The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1063: Crisis, Hidden Dangers (Second Update)

These undercurrents are not just the impact of water, but the changes of countless coordinate points.

And infinite chaos, any existence involved in it may disappear in an instant.

In Lin Yi's eyes, he can see that the harvesters disappear in the undercurrent from time to time.

This is an extremely terrifying force, an irresistible danger.

And this huge undercurrent will appear in various places almost all the time.

Only in the area at the exit of the endless river.

It seems that because of the huge torrent of the endless river, there are few undercurrents in that area.

At this time, Lin Yi is encountering countless undercurrents as he moves forward.

Almost every little while, or even a few breaths, there will be a terrifying undercurrent.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with the light of the true destiny, always paying attention to any undercurrent that may appear, and then quickly avoiding it.

At this time, in the Wanshiwu, a large number of strange beings were imprisoned in the underground maze.

A huge wave of spiritual power pushed the light of eternal nature to kill all these strange beings.

The strange essence quickly entered Lin Yi's body, replenishing the consumption of the spiritual wave.

On an inexplicable level in Lin Yi's body, there was a hazy glow.

In the glow, the six true destinies were revolving around Lin Yi's fundamental consciousness.

This hazy glow was Lin Yi's mind. Any strange essence that entered here would be shattered in an instant.

Then it was involved in the operation of the true destiny, and then transformed into a majestic spiritual wave.

While pushing the upper limit of the spiritual wave, it quickly replenished the consumption.

Lin Yi's body observed the void, which was now in a strange calm.

The super world is rapidly becoming more orderly, and countless civilizations are integrated.

In the hands of 500 billion third-level spiritual masters, all civilizations have been kicked out of all defects.

All life forms are building a huge system to clear out the harvesters and the weird.

Always maintain the order and purity of the super world, and at the same time build huge warships.

The materials of these warships are all based on the harvesters, and the Super World Alliance has held a meeting.

Plan to send the advance army to the fortress at the end of the endless river.

However, there was a huge quarrel over the selection of candidates, and countless meetings were held.

After countless resource allocations and various regulations were negotiated.

Finally, 1 billion creators who were willing to go to the endless fortress were selected.

As the advance army, they have countless favorable conditions, one of which is.

Every year, the souls produced in the super world will be given priority to them, and it is 1/10.

This is an extremely terrifying number. The number of lives in the entire super world can be calculated in trillions.

After the establishment of the super world, all lives must abide by a treaty.

That is, some lives must be selected every year for sacrifice, sacrificed to the great super world alliance members.

And the super world alliance members will also protect them, and countless resources and power are paid to them by the super world alliance.

In the super world, even countless cave worlds are created, which are specially cultivated to provide life for the super world alliance members.

These lives have countless resources since birth, and can enjoy the best life, while building various civilizations and ideas.

The only problem is that they have no power.

Lack of power means that they are just ordinary intelligent creatures.

In each small world of cave heaven, there are more than 10 billion lives.

And every year, there are more than 100 billion small worlds of cave heaven that need to be sacrificed.

And after the sacrifice, these intelligent lives will be reborn in the small world.

The speed of time in each small world is different from that in the outside world. Basically, one year in the outside world is a thousand years.

1000 years is enough for any race to expand to tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of people.

The cruelty and blood here is actually no kinder than what the harvesters did to the entire "empty" life nest.

Just as Lin Yi knows, all creators are pure evil.

Everything is just for survival.

There has never been a real civilization here.

There is only pure survival of the fittest, the strong are always strong, and the weak are weaker.

But the only benefit is that the void is temporarily in a certain balance.

Lin Yi also breathed a sigh of relief. Facing such a thing, he couldn't do anything.

He didn't have the power to change everything. The only thing he could do now was that his main body was constantly extracting and analyzing 500 billion pieces of information about eternal properties.

He wanted to extract the useful parts from these eternal properties, and then condense new eternal properties.

Through this complicated method, find out the eternal properties corresponding to all true destinies.

"But the total number of handprints that make up the true destinies is not large."

"Two true destinies are 81, two true destinies are 108, and there are 365 for two true destinies."

"Total is no more than a thousand handprints, corresponding to more than a thousand eternal properties."

"Then there is a message in it."

"Although the true destinies are deduced from eternal properties."

"But she doesn't need too much, there should be some principle in it."

"What I need to find now is this principle."

"Gather enough eternal properties to deduce the fundamental principle of true destiny,"

He sighed slightly as countless information flashed in his mind.

"I hope everything goes well before things get out of hand."

"I wonder what I can find in the dark ocean."

Lin Yi murmured to himself, his mind always maintaining two perspectives.

In the dark ocean, time is meaningless here.

He can only judge how long he has been sailing by the cognition of the time of the original body.

But this judgment is only based on the connection in the mind. In fact, the time experienced by the clone seems to be completely different from that of the original body.

There is a certain degree of distortion between the two, which will affect the cognition of time.

At this time, the clone does not know how long he has been sailing, and he has experienced countless dangers along the way.

These dangers are very terrifying. If it is an ordinary spiritual master.

Even if he has mastered the existence of the fourth level of the ultimate mind, under the continuous terrorist crisis, he will only end up with death and destruction.

Lin Yi also has to rely on his true destiny to avoid the disasters that the three Yuanjing weapons cannot resist.

After this ethereal voyage lasted for a long time, something different finally happened at this moment.

A strange creature appeared in the distance, and its appearance immediately attracted Lin Yi's attention.

It was a huge ship, tall and majestic, shrouded in blue light, sailing quietly in the dark ocean.

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