The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1018 Machine, Purpose (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

The last main seat was still vacant, but at this moment, a figure appeared there silently.

A thought came to everyone's mind.

"Everyone, since everyone is here, let's have a feast."

He clapped his hands gently, and the next moment, something different appeared on everyone's table.

All of them were fruits and fine wines emitting different colors and divine light.

"These are all specialties on the island, some rare fruits, and my favorite Baihua wine, which is brewed with pollen from hundreds of spiritual flowers."

"You are welcome, you can try it."

As he said, he raised the wine glass on the jade table in front of him, "I will toast you first."

This mysterious existence looks very similar to humans in simple appearance.

But he has long purple hair and purple eyes.

The whole appearance is like a carefully carved jade, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and all the beauty in the world is concentrated on him.

At this time, he was smiling and raising his wine glass, saluting everyone from a distance.

Everyone picked up the wine glass in front of them and drank it in one gulp.

There was a fragrance in their mouths, and a coolness penetrated their hearts. At this moment, they seemed to see the rules of the void running all things in the world.

Lin Yi's heart trembled slightly. This glass of wine was not just a simple pollen brew.

It seemed to contain countless information, which was the information of the operation of the entire void.

This effect was extremely amazing. This glass of wine made them almost see the birth and destruction of the entire void.

Countless information brought great benefits to the Lord of the Fairy Palace and the Soul Master.

In their minds, all the information that was beneficial to them was instantly understood and absorbed by them and integrated into their power.

The spiritual power they mastered seemed to have increased.

The two of them could be said to be the weakest existence in the entire palace. Although they had also entered the spiritual level, the gap was obvious, so their gains were also the greatest.

The wine glass was put down, and there was a dead silence in the palace. The guards and waiters who were originally standing on the left and right of the hall quickly retreated and disappeared here.

The palace gate also slowly closed, and it became a completely closed space.

In the palace, the mysterious purple-haired man sitting in the main seat said slowly.

"Some of you may not know who I am yet, let me introduce myself first."

"I am the speaker of the Ancient Council - Ji Zi."

"Originated from the original state countless coordinates ago."

"The Ancient Council is an organization composed of 7 ancient beings, and each of us has mastered the third level of spiritual power."

"This time, we summoned everyone to expand the Ancient Council and deal with the upcoming danger."

"The standard for entering the Council is to master at least the basic spiritual power."

"The Council will not have upper and lower levels, but there will be strong and weak."

"Everyone's goal is not to fight for power or fight fiercely, but to unite as many forces as possible to survive in the future changes."

"I wonder if you are interested in joining our Ancient Council?"

Ji Zi looked at everyone on the bright yellow jade table and the green jade table, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

There are 42 people who have mastered the second level of spiritual power. Their eyes flashed with a trace of thought, looking at Ji Zi in the main seat and the other 6 strong men at the purple long table.

Each of these six beings exuded a faint pressure, which made them feel a huge danger. This was the vigilance from their own hearts.

I only heard one of the people at the green jade table slowly say, "I don't know what the future disaster that Jizi mentioned is?"

"We must know the reason so that we can make the right choice, right?"

Jizi's eyes fell on this person.

The guy who asked the question was shrouded in a gray smoke. He seemed to have no specific form, and the smoke was his body.

Jizi looked at him, "Ancestor of the Mist, I can answer your question."

"We have several enemies, one of which is from the spiritual level."

"The second one is from the weird place."

"The third one is from other "empty" domains."

"Other "empty" domains?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of the mist seemed to know something, and the surrounding mist seemed to tremble slightly.

The machine continued, "Most of us are ancient beings before the void."

"Some are born in the original state in the air, and some are born purely in the air."

"Each of us is different from ordinary life forms, and each of us is a miracle."

"We have eternal nature since birth, and we are born to dominate everything."

"Although we are extremely powerful since birth, we also have enemies, that is, beings that are older than us."

"They always want to hunt us, seize our eternal nature, our powerful hearts, and we are their food."

"So the existence that can survive from the distant coordinates to the present is very smart and good at hiding itself."

Hearing this, everyone showed a trace of thought and looked at each other.

"This world is very big, the void is just a creation created by the ancient gods that exists in the air, a kind of life nest."

"The sky is the real unknown, it carries countless secrets, and everything we have is rooted in the sky?"

"Whether it is the spiritual level or the strange land, they are just a form of existence of "sky."

"But these two levels are very large, so huge that they overlap with the sky almost perfectly."

"At least that's the information I know so far."

"And our enemies have been lurking in the mind and the strange land since the distant coordinates."

"They have been waiting for us to show signs, waiting for more delicious food to be born in the sky."

"And now they think the time is ripe."

"They will come and invade all the life nests in the sky."

"Other "air" areas also have different life nests, and they are all our enemies."

"Because they can also increase their strength by hunting other life nests."

"In order to survive, all the life nests in the air will do whatever it takes."

"So we will have many enemies in the future."

"It will be a very difficult war."

"No one knows how many people can survive."

Hearing the information leaked by the machine, the 42 people who were not in the ancient council felt a huge picture.

The terrifying pressure that came to their faces was like the end of the world, and they were just one of them.

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