The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1040 Purpose and departure (first update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

"If all this is true, then our life nest will also be heading towards death and destruction."

"The purpose of my hosting this meeting is to gather everyone and establish an offensive and defensive alliance."

"Everything is to survive in the future crisis."

The emperor opened his mouth with explosive news, which immediately detonated the whole audience.

All those who can come here are powerful people at the third level of the spiritual level.

None of them are fools and have lived for a long time.

But the other party's news is really too shocking.

Although they cannot be 100% sure whether the news is true or false, the content has made them feel fear and shock.

This news means that existences like them have appeared 1897 times.

So many powerful existences in front of them were almost destroyed.

They know very well what this means.

A sword of death has chosen their heads, and it may pour down at any time.

At that time, they are also destined to die.

All the strong men are shocked in their hearts, weighing them down.

At this time, Huang said slowly, "The existence of the Endless Fortress has proved one thing."

"We have a chance to survive a crisis of inevitable destruction."

"It's just that this process will be very difficult."

"But as long as you are alive, there is a chance."

"I have entered the fourth level of the mind. After this level, I know a lot of things."

"This is a very mysterious realm."

"It is not easy to reach this realm. It requires a lot of spiritual power as support."

Hearing Huang explaining the fourth level of spiritual power, all the strong men in the palace were attracted to it.

"So I propose a suggestion that all the strong men who are attending the meeting today harvest and control all the life nests."

"Integrate all the life nests into one and build an extremely huge life land."

"Produce an endless supply of souls for us, and then we will organize a team to go to the Endless Fortress to deal with the attacks of the harvesters."

"With a stable rear base that provides an endless supply of souls, we are more likely to survive this crisis."

"Moreover, as we use more and more souls, we may have more opportunities to break through the fourth level of ultimate soul power in the war."

"Reach a higher level, truly transcend, find the mastermind behind the scenes, and end this darkness that has lasted for countless ages."

The emperor's words were thrilling and full of endless blood, and at the same time let everyone see how the road ahead should be taken.

And throughout the process, everyone will get huge benefits, of course there will be certain problems.

As for the problem, naturally, with an organization, there will be rules, and with rules, everything will not be so free and undisciplined.

Many people are keenly aware of the problems here, but there is not much room for choice in the current situation.

Unless everyone who comes here refuses, this will be a trend that no one can resist.

Huang's voice continued to sound, "Merge all the life nests and build a grand unified civilization."

"We will be the gods of the entire civilization, respected by all creatures of the grand unified civilization."

"We protect them from the invasion of harvesters and weirdness, and they pay a certain number of hearts."

"In the long run, the grand unified civilization will continue to expand and grow, and our power will become stronger and stronger."

"We must break the tragic results of the previous 1896 times, find out the black hands behind the scenes, and open up our own future."

Huang's words were sonorous and powerful, and he sincerely described his plan.

Just as he said, everyone will benefit, and they will no longer fight alone.

The strong men who have existed around for countless years, each of them understands how powerful the collective power is.

Especially when the power of the individual is no longer invincible, the power of the collective will subvert everything.

Looking at all the silent masters, the emperor's voice slowly sounded, "Then let's vote and decide. Those who are willing to join can stay, and those who are unwilling to join can leave."

"But when we meet again, we will meet in battle, and the battlefield will be ruthless."

This sentence was said coldly and ruthlessly, without any emotion.

Everyone could feel the killing in it, but no one was disgusted, but thought it was justified.

The result of the vote was very smooth, almost everyone stayed, only Lin Yi chose to leave.

At this time, Lin Yi slowly stood up from his position, took a step out and walked towards the exit of the palace.

One after another, eyes fell on him, and the people here included the machine, the back of history, and even the ancient gods who were originally in the void.

Everyone's eyes were looking at Lin Yi's disappearing back, revealing various expressions.

The emperor's eyes also saw Lin Yi, and he had recognized that this person was the one who took the attack of the ultimate spiritual master of the fourth level at the spiritual level.

There was also a trace of solemnity in his eyes. In Lin Yi, he saw something different from the power of the soul.

This is something that only people at his level can perceive.

A state that is circulated in legends - the only one.

Legend has it that this is the state of ultimate power, but no one has ever truly reached it.

No, or rather, there are some strange rumors that in every life nest, some strange items will be randomly generated.

It is said that these items are left by the only existence.

In the process of more than 1,800 life nests merging and destruction, it seems that the only existence has appeared.

Because they have appeared, these things are left behind, transcending this cage-like place.

There is a legend that these things seem to contain secrets, becoming the only secret, transcending the secrets here.

But he has also taken these items, and at his level, he can naturally see the essence of these things.

They are just the ultimate power products of the 4th layer, and are beings of the same level as him.

Things left behind in order to be resurrected or descended at some point in the future.

He has also done this before, leaving a glimmer of hope.

However, among these countless things, he was fortunate enough to see a special item.

That thing broke his cognition, because it was indeed a power beyond his understanding.

Which power has a characteristic, that is, there is no solution.

The thing he saw at the beginning was a black token, and that token did not seem to have any other function.

But it has a characteristic, and this characteristic has shocked him for countless years.

That is, it cannot be touched. No matter what kind of eternal nature or spiritual power, it cannot touch that token.

It seems to exist at an untouchable level.

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