The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1109 Methods and Improvements (Second Update)

Now, he absolutely did not want the Land of Life to be harvested and destroyed by the Holy Land.

Whether the Holy Land finally destroyed these true lives or used them for its own purposes, these true lives would have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, a decision flashed through his mind.

"I have a way, maybe I can avoid the pursuit of the Holy Land."

"What method?"

"We move the entire Land of Life into the spiritual level."

"There is endless darkness there, naturally isolated from all exploration."

"You can only use the most primitive means to search, and the spiritual level covers all coordinates."

"You can go to any coordinate point through the spiritual level."

"We just need to send some people to explore distant coordinates in the "empty"."

"If we find a suitable place, we can return to the "empty" from the spiritual level."

Hearing Huang's suggestion, both of them were moved.

This is indeed a great idea. The spiritual level naturally isolates any power from searching.

Although it is also very dangerous there, and it is said that there has always been indescribable dangers, it is also very safe compared to the empty.

The three of them had an answer, and then each returned to their own Land of Life.

Their thoughts communicated with all the intelligent life in the world, and even the origin of the land of life.

All the spiritual masters will use their full strength to transform the entire land of life into the spirit.

It is not a profound method to transform all things into the spiritual state. As long as you master the power of the mind, you can do it.

The majestic spiritual power, led by the God Emperor Dragon, quickly covered the entire central land of life.

Everything in the world seemed to be covered, and the central land of life began to become illusory, as if it was entering an inexplicable level.

As if it sank into another level, it completely disappeared from the air.

And the other lands of sentient beings and the void also began to transform into spiritual states.

This extremely magical scene shocked countless beings.

Even Lin Yi of the Wanshiwu was shocked by their methods.

"These guys are really bold."

"They turned the entire land of life into a spiritual state."

"But this is indeed a way, hiding in the spiritual level."

"We can only search through the most primitive means."

"But this method should be full of countless dangers."

"There are countless lands of life and countless beings who have mastered the power of the mind throughout the ages. Don't they know how to enter the spiritual level?"

"It shouldn't be that they can't, but that they don't want to. The spiritual scene may be more dangerous than imagined."

"And that group of sub-real and real people, they have the true destiny, can the spiritual level really avoid their eyes?"

Lin Yi shook his head slightly, full of doubts.

Not to mention others, even he, through the true destiny, can locate the coordinates of a life at the spiritual level.

The Holy Land Continent has existed for so long, and there must be similar means.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many lands of life that have been harvested again and again without any way out.

"It seems that I have to remind them."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi located the location of the void through the contract he had signed.

A ray of thought has been transmitted to the minds of those creators.

After doing all this, Lin Yi continued his work.

At this time, he has differentiated into three clones.

One of them has been staying at the border of the continent of the weird origin, watching the war between the weird and the holy land.

One is located in the ocean life land of the Wanshiwu, commanding all employees to repair and organize this life land.

Another clone continues to look for a new life land along the barrier of the weird fog ocean.

The main body is sitting in the Wanshiwu, presiding over everything, and transforming one eternal nature after another.

This is a long accumulation. Now what he needs to do is to collect more spiritual origins.

Now he has only three places to collect spiritual origins.

The first is the rebuilt marine life land, the second is the central life land, and the third is the void life land.

All living beings have their own wishes. Even if these three places have constituted a pure order, they cannot stop the desire of all living beings for more things.

Because they always have differences in order levels.

All of this will be done by the workers of Wanshiwu. The members of the One Billion Creators and Ten Million Resistors have already started their official work.

Every moment, Wanshiwu will continue to look for suitable lives through the Wish Shrine.

And their hard work provides Lin Yi with a large amount of spiritual essence.

These spiritual essences are constantly shaping perfect eternal wheel-level eternal natures based on the information of eternal nature.

After this period of hard accumulation, he has created thousands of eternal natures again.

But none of these thousands of eternal natures can light up the handprint.

Although he is helpless, Lin Yi can only continue.

This is purely a matter of luck. Even if he wants to take a shortcut, it is impossible.

Unless he has a large amount of spiritual essence, he can convert all the information of 500 billion eternal natures into eternal nature in a short time.

"Maybe I need to be more radical."

"If I want to collect enough spiritual essences simply by relying on the power of the Wish Shrine, I don't know when it will be."

"Can we think of some ways to get from the Holy Land?"

"Steal the spiritual energy they have?"

"Taking away the enemy's supplies is also a kind of weakening for them."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, "But my current spiritual wave limit has not changed much for a long time."

"If you want to walk freely on the Holy Land, avoid being discovered by them."

"The spiritual wave limit must be increased by at least 1,000 times."

Thinking of this, he already had a plan in his mind, "Then we must slaughter the weird."

A hint of cold light appeared in his eyes, and Wanshiwu had entered the weird land after a flash.

This weird land was originally connected to the void.

But now this weird has been excluded by the void and directly exposed to the "void".

Wanshiwu is shrouded in a huge spiritual power, which is the spiritual power of all life from the land of marine life.

Like a candle, it attracted countless weird beings in this weird land.

As if sharks smelled bait, countless weird beings swarmed in and rushed towards the sky.

Strange beings are gathering one after another on the ground.

Countless strange beings are also coming from far away, and strange distortions appear out of thin air in the air of the strange place.

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