The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1057 Galaxy, Meeting (Second Update)

Lin Yi followed A Luo and entered the gate of the giant wall.

As soon as he stepped into the gate, he saw a huge city.

There were various buildings in this city, and the width was about hundreds of kilometers.

On the left and right sides were walls that stretched infinitely far, and there was no end in sight.

However, what Lin Yi could see was that the city inside the wall was very deserted.

There was not much life breath in the various buildings.

Following A Luo, he crossed a road and came to the center of the road.

Then he turned left and flew to the left side of the wall.

The structure of this city can be imagined as two parallel lines formed by walls.

The distance between the parallel lines is hundreds of kilometers.

The two parallel lines are the composition of the entire city.

In the middle of the parallel lines, there is a wide road that is parallel to the entire wall and can connect to any location.

Lin Yi followed A Luo, flew forward along the middle passage, and soon saw a huge building.

The building was pitch black and was a unique palace.

Lin Yi observed the surroundings while flying. The width of the city wall, converted into a recognizable distance, is about one light year.

And their speed of advancement can be infinitely accelerated here.

During the whole process, Lin Yi was observing the life breath around him.

When he crossed half a light year and came to the center of the city wall.

He only felt less than tens of millions of life breaths.

However, each life breath reached the third level of the mind.

Some of them even reached the fourth level of ultimate mind power.

After a little calculation in his mind, he knew that the strength of the resistance organization's front line was less than 1‰ compared with the Super World Alliance.

However, the fourth level of ultimate mind power can make up for the weakness in quantity to a certain extent.

In the process of advancing, he also found that there were many giant warships in the city wall.

These warships were all made of reapers as materials.

They can be pushed by the power of the mind, which seems to have a great restraining effect on the reapers.

Finally, under the leadership of A Luo, Lin Yi came to a palace in the center of the city wall.

At this time, Lin Yi still had the card of sending spirits in his hand.

All members of the Super World Alliance can see the scene here.

There was silence in the Super World Alliance.

Everyone felt a huge pressure, a suffocating feeling that made them feel slightly cold.

The front line really exists, and the danger they face is also terrifying.

The huge harvester that just appeared briefly, except for the existence of the ultimate psychological power, whoever they encounter will die.

This mysterious front line, the line of defense at the end of the endless river, cruelly makes everyone feel terrified.

Lin Yi, led by A Luo, came directly to the gate of this black palace.

The gate of the palace has been opened, and A Luo stood beside Lin Yi and said with a cold mind.

"Go in by yourself, the leader is waiting for you."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was fearless.

This palace is about a thousand meters high, the gate is also a hundred meters, and it is tens of meters wide.

The two black gates opened inward, and mysterious patterns flashed on the gates.

If you look closely, you can find that it is a picture of a war.

Soldiers exuding majestic spiritual power, led by several shining beings, are preparing to fight countless harvesters.

The middle of the gate, the position of the door gap, is the position of the entire city wall.

The left side represents the resistance organization in the city wall.

The right side represents the endless harvesters.

Lin Yi stepped in, and the palace was quiet.

At this moment, the outside world and the palace seemed to have become two worlds.

Lin Yi seemed to walk very slowly, but one step was 10 meters, and he soon disappeared in the dark palace.

Click, click, click.

The gate of the palace slowly closed, accompanied by a roar, and finally closed completely.

Lin Yi naturally felt the closing of the palace gate, but he didn't care.

After slowly moving forward hundreds of meters in the gate, he saw a lonely throne in the center of the palace.

The throne was not big, only about two meters high.

On the throne sat a lonely being in a black robe.

He exuded a silver glow all over his body, and was filled with an extremely ancient atmosphere.

This breath is so ancient that it is unimaginable, as if it came from the beginning of time.

He has no specific appearance, he himself is made of silver light.

A plain thought slowly sounded.

"Hello, Lin Yi from the Wanshiwu."

"I am the one who signed a contract with you, the leader of the resistance organization, Yinhe."

Lin Yi looked at the Yinhe in front of him, and smiled slightly, "Hello."

"According to the contract we signed, when the reinforcements come here."

"I will give you the original crystal of the ultimate spiritual power."

"But the reinforcements have not arrived yet."

"Why are you here?"

"I am here to explore the way, because the reinforcements are afraid that this is a trap, and they think the information here is also false."

"Hehe, this is a common problem of intelligent life, full of doubts about everything."

"But it is precisely because of this that life will develop and civilization will grow."

"The mind will be full of temptation."

Lin Yi looked at the galaxy in front of him, "It holds their projections,"

"They want to see the front line with their own eyes."

"Then decide whether to come."

As he spoke, Lin Yi took out the card of the spirit, and a series of illusory figures expanded from it, and an illusory venue appeared between the two of them.

You can see the densely packed figures inside, and all of them look at the mysterious Yinhe on the throne.

Yinhe looked at the people in the projection, and his will fluctuated slightly.

"Hello, people from Kong's hometown."

"I am Galaxy, the leader of the resistance organization in the Endless River."

"There are less than 90 million troops on the front line at present."

"We can only hold out for a period of time between the birth and destruction of a large world."

"But we will not resist a single soldier."

"When the front line is about to break through, we will choose to retreat according to the previous plan."

"Release all the harvesters."

"At that time, endless harvesters will enter Kong along the Endless River."

"The defense line will be completely invalid, and it will cost an unimaginable price to rebuild it."

"As for what the results will be, I don't need to say more."

"If you don't want to face the disaster, you should know what to do."

The eyes of the members of the Super World Alliance in the projection flickered slightly.

Galaxy in front of him, without any concealment, calmly narrated the final result.

And they heard some problems from these words.

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