The Homeless Man of Teyvat

Chapter 314 Forgotten

"Ying, I have a feeling that this time... may be different from the past."

Who is talking? It sounds so familiar...

Ying frowned in a half-awake state, feeling dizzy as if she had suddenly fallen from a high altitude and then suddenly rose again, and her heart could not help but tremble.

She struggled to wake up, and the vague voice in her ears sounded again, so she temporarily slowed down her struggle out of curiosity and listened carefully.

"Different? Why?"

"I can't explain it either, just treat it as a premonition."

"Premonition... then what should we do?"

Ying felt even more strange in her heart. This voice was obviously a conversation between two people, and one of them had the same voice as hers, and the other's voice was also very familiar!

But who is the owner of this voice? Why don't I remember having such a conversation with someone...Ying was slightly confused, and subconsciously wanted to get closer to the source of the sound, even if it was only a little closer, and it would be better to hear it more clearly.

But she could only stay where she was, without making any progress.

The familiar voice seemed to say something, vaguely and inaudibly. Then came her own voice, full of confidence and with a smile:

"Well, leave it to me, I won't let you down."

Ying struggled hard, trying to wake up and run to where the voice came from.

"Ying? What's wrong with you? Wake up!"


Ying suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed, her loose blonde hair draped over her shoulders, her loose pajamas revealing half of her shoulders, white and tender and attractive. She took a breath, met Paimeng's worried eyes, forced a smile, and reached out to rub her hair: "I'm fine, I just had a nightmare... probably a nightmare."


Paimeng thought about it, took the initiative to hold Ying's palm, rubbed his round little face against it, and comforted her like a kitten: "Don't be afraid, the nightmares are gone~"

Ying's eyes unconsciously showed a smile, and her golden eyes were particularly gentle: "Thank you Paimeng."

After a while, Ying breathed a sigh of relief and finally recovered. Only then did she realize that her body seemed to be a little strange. She raised her hand and touched it. There was a wet patch on her smooth forehead, which was obviously the result of the nightmare just now.


The sound of water waves sounded.

Ying sat in the bathtub with her knees bent, looking quite comfortable.

Today, on a whim, after playing a few erhu pieces at the port market, she and Paimeng found a hotel with a good reputation in Omos Port to stay. Although the hotel is a bit expensive, it has all the necessary facilities. The owner also invited Fontaine engineers to build a hot water system so that guests can take a hot bath in the bathroom at any time.

This alone has attracted many merchants to stay in this hotel - after a dozen or even dozens of days of boat travel, as long as the wallet allows, no one will refuse to take a hot bath.

Paimon sat at the other end of the bathtub, poking the yellow duck floating on the water with his fingers, his eyes full of clear and simple smiles.

Ying distractedly paid attention to Paimon, so that she would not slip into the bathtub and choke on the water, while thinking about the strange dream and the very familiar voice just now.

The man said that something was different from the past, and she seemed to have agreed to something, anyway, it was strange.

Ying wrapped her hands around her knees, with only her head exposed above the water, her brows slightly frowned.

"What are you thinking about?"

Paimon noticed Ying's performance and ignored the yellow duck toy. His little arms and legs paddled underwater, grabbed the edge of the bathtub and stabilized his body: "Is it the nightmare just now?"

Ying nodded: "Yeah, a very strange dream."

"What did you dream about?" Paimon was curious.

Ying loosened her knees and sat up slightly. Water drops slid down her neck, shoulders and collarbones, and some of her blonde hair gathered together and dripped water. She did not hide it and told Paimon the content of the dream word for word.

"Well, it is indeed a very strange dream."

Paimon pinched his chin, tried to think for a moment, and then chose to give up: "It's just a dream. Maybe we stayed on the boat for too long, so we had this strange dream on the first night of sleep on land?"

"It's possible."

Ying thought about it and felt that this inexplicable dream might really be just an inexplicable dream. She stretched, got up and walked out of the bathtub. She raised her hand and the hanging bath towel flew into her hand, wiping the water drops to cover her delicate body.

"It's late, haha~ Let's sleep a little longer."

Ying changed back into pajamas, yawned, and returned to the bedroom with Paimeng. She fell on the soft big bed, and her tone unconsciously became a little lazy: "Tomorrow we still have to..."

Ying suddenly stopped, and the sleepiness that had just emerged disappeared instantly. She immediately turned over and sat up, frowned, looked at Paimeng, and said hesitantly: "Paimeng, do you remember why we came to Xumi?"


Paimeng was stunned for a moment, and scratched his hair subconsciously: "It seems... to find your brother?"

"Brother? No, it's definitely not to find a brother. I remember it was a It should be something very important, but... "

Ying's eyes were a little confused: "But why can't I remember what it was?"


"Great Sage, the thirty-man team has successfully retrieved the [God Canned Knowledge] and stored it in the Pure Glaze Workshop, under the care of a special person."

"Well done, have you found out the reason for the mutation of [God Canned Knowledge]?"

"Not yet, but some scholars believe that the mutation is likely related to the magic scale disease and the dead zone. The appearance of these three is likely to be caused by the same reason."

"Which idiot specifically reported this kind of information that can be known at a glance?"

Azar turned around, his expression showing no emotion: "Or do they just want to attribute the mutation to the magic scale disease, so as to find an excuse for their incompetence?"

The subordinates of the Great Sage saluted hurriedly, not daring to speak out to defend the scholars.

"Tell those guys that it doesn't matter if other things go wrong, but there are only two things. If there are any accidents, we will all be the sinners of Xumi. First, confirm whether [God Canned Knowledge] still has the original effect after the mutation; second, make sure that the Order has absolute control over the experimental product."

Azar waved his hand, not wanting to impose anger and resentment on others at will - that is a manifestation of stupidity and incompetence, and it is definitely not what a sage does.

"Go down."

"Yes, Great Sage."


Azar suddenly spoke up, frowning in the puzzled eyes of his subordinates: "What is Dotore doing?"


"The Void Terminal is really convenient, but it's a pity that such a thing has fallen into the hands of the old-fashioned and stubborn guys in the Order Institute. It's a pity."

Dotore put down the tools, put the modified Void Terminal on his ears, and with a thought, he successfully created a blank account that could not query name, location and other information, and would not leave any traces.

The account interface is simple, without too many functions, and there is only one contact.

Dotore's lips curled slightly, and he sent a message to the only contact:

"You should have received my gift, what do you think, Mr. Secretary?"

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