The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1025: Sorrow, Next (First Update)

Lin Yi also saw a place similar to a hospital, where the three-eyed people born there have the power of the first level of the human immortal path at birth.

And they will be instilled with countless knowledge at the first time, and then they can leave this hospital-like place and enter the society to work.

There is no such thing as childhood for the life forms in this world, and there is no learning process.

Even their birth is not through reproduction, but through artificial intervention.

Lin Yi was very surprised to see all this. This civilization can be said to have brought society and system to the extreme.

Every resource is used to the extreme, pushing civilization to an unimaginable height.

Among these three-eyed people, the population structure is very sophisticated. The weakest is only the human immortal path, and the strongest can even reach the level of the ancient god.

And the strongest exists on the three peaks of this huge island.

The third peak is located in the center of this island. They stand side by side, like a pillar of heaven, and three infinite rays of light rise from it.

This infinite light shines on the life nest ruled by the entire three-eyed people. They are the source of all life in this world.

Lin Yi could clearly feel that the light sources they emitted were of 6 completely different eternal properties.

Each of the 6 rules of this world is extremely perfect and powerful, and even evolved into a series of extremely small rules.

And these rules can form a complete universe, or a life nest, around any of the main rules.

And these 6 rules interweave to form this huge three-eyed life nest.

The three extremely great auras control this life nest.

They can be said to be the gods of the three-eyed tribe and the founders of the entire life nest.

Lin Yi observed this wonderful life nest and understood and absorbed all the information here.

In the process, he discovered the history of this civilization.

At this time, he came to a place similar to a museum.

There are countless pieces of information stored here, and the most attractive thing to Lin Yi is the history of this life nest.

This museum-like place is as big as the entire earth, with independent walls one after another.

These walls are made of crystal-like materials, which are very strange and contain countless information.

You only need to touch it with your mind to see all the information inside.

However, Lin Yi used the true destiny solution and directly saw the content represented by this information.

In a hazy primitive state, three great beings were born. They had no specific appearance, but were shrouded in three rays of light.

There was a war between them, and the radiance collided with each other, and the entire primitive state changed in their collision.

The radiance they mastered was a kind of eternal nature.

The eternal nature affected the primitive state in the collision, and then it differentiated and evolved into one island-like world after another.

In the end, the entire primitive state became a life nest.

The prototype of the world was born, and the three great beings stopped attacking each other.

They put their power into the entire life nest and constructed a complete system of rules.

In this process, their power seemed to complement each other and underwent tremendous changes.

An extremely huge radiance appeared in the center of this world, illuminating the entire life nest.

Originally, there were not only the three-eyed people in this life nest, but also countless races.

But in the end, the three-eyed people relied on the perfect military system, the racial ability without any emotional fluctuations, and the powerful power of directly connecting to the heart.

They also have extremely strong learning abilities, and eventually become the overlords of this life nest.

But even if they become the overlords of the life nest, they are just slaves of the three great beings.

Everything they do is just to serve the three great beings, and even offer their hearts when needed for the three great beings to enjoy.

Looking at this information, Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

He saw the development process of this life nest, and the final result was so sad.

The overlord civilization that can conquer the entire life nest is just food for the creators and is powerless to resist.

Almost every year, the three-eyed tribe selects trillions of tribesmen to sacrifice to the three great beings.

After these tribesmen are sacrificed, new tribesmen will be created one after another in the next year.

The entire three-eyed tribe is like a pig that can grow continuously. It will always be at the bottom of the food chain, without hope and future, and will one day become a sacrifice.

And the upper class of the three-eyed tribe will also have sacrifices.

But compared to the three-eyed people who were sacrificed in the lower and middle layers, their number was pitifully small.

This was an extremely cruel life nest without any emotion. Judging from all the actions of the three founders, Lin Yi was almost certain.

Once they came into contact with other life nests, war would definitely break out.

"I wonder what other life nests would be like. Are they as cruel as this one?"

Lin Yi clearly understood the horror of the life nest where the three-eyed people were.

The seemingly great civilization was actually just someone else's food.

Shaking his head slightly, he turned around and stepped into the space-time level, disappearing in this life nest.

As he left, three eyes swept across here invisibly.

"It seems someone has been here?"

"There are some traces, but they can't be tracked."

"It seems someone has started investigating."

"Be careful, now that many wonderful life nests have arrived, unknown beings at the spiritual level are also about to arrive."

"The entire "void" will undergo a final change, what will happen? No one knows."

"We must be extremely careful."

The three thoughts slowly fell into silence.

At this time, Lin Yi was already heading towards the nearest life nest.

After about a few void days, he came to a brand new life nest.

This life nest is composed of three different rules as the main trunk.

And the basic unit of this life nest is one wonderful crystal after another.

These crystals are extremely large, and there seem to be countless passages and open areas inside.

It is completely a huge, underground world-like place.

The distance between all the crystals has a wonderful balance.

And in the center of this life nest is an extremely huge crystal, the structure is the same as other crystals, full of passages and caves.

Standing outside this life nest, he saw a well-ordered behemoth.

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