were exposed, swept by the spiritual waves in an instant, integrated into the deepest part of Lin Yi's mind, and then transformed.

The huge light continued to go down to the abyss, and everything was visible to the naked eye, collapsing.

I don't know how long the light has been falling, and finally penetrated the entire abyss and blasted into the strange ocean.

And the entire strange abyss was completely opened.

However, the Wanshiwu did not enter it, but appeared in another strange place with a flash.

He wanted to remove the next abyss channel, and each abyss channel could also provide him with a large amount of strange essence.

Now he has to do his best to expand the upper limit of the spiritual wave crazily and start preparing for the war against the holy land.

His clones, one of which is still monitoring somewhere in the strange continent.

One is looking for a place of life in the strange ocean.

One has returned to the original body after completing the fusion of the marine life place and the Wanshiwu.

After destroying three abyssal passages in succession, the Wanshiwu finally began to head towards the Weird Ocean.

He was going to start cleaning up the countless weird beings in the Weird Ocean, especially the two weird corpses that were suspected to be at the sub-real level.

After a while, the Wanshiwu arrived at the Weird Ocean.

Its arrival seemed to have cast a bait in the ocean, and countless weird beings were attracted and rushed towards the Wanshiwu frantically.

Of course, this was also because the Wanshiwu deliberately released countless life breaths in the internal marine life land.

The pot exploded, and countless terrifying beings surged.

They were densely packed and crowded with each other, and soon filled the area of ​​countless coordinate points around.

The next moment, infinite eternal nature brilliance burst out.

Along with the brilliance of the spiritual wave, it swept around and eliminated all the countless weird beings that were attracted.

Countless weird essences were swept away in an instant and harvested by Lin Yi.

In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi felt the harvested weird essence, and a trace of joy appeared in his eyes.

His weird essence has reached 50,000 times before the destruction of the weird land.

And this number will continue to rise. As long as there are weird things, it will never end.

"Weird things are really my lucky star. If I can absorb all the spiritual residues harvested for countless years, I will definitely be able to do it."

"Even if I can't condense the infinite true destiny, there is probably no existence that can kill me."

"Fortunately, I have integrated the land of marine life, and countless eternal properties and the origin of the world have been driven. Under the power of spiritual waves, I have the power to destroy the world."

"In this case, it is only a matter of time to level the true foundation of the holy land group."

"Hehe, this is a good thing."

At this moment, Lin Yi's face suddenly condensed, and the clone of the weird continent transmitted the information to his original body.

Ten terrifying weird things left the weird continent.

They were heading towards a direction in the weird ocean, as if they wanted to go somewhere.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi made a quick decision and asked the clone to follow them. He must figure out what these weird things are going to do.

These weird things are all filled with weird essences similar to spiritual waves, as well as the breath of true destiny.

"Are they real people or sub-real people from the Weird Continent?"

"What do you want to do with such a large force?"

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he felt that this should have a special meaning.

The main body continued to harvest the weird, and the clone closely followed the weirds that left.

He also passed this news to the president through a note.

The president who got the news will naturally inform the super world alliances.

A huge change is brewing, which will affect countless people.

The Holy Land, Qiyao and Fanxing have returned.

And the moment they returned, they felt dozens of eyes.

The two of them looked gloomy, and a wisp of thought had appeared in the dark land.

Here, the thoughts of the group of real people are gathered here.

Daojie looked at them with a serious face and said.

"What did you encounter on this trip?"

"How did Zhengyi fall?"

Qiyao and Fanxing looked at each other, and only heard Qiyao say.

"The situation is like this..."

After the voice fell, he raised his hand and waved, and a picture appeared in the sky of this dark land.

Everyone looked at the content of the screen. The screen passed very quickly, almost at a hundred times the speed.

But for the group of real people, this speed had no effect.

In just a few minutes, they had watched the whole battle process.

Daojie narrowed his eyes slightly, and the source of the power that killed Zhengyi at the end made him feel a little familiar.

"It seems that it should be him, he is really restless."

"But since his whereabouts have been revealed, it will be easy to deal with."

Not only him, but other real people and Yazhen also noticed the source of this power.

Chihuang said in disbelief, "Is this the Supreme True Destiny?"

"It should be the Supreme True Destiny."

"Otherwise it would never have such power."

Hei Nu said in a low voice, with a trace of solemnity in her eyes.

Many real people were shocked in their hearts. If they could catch the person behind the Supreme True Destiny.

If they can figure out the secret of condensing the Supreme True Destiny, they will undoubtedly go one step further in condensing the Supreme True Destiny in the future.

In an instant, many real people had plans in their hearts.

"Without further delay, start mobilizing people."

"I'm afraid six Yazhen are not enough, at least 8 or more."

Dao Jie made a decisive decision and no one objected.

The group of real people quickly reached an agreement and selected 10 Yazhen.

Six of them came from Zhenren's command, and only four were from the Yazhen Alliance.

This time, Fanxing once again joined the team.

They turned into ten streams of light and rushed towards the distant sea of ​​eternity.

At this time, Swallowing the World, one of the five weirdos in Weird Continent, felt something in his heart.

"Everyone's situation has changed. 10 Yazhen have left the Holy Land."

"We didn't send enough people."

"The 10 Yazhen strong men are not that easy to solve."

"It won't work even if our number is twice as many as theirs."

"At least we can't kill them in a short time."

"At that time, it will attract the attention of the Holy Land and attack the Weird Continent with all its strength."

Mo Xin smiled slyly, "In that case, why not all of us attack."

"Each of them left a clone to deceive those guys in the Holy Land."

"Annihilate those 10 Yazhen with all your strength."

"The holy land will be severely damaged by then, and the reason will not even be found out in a short time."

"We can then return calmly."

"Even if they find out the truth in the end, they can only swallow their anger."

The devil is cunning and vicious, and he will overturn the structure that has been established for countless years with one move.

Best of all, it's not impossible.

Because those guys in the Holy Land don't know that Weiyi already knows all their plans.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Holy Land to fall into a trap.

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