The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1011 Waiting, Destruction (Second Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

"If you can't step into eternity and touch the second level of spiritual power, you will only be pure cannon fodder."

"If I am alone, I can only guarantee our safety temporarily."

"Next, I will rely on this Wanjie Pearl to absorb the power of the desert void, slowly develop, and wait for changes in the outside world."

The Lord of the Immortal Palace and the Soul Master nodded slightly, "I understand, we have some ideas in our hearts on the road to eternity, but we still need time."

The president nodded slightly, "In troubled times, I just hope that things will not change again, otherwise no one knows what it will turn out to be."

However, the president also knew that this was just wishful thinking.

He could feel that there seemed to be some huge changes in the dark, which were slowly emerging.

In a blink of an eye, several void years passed, and the entire void seemed to have fallen into a kind of calm.

Although the border war has never stopped, large-scale destruction of the void world has no longer occurred.

And the masses of each world have begun to derive new life.

Even the destroyed world was quickly repaired, and then the seeds of life were sown.

The worlds in the world group have basically different time dimensions.

The Void Year may have only passed a few years, but some of those world groups have passed decades or even hundreds of years.

Life seems to have become diversified at this moment.

However, the life void occupied by the weird is also undergoing weird changes.

And this change is imperceptible to ordinary people, only the existence of the ancient god level can be aware of it.

In the huge forbidden area, the eyes of the ancient gods penetrated time and space and fell into the weird area.

Now the five innate rules there have completely collapsed, leaving only pure weirdness.

A group of weird tumors that are so huge that they are unimaginable appeared in the weird area.

There are densely packed weird existences on the tumor, and in the center of the tumor, it seems that there is an endless terrifying thing being bred.

Gu Shen's eyes are very solemn, "The weird invasion is about to enter the second stage."

"The weird demon is about to be born, do you want to take action?"

He looked at the others, and everyone's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

Ancient God Fan shook his head slightly, "Let it out, the void is just our creation for seeking the truth."

"Even if it is destroyed, it is just back to the beginning."

"Fight a battle, test the strength of the strange demon and get familiar with it in advance. It is also good."

"And those things are coming soon."

"Before they come, we have to clean up the void thoroughly, and we can't leave all the benefits to them."

Ancient God Zhen nodded slowly, "Our goal is just to be strong, that's right."

"The mental mark of the void strongman is almost calculated."

"The accumulation of countless years will be a feast for gluttony."

A, Zhen, Fan, Kong, Hun, the faces of the five ancient gods all showed a cold smile.

As long as they can make further progress, any sacrifice is insignificant to them.

The reason why the form of the void is stabilized is just to facilitate their eating.

"Then let's start now, the night is long and dreams are many, we can't leave them any food."




The five figures of the ancient gods disappeared in an instant, as if they had never existed.

Then, strange things began to happen in the life void.

In a tiny world, there lived a race called the Duba tribe.

They were intelligent creatures with blue skin and six arms.

At this time, the Duba tribe had no idea of ​​the war in the outside world.

Because they were a race that had not yet produced an outsider-level strongman.

They had no idea of ​​the cruelty of the void, and this world was everything within their sight.

This was a world that combined high technology and supernatural power.

While developing technology, they also developed their own supernatural power.

The two powers were perfectly combined by them, and they developed a supernatural technological civilization beyond imagination.

They had even completed nuclear fusion and the manufacture of infinite energy systems.

They even conquered every corner of the stars and planets in their world.

The race had a long life span, reaching a minimum lifespan of a thousand years, and was a truly immortal race.

At this time, the Duba tribe was holding a national celebration event, and the Duba Empire was founded 100,000 years ago.

Countless people were cheering, enjoying delicious food and wine, and everything that could make them happy.

But at this moment, the king of the Duba tribe suddenly froze.

Then, under the attention of countless people, he turned into ashes in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

This scene shocked the entire Duba tribe.

And this was just the beginning. The next moment, the entire Duba tribe seemed to be stared at by the god of death.

Countless people stopped and turned into ashes.

Fear spread to the entire Duba tribe in an instant.

Whether they were superiors or inferiors, they all looked terrified and fled everywhere.

I didn't know where I was going to escape, I instinctively wanted to leave.

But unfortunately, some of them were still flying in the sky, and they froze in an instant, and then fell to the ground under the action of inertia.

And their bodies collapsed and turned into ashes in an instant before they fell to the ground.

The entire world where the Duba tribe lived, all life, turned into ashes in a few breaths.

All the life with soul in this world has all gone to death.

And this is just the beginning. In the entire void, one world after another began to show such changes.

Death is like a tornado, spreading wildly around.

No matter what kind of civilization, what kind of world, what kind of strong man, they will die silently.

And the void is still shrouded in golden light, slowly moving, and the terrifying scene is rapidly spreading to the void controlled by the Hope Alliance.

In a short period of time, more than hundreds of world groups have gone to destruction.

They don’t know where the destruction comes from, everything is so abrupt.

In the Hope Alliance Executive Hall, a huge independent fortress quietly floats in a void.

There is a huge palace in the center of the fortress, and in the palace is a huge conference hall that can accommodate hundreds of billions of people.

This palace is always full, and the projections of countless strong men will remain here.

At every moment, they participate in various discussions and plans formulated by the Hope Alliance.

The goal is to reclaim one world group after another, while designing various plans and directions.

Constantly trying to break the current weird and empty deadlock.

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