The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1084 Illumination, History (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

These caravans all use exotic beasts and floating vehicles.

Most of these exotic beasts have wind under their feet and fly in the air, which is very strange.

The caravans have been lined up from the pass to thousands of miles away, and each caravan must pass the mysterious treasure mirror on the wall of the pass.

Lin Yi's eyes can clearly see that the treasure mirror is connected with various rules.

Especially the 3000 brilliant, with a trace of true life, it is shining like the sun in the treasure mirror.

This treasure mirror seems to cover all the rules of this world. Anyone who wants to pass through the pass will be revealed in detail under the treasure mirror.

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At this time, a blood shadow appeared in a caravan under the shining of the treasure light.

This blood shadow looks very scary, filled with an extremely evil breath.

The person he possessed was already empty inside, with only a piece of skin left, which was covered on the blood shadow.

The blood shadow was illuminated by the precious light, and immediately burst out with a terrifying breath, and flew into the air to escape.

But the soldier guarding the gate, an ordinary city gate soldier stood up.

With a spear in his hand, he pointed to the sky, and a murderous thunder fell from the sky, as fast as lightning.

It fell directly on the blood shadow.


Thunder struck the dry land, and the blood shadow was directly beaten into ashes under the lightning, leaving only a blood-colored crystal.

The crystal fell, and after a strange force, it fell into the hands of the guard.

The guard took the blood crystal and threw it casually into a bamboo basket next to the pass.

There were all kinds of objects in it, flashing all kinds of precious lights. Obviously, these were all left by people who intended to break through the pass.

Only the caravans that have been inspected can pass through this huge Tianshen Pass and enter the inner area.

Lin Yi observed outside for a while, and did not go through the main gate, but directly found a section of the city wall and passed through.

This city wall is very thick, ten feet long, completely solid, without any gaps.

There are countless wonderful arrays inside the city wall, which are connected to the rules of the entire land of life.

This is a detailed method of using the rules of the land of life.

After passing through this city wall, Lin Yi was surprised to find that the vitality in the light curtain was more than a thousand times that of the outside world.

This dense vitality condensed into countless clouds in the sky, almost turning into liquid.

In the air, between breaths, the vitality will be filled into the body, flushing the body and washing away the dirt.

People who live here have bodies comparable to the peak of the mortal path at birth.

With a little polishing and practice, you can step into the level of the human immortal path, according to this world.

People in this place can reach the peak of the mortal level at birth, and a little practice is the warrior level. It is not difficult to reach the true martial level as long as you practice hard.

He could almost imagine that this mysterious Supreme Divine Dynasty must be the most powerful force in this world.

Lin Yi thought to himself, "I wonder if the strongest person in this world is in this Supreme Divine Dynasty."

With a glimmer of expectation in his eyes, Lin Yi looked into the distance.

Countless terrifying auras gathered in a place in the distance, where the vitality was ten thousand times that of the border.

He saw no less than thousands of powerful people at the fourth level of the mind in those auras.

And among them, there were more than a dozen existences connected to the brilliant light of this land of life.

That should be the peak of the combat power in this world, the supreme level.

Lin Yi accelerated infinitely at the wonderful level, and a few hours later, he arrived in front of a huge city.

The area of ​​this city alone is comparable to the total surface area of ​​the entire earth.

The city is magnificent, and palaces gather here one after another.

Even the most ordinary building is a small palace.

And none of the people in this city are ordinary people. The weakest flashes the power of the fairy king level, that is, the level of the heavenly fairy.

Lin Yi looked at the city gate of this city.

There are two huge flashing words written on the city gate - Shendu.

This is the capital of the entire Supreme Divine Dynasty.

It is said that if there are nine powers in the world, this Shendu alone occupies three powers.

This means that 1/3 of the world's powerhouses live here.

However, Lin Yi's arrival still did not attract anyone's attention. He quietly passed through the mysterious city wall and entered the Shendu.

There are extremely strict rules everywhere here, and any disturbance cannot escape the surveillance of this network.

However, these have no effect on Lin Yi, and Zhenming still ignores everything.

Even if the power that is infinitely close to Lingbo can be clearly felt in this network, it will only make him consume a little more at most.

Lin Yi strode leisurely, passing through palaces one after another, and his goal was the center of this Shendu.

There he saw a giant warehouse with countless treasures shining.

He still passed through various power blockades silently, and even penetrated a barrier composed of three thousand brilliant lights, and entered the deepest part of the treasure house.

Almost every treasure collected here contains the power of the lowest level 4 spiritual level.

There are even many weapons made of spiritual crystals. The end of cultivation in this world is also the same, entering the cultivation of the mind.

In just a few days, he has observed all the precious items in this treasure house.

The secrets of these items have been analyzed and have become resources for trading with this world.

He also knows the distant history of this world.

This world has been a complete continent since its birth. This continent is indestructible and seems to be able to carry all the power in the world.

At the beginning of history, countless innate creatures were born. They fought each other and constantly evolved new powers. That was a chaotic era called the Age of Gods and Demons.

A total of three thousand demons were born. Each of them reached the end of their own path and stepped into the extreme of the fourth level of the mind.

The eternal nature they mastered was cultivated by them to the state of unity, surpassing the original crystal of the mind, producing a wonderful qualitative change, and becoming the eternal glory of this world.

In the history that Lin Yi saw, there were too many magical things.

The existence of the three thousand demons surprised him even more.

He didn't expect that these 3,000 rays of panic were created by 3,000 demons.

However, after countless times, there were less than a hundred of these three thousand demons left on this mysterious continent.

Most of them either died or left this world and went to explore unknown mysterious places.

The living innate demon gods gradually established different orders and their own forces on the continent.

The long era of separatism began, which has continued to this day.

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