The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1000 The Spiritual World (First Update)

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A golden spear appeared in the hand of Gu Shenkong, which was composed of infinite spiritual power.

Randomly slashing it towards the top of the head, time and space were shredded, and everything returned to its original state.

A scratch appeared on the huge palm.

A huge crack appeared on the palm at a speed visible to the naked eye, and black liquid gushed out of it, falling on the entire battlefield like raindrops.

A golden book appeared in the hand of No. 4, and the same magnificent spiritual power continued to gush out from it.

Transformed into various magnificent natural phenomena, colliding with the power of Gu Shenkong.

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Facing the attack from the sky, a black flame bloomed and burned all the falling black blood into ashes.

The wound of the black giant palm was spreading rapidly, and the basic structure of the black giant palm was collapsing at an alarming speed.

But at this moment, a black force that could not be described in words spread out from the giant palm.

The wound of the palm was quickly repaired, the diffused spiritual power was also expelled, and all the rules were repaired again.

The new power made Gu Shenkong and No. 4 stop attacking, and they couldn't help but look up at the sky.

This sudden attack also attracted everyone's attention.

The huge palm did not attack again, but slowly withdrew and disappeared into the void.

The passage of the void was also quickly closed, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

At this time, Gu Shenkong looked at No. 4, "Let go of Xing's body, otherwise I will hunt you down until you die."

No. 4 sneered, "Haha, Xing and I are two sides of the same coin. He himself encountered an accident. Now I come to take back my own body. What's wrong with that?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

Gu Shenkong's eyes suddenly became gloomy, revealing a trace of coldness, "A shadow can only be a shadow forever, and it can't become a body."

"You'd better go back and be a shadow obediently."

Gu Shenkong was silent for a moment, and the spear in his hand disappeared as if it melted and merged into his body.

Gu Shenkong's body began to undergo terrifying changes, the first of which was to become illusory.

The body began to grow suddenly, turning into some kind of extremely huge existence, no longer bound by the body, and releasing the vast amount of spiritual energy in the body.

The infinite spiritual energy burst out, allowing Gu Shenkong to expand infinitely.

The infinite spiritual power enveloped this chaotic area.

Instantly, a completely closed spiritual world was formed.

No. 4 and this airspace completely disappeared from the void and entered an inexplicable level.

This level cannot be perceived by ordinary people.

Only Lin Yi could see it very clearly. The light of the true destiny solution crossed the distance of billions of voids and saw here directly.

It was a strange spiritual world, connected to the spiritual level, and extracted from the world of the void.

At this time in that spiritual world, No. 4 encountered a huge crisis.

The body of the ancient god he occupied was rapidly losing vitality under the influence of the surrounding forces.

The special power in the ancient god's body was falling into a state of death and could not make any resistance at all.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, a huge spiritual light permeated from No. 4's body.

This power covered the body of the ancient god, and the silent power was once again full of vitality.

But No. 4 was still in danger, because in this world, he had no specific enemies at all.

This world was his enemy.

He encouraged the power of the ancient god, wrapped in the spiritual light, and launched crazy attacks around him.

Each blow seemed to be able to crush time and space and destroy the world, and the violent power was raging in this spiritual world.

But once these powers left his body, the power of the mind would produce a wonderful effect.

First, the spiritual energy covering these powers was quickly dissolved and neutralized by the spiritual light around.

Then, the violent power would lose its restraint under the spiritual light, and finally shattered, turned into a little light, and disappeared out of thin air.

No matter how No. 4 exerted his power, he could not break this wonderful spiritual world.

Lin Yi also saw the ultimate expression of the power of the ancient gods in this process.

"The incarnation of the spiritual world, anyone who enters the spiritual world will be affected by their power."

"First, the supply of external power is cut off."

"Second, any power under the influence of the mind will lose the mark of the original owner and eventually dissipate into nothingness."

"Third, only the mind can resist the power of the mind, but there is a qualitative difference between the spiritual power of the ancient god and the spiritual power of No. 4, so the spiritual power of No. 4 will disintegrate and be absorbed by the spiritual power of the ancient god."

"It's really terrifying. There seems to be a level suppression of spiritual power. The weak can never resist the strong, and will be eaten up."

Through the observation of the true destiny, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Yi's mind.

He became more and more vigilant about the ancient god. The other party's spiritual power was very strange and powerful.

In his eyes, No. 4 was basically doomed to lose. As time passed, all the power of No. 4 would be devoured.

In fact, the ancient god could have defeated him long ago. When entering the other party's spiritual world, No. 4 had already lost.

The reason why the other party has not killed him yet is because the ancient god Kong seems to be afraid of something.

He is boiling a frog in warm water, consuming No. 4's power bit by bit.

And No. 4 keenly discovered something wrong in the process. If he continues like this, his ending will only be a dead end, without any possibility.

He quickly stopped releasing power randomly. The eternal power and spiritual power of the ancient god gathered in his body, and his body shrank rapidly.

He was compressing all his strength and making a last stand.

A black long sword appeared in front of him. This was his second concrete spiritual product.

At this time, he held the long sword in his hand, and all his strength gathered in the long sword.

Even his ancient god body was instantly transformed into countless light spots and integrated into this spiritual concrete product.

Matter became a spiritual state, a very advanced method of using the mind.

At this moment, everything he had was integrated into the black long sword of spiritual concreteness.

The next moment, a terrifying force erupted, and the sword light accelerated to an unimaginable extreme speed.

Wherever the sword light passed, everything was distorted and cut open.

The spiritual world evolved by the ancient god Kong sprinkled countless spiritual brilliances, and in the process of their collision with the sword light, one distortion after another arose.

The distortions were constantly punctured like bubbles.

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