The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1023 Past and Arrival (Second Update)

"They seem to be pursuing the true only, which is the realm above eternity."

"Once it is achieved, it seems that it will truly exist in the world forever and will not be harmed by any force, including weird forces."

"And we have seen it before in the ancient god's plan."

"They once predicted that the void would continue to expand and expand."

"And whoever controls the authority of the void can use the infinite power brought by the expansion of the void to wash away their eternal nature."

"Let the eternal nature continue to sublimate and eventually become the only one."

"But they left without implementing the plan."

"We only know that their departure seems to be related to the power of the mind."

"So after this, while we are studying the power of the mind, we are also preparing to completely seize control of the entire void."

"Then use the void of life to swallow the desert void, continue the ancient god's plan, wash away the eternal nature, and make him change."

"Then why haven't you implemented it for so long?" Lin Yi asked with some confusion.

"The reason is simple, because the ancient gods are not the only ones in the original state."

"There were also some powerful life forms born at the same time, such as the nine-clawed ancestral dragon, which was one of them."

"It's just that after the birth of the void, the original state gradually disappeared, and they had to enter the void."

"They are self-contained, and in the birth process of the void, they also discovered the eternal nature."

"By their accumulation in the original state, they also completed the creation of eternal nature."

"Life forms in the original state are far easier to achieve eternal nature than life forms in the void."

"It seems that primitive life forms naturally contain some kind of strange power, which makes it easier for them to create eternal principles."

"There are still some, even when they are born, they have the eternal nature of cohesion, such as the ancient gods and others."

"Finally, after the ancient gods left, with the birth of the Desert Void, these ancient life forms also entered the Desert Void."

"There are also some powerful void beings that were first born, and they also entered the desert void."

"It has gradually become a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It is not an easy task for us to regain control of the void."

"We need absolutely powerful force to be able to suppress these existences."

When Lin Yi heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head, "Fortunately you didn't do this, otherwise you would all be dead."

Champagne nodded, "You said machines, and those mysterious ones. We have never heard of or seen existences that have mastered the third level of psychic power."

"They seemed to appear in the desert void without any sound."

"What is certain is that they were definitely not born in the original state, nor were they born in the void."

"They must come from the outside world, other airspaces, or the spiritual level."

Lin Yi nodded. He originally suspected that this mysterious machine came from somewhere else.

He knows so much about Sora that he has never even heard of the backside of history.

However, he also guessed that this was leaked intentionally by the other party, because he knew that the living beings in the void had no choice.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, "I already understand the specific situation."

"You will take care of everything in the house."

Champagne looked at Lin Yi with some confusion, "Store manager, do you want to leave?"

"I'm going to use this clone to go to other life nests to investigate."

"See what's going on in other nests of life."

"What is their civilization like, and what do they think about the void that suddenly arrives."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi stood up.

Pushing open the door of the House of Everything, he was connected to the void in the next moment.

Champagne watched him leave calmly without saying a word.

Taking one step forward, he appeared in the void.

With the light of true destiny shining in his eyes, he looked in a certain direction and stepped forward.

Behind him flashed an ethereal appearance, which was a way of space that was originally empty.

It's just that it's very difficult to use this power in the void at this time.

There are countless innate rules in the void, which form a huge suppression on the rules of space.

It is no longer possible to tear apart the void and move forward as easily as in the past.

However, Lin Yi's whole body shone with the brilliance of his true destiny.

Entering a magical layer of time and space, the power of the outer space vibrated, allowing him to move forward countless distances in an instant.

The space-time level that Lin Yi entered is a level composed purely of space-time power, which can amplify the power of the outer phase of space.

There are countless levels in the void at this time, and each level has different powers.

These mysterious levels of time and space are all composed of a variety of new rules.

They correspond to different nests of life.

Time has no meaning in this space-time level, where it is almost eternal and unchangeable, almost at a standstill.

Only the existence of a self-contained system can stay at this level of time and space.

Ordinary life will come to a standstill when it comes here.

Just like a stone sculpture without thought and life, it will always stay at the moment when it enters this level of time and space.

In the pitch-black void, a figure flashed out of thin air and appeared here.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes as he looked at the huge whirlpool of light in front of him.

This vortex is like a huge Milky Way, rotating around the center.

However, its distance is far greater than the size of the Milky Way.

In Lin Yi's eyes, he can see the center of this huge vortex, emitting an infinite light.

This light shines on the infinitely distant void. Standing in the void, Lin Yi can feel that these lights seem to have gone through hundreds of billions or even trillions of light years.

They are very old, so old that the light shining into the void is collapsing and decaying.

He was surprised to find that light seems to have its own limits and will collapse with distance.

This is an incredible phenomenon, at least it is the first time he has seen it.

He can see that this life nest is covered by 6 different rules.

This rule is different from the innate 5 rules of the void.

These six rules are the brightest in this area.

Other various rules are much dimmer.

An extremely complex and huge network of rules covers this life nest, 6 of which are like trunks, and the others are like branches.

"That is to say, each life nest will take the original rules as the main trunk, and other rules as supplementary."

"Constitute a brand new set of rules, penetrating into every corner of the life nest."

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