The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1054 Small boat, departure (first update)

After entering the spiritual level and condensing the eternal properties of multiple numbers, one can easily use the eternal properties to transform into a powerful clone.

And this clone can be transformed into the original body at any time, but this is achieved by Lin Yi through spiritual waves.

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As for whether other third-level spiritual masters can do it, he doesn't know.

Lin Yi now has two perspectives, but he doesn't feel awkward. It's normal for him to do many things at one time.

More than a dozen void days passed in a blink of an eye, and the whole super world was busy.

The members of the super world are all building a spaceship for Lin Yi that can cross the endless river, according to the information obtained from Lin Yi using the harvester.

A wonderful shuttle-shaped ship appeared in the super world.

The ship is not big, only about three meters, and can even be called a small boat.

If you look closely, you will find a terrifying thing.

The basic structure of this ship is a group of extremely tiny black-robed harvesters.

They are bound together by a large amount of mental power.

In order to form this ship, it took tens of millions of harvesters.

This is a ship modified by the Super World Alliance, and it was not made completely according to the information that Lin Yi originally distributed.

All the power of this ship comes from the person driving the ship. The function of this ship itself is to withstand the erosion of the endless river.

The water of the endless river has been studied by the Super World Alliance.

That kind of river water is mysterious and unpredictable, and any creature that is contaminated will be eroded.

Even a strong person at the level of mental power cannot stay for long.

At this time, this mysterious shuttle-shaped spaceship has been fully built, and Lin Yi has also arrived here.

The shuttle-shaped spaceship is quietly placed in the golden palace.

The members of the Super World Alliance all watched this scene quietly.

Huang looked at Lin Yi, "The boat for crossing the river has been built. This is a card that contains the projections of all the councilors."

"Through this card, we can see everything that happened during the crossing."

"I hope you always carry it with you so that we can see what happened."

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "That's no problem."

"Then, please set off."

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "Okay."

"According to the contract, your remuneration must be paid in advance."

Huang nodded, "Of course."

He raised his hand and waved, and a mysterious crystal appeared in Lin Yi's eyes.

"It's all in it."

This crystal looks ordinary.

But there are countless light spots in it, and each light spot flashes with an eternal breath.

Lin Yi took the crystal, swept his mind over it, and immediately perceived 500 billion different eternal nature information.

Eternal nature is the most fundamental material that carries a person's thoughts, and it is produced by the fusion of the rules of the outside world.

Containing the truth that is enough to evolve a nest of life, this crystal now represents 500 billion different kinds of eternal information.

He raised his hand and put the crystal into his sleeve, and sent it to the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi's body through the mysterious means of time and space.

"The deal is done, then I'll set off."

"You just watch here."

Lin Yi raised his hand and waved, and the mysterious shuttle-shaped spaceship disappeared in his hand, and then his figure flashed, and he had entered the wonderful time and space level.

In a blink of an eye, he had crossed an infinite distance and came to the void, which was an endless river.

He waved his hand, and the shuttle-shaped boat appeared in front of him, and the spiritual wave power enveloped the boat.

Then, the hull of the boat, like a stream of water, naturally revealed an entrance.

Lin Yi stepped into it, and what he saw was an ordinary seat.

As he entered, the entrance of the boat was quickly closed, and he sat quietly on the seat.

The inner wall of the boat was very smooth, and the moment he sat on the seat.

The black hull quickly became transparent, and he could see the outside scene from the inside.

At the same time, he could feel that his thoughts were connected to the entire group.

As long as he moved his mind, the group would take any action under his control.

However, the operation of this ship requires the power of the mind, but with the spiritual wave, it can also drive the ship.

Looking down, there is a black endless river.

You can't see the end at a glance, and you don't know where it leads to.

At this time, countless harvesters appeared from inside in an endless stream, and they were all frantically attacking the super world below.

But they will soon be captured or killed, and then emerge from the river again.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Then let me see what secrets are in the endless river."

With a thought, the shuttle pierced the void and rushed into the endless river.

This shuttle-shaped spaceship is pitch black. Although the inside can see the outside, the outside cannot see the inside.

It was like a ghost, silently entering the long river.

As soon as it entered the long river, Lin Yi instantly felt the surging torrent.

This torrent was turbulent and had infinite impact, destroying everything.

The moment the shuttle-shaped boat rushed into the long river, it was swept into it by the huge force.

The boat could not control itself in the torrent at all, and it spun wildly.

However, Lin Yi was not worried. He quickly connected his mind with the boat and felt the direction, strength, and other data of the external torrent.

Then, the power of the spiritual wave quietly injected into the boat, and with a slight tremor, the boat stabilized.

A coordinate information flashed in his mind, which was left by the front line of the endless river.

The direction of the coordinate was exactly the direction of the torrent.

The water of the entire endless river flows from one direction to another.

The front line is downstream of the torrent, which can be said to be downstream.

Lin Yi keenly noticed a problem.

"Those people on the front line don't come back by themselves to find reinforcements. It seems that they don't want to come back, but they can't."

"In this endless river, it's easy to go downstream, but it's almost impossible to go upstream."

"But these harvesters seem to have the ability to go upstream."

At this time, the boat has gone downstream, and Lin Yi can see a large number of harvesters coming from downstream.

But compared to the entire endless river, they are also very small and rare.

In the endless river, there seemed to be a force that could destroy everything.

Nothing could exist except the reapers.

Lin Yi had already placed the spirit card on a small platform next to him.

Thoughts flashed in the spirit card, and the members of the Super World Alliance were observing the scene outside the shuttle boat.

It was pure silence, except for the occasional reapers, there was nothing, as if it was a land of despair.

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