The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1038 Overthrow and Invitation (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

"The harvested soul is only the purest soul, and the impurities in the soul are precipitated in the air."

"After a long harvest, all the life nests were harvested for the first time, including those strong people who entered the soul level."

"Of course, they have also experienced countless resistances, but they all failed."

"Finally, the first harvest was completed and all life was destroyed."

"But in this process, whether anyone survived by chance, I don't know."

"But it is not impossible to leave some information."

"And in the following time, this kind of thing happened countless times."

"Then the weirdness appeared, you 's companions also encountered opponents. "

"During the conflict, there should be some very smart strong people who seized the opportunity and survived by chance in some way."

"And some of them rushed into the Endless River and established a mysterious organization called the Resistance."

"They seem to have blocked a large number of harvesters, and now they are praying for reinforcements to support them."

"And this process has continued until now."

"This is my guess about the whole incident, then as an existence born in the beginning of the sky. "

"Do you think all this is the work of your companions?"

Lin Yi looked at Shu in front of him calmly, waiting for his answer.

After hearing Lin Yi's guess, Shu fell into an inexplicable calmness. He seemed to be thinking about what happened in this extremely long history?

After a long while, he slowly said, "I don't think these things were done by my companions."


"Are you so sure?"

Shu looked at Lin Yi calmly, "Because although we have different paths."

"But they never thought of killing me, they just led me away and trapped me in one place."

"And we have experienced too many changes since we were born, and I understand their nature very well."

"Each of them is full of kindness, and no one will gain power through killing."

"Because all of us who were born and existed at the beginning of the void have an essence."

"We respect the existence of life from the bottom of our hearts."

"Life is the greatest miracle of all, a miracle that should not have appeared."

"So I am skeptical about your guess."

"The mastermind behind all this must not be my companion."

Listening to Shu's affirmative answer, Lin Yi was a little stunned, which was a little beyond his expectations.

An answer that contradicted all the information he had received.

The other party's will was firm and heavy, and it was obviously a thought-provoking answer.

In the other party's memory, his companion should be such an existence, but the reality is completely different from what he said.

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said, "There is another possibility. Have your companions changed?"

"You should know that any life is likely to change, because the more things and changes they encounter, the more likely they are to distort their original selves."

"Everything in the world will change, and there is never anything that remains unchanged."

Shu fell into silence, "What you said makes sense. They may change."

"But I don't think they will change their respect for life."

"So I want to enter the Endless River, I want to find these mysterious resisters and find out what is going on?"

"As personal participants, they must know more about what happened than us."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was slightly stunned.

"Then he smiled and wished you a safe journey."

Shu slowly got up, opened the door of the Wanshiwu, and left here in a flash.

Left the strange place silently.

Lin Yi looked at the direction where he disappeared, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"This number, his spiritual power seems to have surpassed ordinary spiritual power, even the golden eyes I encountered at the spiritual level cannot compare to it."

"And there is an unknown power lurking in him."

"This power is a bit mysterious, I am afraid it is a power unique to their existence."

He looked at the void, where a huge explosion occurred, and a terrifying wave spread to the entire void.

A huge cave appeared out of thin air above the endless river, and a figure seemed to walk into it and disappeared.

Lin Yi saw the disappearing figure, his eyes narrowed slightly, that was clearly a number.

At this time, each life nest was also undergoing wonderful changes.

One legion after another cooperated with the power emitted by the creator of the life nest to capture one black robe monster after another.

Sent them to the place where the creators were, where the creators were conducting special experiments.

I saw that their spiritual power wove some special runes, covering these mysterious reapers.

Then, these reapers began to merge with each other and turned into a huge group of aggregates.

Under the restraint of the power of the mind, they eventually turned into one strange shuttle-shaped spaceship after another.

This scene surprised Lin Yi a little. This was the message from the resistance organization at the end of the endless river, which was transmitted across countless coordinates.

Use these harvesters to build a spaceship that crosses the endless river.

However, although the spaceship was built, the creator of the life nest did not enter the endless river.

Because they found another way, a large number of harvesters were captured and then bound by the power of mind weaving.

They seemed to be built into huge fortresses.

At the same time, a huge thought spread to the entire void.

Only those whose minds have reached the third level are qualified to receive this message.

"All the masters of the third-level mind-level life nests listen."

"After 7 days of virtual control, a life conference will be held on the endless river."

"I hope everyone can participate and discuss the future way out."

"On behalf of 387 masters of life nests, I invite you all."

Lin Yi also received this mysterious message, and a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the masters of these life nests can't sit still anymore and have already started to contact each other secretly."

"Now there are probably a lot of small organizations, and one of them is planning to come out to preside over the whole thing."

"It seems that a large alliance like the Hope Alliance will be formed, and all the organizational structures are similar."

"When the power is equal, the parliamentary system is the most suitable alliance system."

Almost all the strong men thought of this possibility, and the life nests that are fighting each other now feel a pressure.

This pressure comes from the endless river and the information released to them by Lin Yi.

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