The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 988: Perception and Request

Everyone who passed by was trembling in their hearts. Every owner of these heads was a majestic existence in the original world group.

But just because of a wrong choice, it led to his own death.

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Wanshiwu quietly established his authority in the Hope Alliance, so that no one dared to challenge him easily.

They also deeply realized the importance of the Lingbo weapon system, which was a weapon related to everyone's life.

In the Beast God World Group, the mysterious No. 4 sat quietly on the throne, with a faint smile on his face.

"Those five guys may have suffered a big loss this time."


There was a hint of schadenfreude in No. 4's eyes.

"Seven waves of testing seem to have no effect."

"This mysterious Mr. Lin really surprised me."

"Maybe we can get in touch with him and cause some trouble for those people."

There was a faint smile and coldness in his eyes.

Thinking of this, I already have a plan in mind.


The Hope Alliance's evacuation plan is in full swing.

More and more people from other world groups are migrating for a long time in the void, passing through the void wormholes of one world group after another.

Even during this process, there were quite a few migrants, and a large number of world groups along the way were already occupied by weirdness.

Then they have to go through a bloody battle, fight their way through countless strange things, rush into the void wormhole and descend to the next world group.

The Hope Alliance has also sent rescue teams one after another to rescue and help these migrants.

The void has completely fallen into an era of chaos and darkness, with only 30% of the area under the absolute control of the Alliance of Hope.

There is the last place of hope, and at this time something is brewing and happening.

That is, many people have discovered that the spiritual energy in the void is decreasing at an alarming rate.

From the first stage of the strange invasion to the present, the concentration of spiritual energy in the void seems to have dropped by 1%.

It doesn't seem like much, but it's only a few void months. If it goes on for many years, what will be the result?

Everyone felt hugely threatened, especially those in high positions.

They know there is no time left for them to develop steadily.

They must take the initiative to attack and ensure that at least 50% of the void is under their control.

Some strong people have already calculated that 50% is a necessary number in order to maintain the spiritual energy in the void to a certain concentration without a significant drop.

And this requires a large number of spiritual wave transmission devices to be able to do it.


In the House of Everything, the Lord of Souls arrives again.

"The current situation is not good. The spiritual energy in the void is rapidly decreasing."

"If the current situation continues, in at most 10 void years, the spiritual energy of the entire world will drop by half."

"The number of all high-level powerful men in the void will be reduced by 90%."

"Their upper limit of power will be greatly affected by the gap in spiritual energy."

"And this will lead to a further contraction of our front."

"In the end, the lack of strong people led to irreparable destruction."

"So now, on behalf of the entire Pakatan Harapan coalition, I have made a proposal."

"What advice?"

"We have carefully studied the spiritual wave transmission device."

"Actually, there is only one most important thing in it, and that is the imprint of your mind."

"What the Hope Alliance means is that they will manufacture the spiritual wave transmission device."

"You only need to be responsible for imprinting your thoughts."

"And all the resources you have requested will be uniformly allocated to you by the Alliance of Hope."

"This will be a huge time saver."

"The most important thing for us right now is time."

"Before the spiritual energy of the void declines irreversibly, recapture the part of the void that has been invaded by the weird."

Lin Yi frowned and thought for a while, "It turns out that these people from the Hope Alliance have discovered the decrease in spiritual energy concentration."

"Originally, I wanted to check the number of Lingbo energy devices."

"But now it seems that things really can't continue like this."

"Otherwise it would be bad if it affects Wanshiwu in the end."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi said slowly, "In addition to the supplies that were first agreed upon, I also want to put forward a condition."

The soul master looked at him calmly, "What are the conditions?"

"I ask all the forces in the void to swear by their strength and true spirit that they will never take the initiative to target me. Once someone intends to attack me and Wanshiwu, all the forces in the void will encircle and suppress them."

The soul master listened to Lin Yi's request with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

If this clause is agreed to, it means that both Lin Yi and Wanshiwu will be the safest people in the world.

No one dares to attack him, otherwise they will face the encirclement and suppression of the entire void force.

At this time, a miracle coin appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

"This one is a miracle coin - the Eternal Oath."

"You should know how powerful it is."

"Any treaty reached using an eternal oath can never be broken."

"Otherwise those who break their oath will be killed by their own power."

"So you got this miracle coin!"

The soul master was also shocked when he saw this miracle coin.

This was also a very famous miracle coin many years ago.

It uses the power of the entire void as the basis of the contract. Once the contract is signed, the power of the signer will be recorded in the void.

Once the signer violates the cause, this little power will be operated by the void.

The power belonging to the signer will expand infinitely under the blessing of the huge void.

Then this force will backfire and attack the signer.

No one can defend against the attack of their own power. This power contains all the information of the signer.

From the soul, the true spirit, and even the power system mastered, as long as the signer dies, the backlash from the void will never end.

So, this is the most dangerous power.

Those who are willing to sign the eternal oath mean that they will never violate the content of the contract.

At this time, Lin Yi gently threw the miracle coin out.

"Those who agree to the conditions, as long as they silently recite it in their hearts, the contract will naturally be established."

The Soul Master nodded, "I understand, next I will convey your request to everyone."

A storm spread across the void at an astonishing speed.

All the void forces received this news, and countless people were shocked.

Lin Yi's request was bold. This was a life-and-death situation, which made some people in power feel aggrieved.

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