The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1032 Heavy, Proposed (Second Update)

"Does it mean that I will harvest all the remnants of these existences that have been harvested for countless years?"

"This power, purely in terms of volume, should far exceed the spiritual volume they harvested."

"So, weirdness should be the most likely driving force for me to surpass these masterminds."

"But since the weirdness can exist for so many years, it also means that these mysterious masterminds seem to be unable to eliminate them."

"It also means that there must be power in the weirdness that can make these beings fearful."

"Otherwise, the brilliance of the lives killed by Weirdness at the spiritual level will be extinguished."

"It's equivalent to destroying the gains of these masterminds."

"The purpose of these masterminds is the souls of these living beings."

"Like the farmer and the pest, pure hostility."

“The fact that farmers are unable to completely eradicate these pests shows that there is something in these pests that even farmers can’t do anything about.”

"Then in this infinite "empty", the current situation should have two tit-for-tat forces."

"One side is the mastermind behind the scenes, and the other side is the strange place."

"And all the life nests, even the strong ones within them, are just targets to be eliminated by both sides."

"All living things don't seem to have much choice."

Inexplicably, Lin Yi felt a heavy pressure. This pressure came from all directions and made people feel suffocated.

"Hey," Lin Yi sighed slightly, feeling that there might really be no way to solve this matter.

The only thing he can do now is to ensure that his Wanshiwuwu is not affected.

After thinking for a while, a jade card appeared in his hand, and he put all his inferences and information into it.

Then he opened the random door and threw it away. A space fluctuation flashed through. The jade token had fallen into the central palace of the Void City.

At this time, the president had returned. Looking at the jade plaque that appeared in the palace, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

He raised his hand and took the jade card in his hand. Looking at the content on it, he couldn't help but show a hint of shock.

A deep silence followed, and he was the only one in the palace.

The Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Lord of Souls are not here.

"Mr. Lin is really amazing, he actually inferred this kind of confidence"

"This news is so important."

"I wonder what those guys in the ancient council would think."

Thinking of this, another jade medal appeared in his hand, and a ray of spiritual light entered it.

Suddenly, this ray of spiritual light came to a dark spiritual level.

There was a circular platform floating here, and with his arrival, phantoms appeared on the platform one after another.

"President of the Void Destiny Committee, what's the reason for your summons?"

The president's eyes were deep, looking at the 47 projections in front of him. They were all the power of the ancient parliament.

"I got some information here, information related to the truth of the whole "emptiness"."

"The truth about 'emptiness'? What does it mean?"

Among the forty-seven figures, Jizi, the leader of the ancient parliament, asked doubtfully.

"The thing is like this, after Mr. Lin from Wanshiwu left last time, he watched what happened in the void."

"He then made an inference based on some previously classified information that he had access to."

"And the conclusion of this inference is quite surprising."

"The content is as follows."

"The mysterious black-robed monster that appears in the void is the harvesting weapon of the mastermind behind the scenes."

"It's weird. It should be caused by the accumulation of spiritual impurities produced by all the beings whose hearts have been harvested."

"I'm afraid the nest of life has been harvested countless times that we don't know about. Judging from the bottomless depth of the strange place."

"In countless harvests, Weirdness still exists and has not been eliminated by the mastermind behind the scenes. The purpose of Weirdness and the mastermind behind the scenes is completely in conflict. From this, it can be judged that there is an existence in the weirdness that can compete with the mastermind behind the scenes."

"If these four points are true, our future will be bleak."

"Because whether it's the person we guess is behind it or the mysterious and strange place, their purpose is to kill us."

The president's words were described plainly, and everyone felt a huge heaviness in their hearts.

"If all this speculation is true, our future is not optimistic."

Jizi said slowly, "We have been to the spiritual level before."

"It's a dark world where nothing exists but the mind."

"I have traveled there and searched for it, but I only occasionally saw some mysterious existences that suddenly appeared."

"Although they are powerful, they cannot scare me. I have never seen anyone who can be called the mastermind behind the scenes."

"The level of the soul is too dark and broad. Just pure darkness can hide countless secrets."

"According to what we see now, there are countless lives in the void."

"According to normal reasoning, at the level of the soul, there should be countless souls."

"The darkness should be like a galaxy in the universe, and you can see countless twinkling hearts."

"But the result is that it is impossible to detect the mind of any coordinates through any method of perception."

"Only when you are close to a certain coordinate area of ​​the mind can you observe their existence."

"The coordinates between hearts are almost infinitely far apart. I have wandered in the spiritual level countless times."

"But the hearts I can find are very rare."

"Unless their hearts can be located at the level of life nests, it is possible to find them instantly at the spiritual level."

"If there really is a mastermind, then I really can't imagine what level of power is needed to affect countless life nests."

"Although the mastermind has always been in my speculation, we have never had substantial evidence to prove their existence."

"But now these black-robed monsters have appeared. They may be the tools of the mastermind to harvest hearts as Mr. Lin said."

"Now, in the name of the president of the Ancient Council, we have to formulate an escape plan."

"Escape from the mastermind and the weird hunting."

"This is for survival."

The leader of the Ancient Council, Ji Zi, said slowly, his thoughts contained a strong worry.

There was a mysterious being beside him, who slowly said, "But can we really come up with such a plan?"

"If all the life nests where "Sora" was born have been harvested countless times, then many beings similar to us must have been born in this process."

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