The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1113 Chess Pieces, Charge (Second Update)

"You should also feel the chaos of the True Life Network."

"This is a huge opportunity for us."

"What must have happened to the Holy Land?"

"The only three total wars that have occurred in the past can bring down Yazhen."

"Do you want to test it out?"

"If there's a chance, maybe we can turn around and call the shots."

"Press down the holy soil and turn life and death upside down."

"Let this endless sea of ​​eternity change its owner."

The evil thoughts are full of inexplicable temptations and seem to be able to shake the will of any existence.

"Hmph," Can Tiangui snorted coldly, and the influence of Demonic Mind was eliminated in an instant.

"Of course it's a good thing to change the owner."

"But there are a few here who can survive."

Mo Xinju heard this and said coldly, "Don't forget why we showed up."

"We emerged based on the hope of countless remnants."

"If we cannot fulfill this hope, we will never be able to go any further."

"If we can't turn life and death upside down and make them pay the price, we will eventually be drowned by hope as many as the sands of the Ganges."

"The longer it goes on, the bigger this flood will become."

"Don't you really think that because we are so detached and strange, we can forget the past?"

“Never forget why we were born.”

The strange thoughts of the devil are remembered in all strange minds.

Abyss's thoughts were shaken, "Devil's Heart is right, we are in crisis now."

"Countless hopes cannot always wait for us."

"They are eager for war, eager to reverse life and death, and return again."

"Even we can't keep fighting forever."

"There are obviously huge problems with the changes in the Holy Land, and we must seize this opportunity."

"But first we need to know what happened."

"Extinction, I know that you have arranged a chess piece for countless years, and you should activate it now."

"Have you received any news?"

Jue Miegui, who had been silent all this time, thought for a while and spoke slowly.

"I have been arranging that chess piece for countless years, and it was really hard to get into their ranks."

"It cost countless people and even killed a different person."

"This time it finally paid off. The truth is simple."

"A place of life called the Central Continent condensed the true life of the world and killed Zhengyi under the Daojie clan."

"I heard that the Central Continent is Zhengyi's hometown. This matter has alarmed all the real people and Yazhen."

"There are three places of life that condense the true life of the world, and the Central Continent is just one of them."

"They are all waiting for Fanxing and Qiyao to return to understand the detailed situation, and then use all their strength to extinguish the place of life where the true life is condensed."

"Their goal is to get the world's true destiny and want to deduce the supreme true destiny."

"The Supreme Life requires at least 108 eternal qualities."

"You should also know that every time the true life increases by an order of magnitude, the difficulty increases exponentially."

"Especially during the gestation process, if there is a problem, it will collapse and directly lead to death."

"The world's true destiny is composed of dozens, hundreds, or even tens of thousands of eternal qualities, and it can still be in a stable prototype state of true destiny. This is abnormal in itself."

"I'm afraid their purpose is to find the mystery."

"Ultimately helping them break through the limitations of their supreme destiny."

"You also know that once they really break through the Supreme Life, it means they can go to that place."

"Once they break through, they will truly transcend."

“And we will be overwhelmed with hope and ultimately return to reinvention.”

Jue Mie Wei's words attracted all Wei's attention and worries.

“But it’s also a huge opportunity.”

Tunjie Gui, one of the Five Gui, said slowly, "If they really want to obtain the world's true destiny, they will definitely send a large amount of force."

“And at that time, it was a huge opportunity for us as well.”

"We can quietly intercept and kill the people they send out."

"Then we will gather all our strength to attack the Holy Land, take advantage of their weakening strength, and destroy them all."

"Since they dare to split their forces into two groups, they must be prepared to die."

The thoughts of Tun Jiegui echoed coldly, and all the tricks were caused by a movement in his heart.

“This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

"Keep an eye on the Holy Land. As long as they make any changes, we must prepare immediately."

"But we have to find a way to prevent them from noticing our actions."

"Those guys are not fools, they will definitely guard against us."

"If we don't react to something as big as the death of a real life, it will arouse their suspicion."

The abyss spoke coldly.

"Then take action first and let them think they have a chance to win."

"That's a good idea."

"You can try."

Thinking of this, their eyes showed a hint of coldness.

Then, one after another orders were transmitted to the entire strange continent, and countless strange people became even more crazy, risking their lives and rushing towards the opposite side of the glorious cave.

He didn't care at all about his own casualties and losses.

The strange sudden change immediately attracted the attention of the real people.

In the dark place, a group of true figures appeared here, and their eyes noticed the changes in the strange continent.

Daojie's eyes flickered slightly, and he saw that the strange was making a larger-scale charge.

"It seems that the strange has also noticed the changes in the Holy Land and is preparing to take action."

"Everyone should suppress them with all their strength first, and when they know that they can't break through,"

"Even if they have doubts, they can only stop and return to the original state."

"It should be so," the group of true people nodded indifferently.

The next moment, their bodies were where the true destiny flashed one after another, and blessed countless Holy Land races.

The violent power pressed down madly, suppressing all the strange, making them unable to move forward.

The mighty attack swept in, and one by one the strange turned into ashes in the war.

The cruel battle continued, and the entire Holy Land seemed to have burst out with all its strength.

The true destiny network seemed to have taken effect, and the power of dozens of true destiny could be combined to bless one person.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Holy Land underwent a huge change.

Defense, attack, speed, all abilities will increase by tens or hundreds of times.

He became an unkillable, indestructible, and invulnerable existence, an invincible and perfect soldier.

For a moment, the suppressed weirdness could not break out of the huge hole, and could only be reduced to being wiped out.

The huge power was constantly shaking, and many weirds on the weird continent also saw the problem.

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