The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1069 Network, Mountain (Second Update)

Under the brilliance, there is an eternal continent, and the building ship is docked at the border of the continent. There is a huge port here.

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The port is extremely gorgeous, all built with stones of the same color, and the entire port is green.

There are 5 huge building ships of the same form docked near the port, all of which are building ships that go out to capture hearts.

At this time, 5 life forms of different races walked out of the building ships one by one.

The style of each floor is the same, but the flags hanging on the building are different.

Those flags represent the symbol of each clan.

The Baisang clan, this time leading the sea is one of the three elders of the Baisang clan.

Named Baisang Black Dragon, also known as the Black Dragon Elder.

He holds a blue mysterious orb in his hand, and the orb emits the source of the mysterious brilliance that envelopes the entire building ship.

At this time, in addition to this brilliance, countless stars are also shining in this orb.

This multitude of stars is the harvest of this time, all the spiritual brilliance.

It will be sent to the city's treasury by the Black Dragon Elder.

The Black Dragon Elder had a stern face, and there was a strange black dragon pattern at the corner of his eye, which was the source of his name.

The cold thought sounded in everyone's ears, "Let's go, enter the city."

Everyone slowly flew up and quickly arrived at the port pier.

All the people on the 5 ships came here.

One of the teams, led by a four-armed, black-haired, pure gold-skinned alien, had a hint of provocation on his face, and looked at Bai Sang and Black Dragon and sneered.

"Heilong, how did you get this time?"

"Your Baisang clan has failed to meet the minimum standard twice in a row."

"According to the rules, if you are at the bottom again this time, your Baisang clan's salary this year will be reduced a lot."

Heilong heard this, his face was gloomy and cold, "Hehe, Jinluo, don't worry, we have gained a lot this time."

"Your Shenbi clan can't take advantage this time."

"The eternal tide has been opened this time, and a large amount of spiritual light will flow into the eternal sea."

"This time the amount is enough, you don't need to worry."

"Humph, you are lucky." Jinluo of the Shenbi clan said with disdain.

"Otherwise, hehe..."

Obviously, the Shenbi clan and the Baisang clan have a huge conflict, and the two began to confront each other as soon as they landed.

Five teams of people, about 30 in each clan, lined up neatly at the port and walked towards the huge city.

Lin Yi hid in Baisangqi's mind, looking into the distance, where there was a huge black city, entrenched not far from the port.

The whole city is made of black mysterious material, covered with countless mysterious patterns.

And those patterns all exude a majestic spiritual power, and the whole city seems to be a weapon.

Lin Yi carefully observed everything in front of him, and the moment he stepped into this continent.

His eyes saw a terrifying thing.

An unimaginable tight network covers every corner of this holy land.

Even a speck of dust, the most basic particle, is connected to the network.

This means that everything in this holy land is monitored by some kind of power, and any abnormality will be discovered as soon as it appears.

Seeing this scene, a trace of incredible flashed through Lin Yi's mind.

"This network seems to be covered by six different forces."

"The source of these six forces may be the six most powerful existences in this world."

Lin Yi was very cautious, because he saw traces of infinitely close to Lingbo and Zhenming from these six forces.

In other words, these are six existences that are very likely to have mastered Zhenming.

He knows the power of Zhenming too well, if his speculation is true.

With the existence of the true destiny in hand, and the mysterious holy land as an energy reserve, the power that can be exerted is terrifying just to think about.

The power of the true destiny is completely another dimension.

Even Lin Yi dared not show up easily in the face of the current situation.

Because his power limit is far from comparable to the existence behind this mysterious network.

The network constructed by these mysterious existences clearly contains traces of the true destiny.

Coupled with the huge volume, it can completely offset his true destiny advantage.

This makes him hide more deeply, and he dare not show up at will. Once his existence is discovered, he will probably be greeted by overwhelming attacks.

This piece of holy land will become a cage that is extremely tight and will not give him any chance.

At this time, Lin Yi is using the power of the true destiny solution to carefully observe the network of the holy land.

He wants to find the true destiny nature of these six mysterious existences from these networks, and perhaps he can glimpse some of the secrets of the true destiny.

In his observation, he gradually discovered the problem.

In this huge network, there are 6 main true destiny networks.

In addition to these six true destiny networks, there are dozens of smaller network branches.

These small network branches also have the properties of true destiny, and he immediately noticed some problems.

"True destiny is really divided into high and low? Just like the six true destiny I obtained, the true destiny handprints that constitute them are also different."

"So the effects are completely different, and there is a certain degree of effect difference."

His eyes fell on those weaker networks. The weaker they are, the easier it is to analyze.

As long as he can analyze the nature of a network, he may be able to touch the true essence of this world.

However, he soon discovered the problem. In order to observe the network of the true destiny, he consumed an extremely alarming amount of spiritual waves.

From 1/10 to 1/5, and finally to 1/2, he saw some traces in a network.

He could only see countless information flowing inside, which was fleeting and shrouded in a layer of light silver light and was not real.

He immediately realized a problem. If he wanted to watch the true destiny, his spiritual wave limit was not enough.

At least it had to be improved by thousands of times on the existing basis before it was possible to truly see the true destiny nature of these mysterious existences in the holy land.

After learning about this situation, Lin Yi immediately gave up continuing to explore the back of this network.

He planned to explore the basic information of this mysterious holy land in the next period of time.

Then he could complete the contract with the Milky Way.

At this time, on a huge mountain in the east of the holy land, a figure sat quietly on a 12-grade golden lotus platform.

He and the entire mountain top were shrouded in a faint golden light, which was a power far beyond the mind.

It was a radiance of the same nature as Lingbo.

On the golden lotus platform sat a man in golden robes.

He had a perfect appearance, the same as a human, except for a little golden mark between his eyebrows, revealing an unimaginable temperament.

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