The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1061 Endless, Forging (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

In the boundless black ocean, scattered harvesters are flying towards the direction he came out.

These harvesters come from all directions, they are endless, flying towards the huge black hole behind.

That huge black hole is the exit of the endless river, like an abyss, choosing people to devour.

Lin Yi can feel the endless torrent rushing out of the spaceship in the spaceship.

It merges into the black ocean, forming a huge undercurrent, which continues to push the spaceship to fly deeper into the ocean.

Every second is countless coordinates, but as it gradually moves away from the exit, the speed is decreasing.

Lin Yi's heart moved slightly, and the spaceship changed its direction slightly, rushing out of the coverage area of ​​the undercurrent at an angle.

The spaceship slowly stopped in the black ocean. Without the help of the torrent, it naturally stopped.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with the brilliance of the true destiny, looking into the infinitely distant place.

The scene in sight made his heart slightly solemn.

Wherever he looked, there were harvesters everywhere, all over the vast ocean.

There were quite a few giant harvesters, and he even saw a harvester that was taller than the diameter of the entire endless river.

The moment he saw this scene, he immediately realized a problem.

"This is definitely not something that the oldest in the void can create."

"This giant harvester is definitely better than the Galaxy, the Emperor, and the owner of the eyes on the spiritual level."

"Even that mysterious number may not be able to match it."

"Are these harvesters really natural? Specially for harvesting lives?"

At this time, Lin Yi looked at the boundless ocean, and his previous inferences were shaken.

This was completely beyond his understanding, making him feel as if the world was really endless.

"Why do I feel like everything is nesting dolls?"

"At first it was the Red Lotus Realm, then it was the Void, then it was the Life Nest, and then it was Void again."

"Now there is this endless river and the infinite dark ocean."

"Is it really like what scientists in the previous life said?"

"The universe we see is only the observable universe."

"And the places beyond the observable are places where light cannot reach."

"The more you know, the more you don't know,"

At this time, Lin Yi sighed deeply in his heart. He vaguely felt that all this seemed to be controlled by some mysterious thing.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time."

"At least it's happier than being an ignorant person forever."

"I still have the qualifications to explore the unknown."

The spiritual wave was injected, the spacecraft shook slightly, and began to fly slowly forward.

He didn't know where to go in this ocean.

Maintaining the brilliance of the true destiny, he shuttled through the dark ocean at an unimaginable speed.

He was so fast that he kept moving towards a distant place, looking for suspicious places.

At the same time, three ultimate spiritual power crystals appeared in his hands.

"Maybe we can make some weapons that will be very useful against those giant harvesters."

Lin Yi's clone only has one eternal nature, and he has no spiritual power.

In the past, when his mind and true destiny were still at the spiritual level, he still had new spiritual power.

But after he stepped into the spiritual level and let his spiritual true destiny and fundamental spiritual consciousness merge completely.

He was left with only pure mind and true destiny.

Spiritual power no longer occurs naturally, and it seems to have merged with the true destiny, becoming one of the sources of spiritual wave recovery.

At present, his spiritual wave recovery has only two directions. One is to kill a large number of strange beings.

The other is the natural recovery of spiritual waves.

And the natural recovery of spiritual waves includes the increase of spiritual power.

The original spiritual wave's natural recovery ability has doubled.

The result is that Lin Yi only has spiritual waves, but no spiritual power.

Spiritual waves cannot be integrated with eternity to evolve into spiritual concrete products.

The product of the embodiment of the mind is a weapon that can directly trigger the power of the mind in reality.

And multiple products of the embodiment of the mind are one of the ways to the third level of mental power.

Lin Yi's clone has only one eternal nature, although it can use the spiritual wave to exert powerful power.

But there is an obvious upper limit, which can only match the ordinary second-level mental power.

His only strength is that his true destiny allows him to ignore everything.

Now these three mysterious ultimate power crystals will become powerful weapons as long as they are used well.

It will be a great help for him to encounter the harvester next.

He will have strong combat capabilities.

After all, his spaceship can only avoid the eyes of ordinary harvesters.

The power of the spiritual wave enveloped the three ultimate spiritual power crystals.

With the injection of the spiritual wave, the three crystals emitted amazing fluctuations.

The brilliance emitted by the crystal spread one foot, and terrifying changes occurred within this foot.

Countless color phenomena continued to occur, some directly grew mysterious crystals, there were also various colors of matter, and even the birth and death of the world.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Can we use spiritual waves to push directly?"

"That's a good thing."

His heart moved, and the true life source was activated instantly, and a hazy green light enveloped the black original crystal.

In an instant, Lin Yi consumed 1/10 of his spiritual wave.

This original crystal, which seemed to never change, changed instantly under the effect of the true life source.

It spread slowly like flowing water and turned directly into a black transparent long sword.

Everything happened in just two seconds.

Holding this long sword, Lin Yi's spiritual wave was injected into it.

A hazy black glow emanated from his body.

In this black glow, you can see the scene of everything being destroyed.

The life nest, the world, time and space, and all things are heading towards destruction.

This is an ultimate spiritual power that destroys everything.

Lin Yi looked at the long sword, and a hint of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

This black spiritual original crystal, after being injected with spiritual waves, has the most destructive effect among the three original crystals.

Made into a weapon, it has the best effect. The most important thing is that the spiritual waves consumed by using this spiritual crystal weapon are very rare.

Then he looked at the sky blue ultimate spiritual power crystal.

The power of the true source of life burst out again, and the next moment, the crystal melted like water and turned into a round sky blue gem.

The gem floated in front of him, and a faint spiritual wave was injected into it. Then an invisible blue light enveloped Lin Yi, forming a circle of sky blue gem light around him.

This light was like a dream, mysterious and unpredictable.

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