The Homeless Man of Teyvat

Chapter 274 Time and Destiny

Wood leak tea room.

Yae Shenzi opened the tea can, glanced at it, and nodded with satisfaction. Then, under the gaze of the mother-in-law at the wooden leak tea room, he casually pinched a handful of tea leaves and threw them into the teapot. Then he picked up the boiling kettle and poured water more casually.

The corners of his forehead twitched, and he couldn't help but feel heartbroken as he watched Yae Shenzi destroying the good tea leaves in the tea room.

It's okay to waste tea leaves, but it's really distressing to waste it in front of her.

But she couldn't stop him, or even remind him - the Lord Palace Master had his own reasons, so she couldn't and didn't have the right to say anything more.

"Has the message been sent out?"

Yae Shenzi glanced at the poster girl, with a smile in his eyes, stopped moving, and stopped teasing her.

Although it is fun to watch beautiful girls with distressed expressions, business is more important now.

"Your Majesty, the Palace Secretary has already sent someone to the shrine and handed it over to Kamisato-sama."

Shao responded quickly.

"Well, go and do your work and don't worry about us."

Yae Shenzi waved his hand and let her go for the time being.

"Yes, Lord Palace Secretary."

He breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to Yae Shenzi, and left with a slightly hurried pace.

"Son of God, did you do this on purpose?"

Ying glanced at the tea leaves that were being treated casually, then looked at Yae Shenzi's expression, and her tone was slightly uncertain: "Bad taste?"

"Of course not. Of course I have my own reasons."

"What reason?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

Yae Kamiko smiled, cleaned up the tea set that had been deliberately made into a mess, and brewed a pot of tea carefully and carefully.

"Wow, this person has such a bad character."

Paimon leaned next to Ying and whispered: "Ying, be careful, don't let her fool you."

Ying Hui gave Paimon a reassuring look, and the fingers of her right hand naturally brushed against the filigree bracelet on her left wrist. The white snake scales shone slightly, without attracting any attention.


Yae Shenzi poured two cups of tea and pushed it towards Ying and Paimon: "Although I am not proficient in tea ceremony, I am still dabbled in it."


Ying thanked him, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and immediately put it down: "Son of God, do you have anything to add about the next plan?"

"The omissions... I think about it, well, there should be none."

Yae Shenzi held the cup with four fingers and put it down after thinking for a moment. At the same time, he glanced at Yingying's expression calmly and coughed lightly: "However, there are some things that need to be explained and confessed."

Explanation and confession... Ying's expression remained unchanged, he just looked at her quietly, waiting for her to explain and confess.

The little mascot held the tea cup and took a sip. His eyes widened immediately, but it was not because the tea was delicious, but because it was too hot and he breathed in his mouth. A bit of tea soup was swirled around in his mouth countless times, and he wanted to spit it out, but he also realized that Ying and Yae Shenzi were having some kind of hidden confrontation at the moment, and he didn't want Ying to lose his momentum.


After finally swallowing it, the little mascot wrinkled his face, put down the hot and bitter cup of tea in his hand, and pushed it further away.

She took a small breath and was about to look at Yae Shenzi with Ying, when she saw Ying take out the iced fruit drink from the bracelet and put it on the table in front of her.

The little mascot was extremely moved. While holding a fruit drink and drinking it, he tried his best to stare at Yae Shenzi with a look that lacked power.

What a cute little guy... Yae Shenzi couldn't help but smile, but his eyes lingered on the bracelet on Ying's wrist for a while. She clearly remembered that before she came to Inazuma, or before the last separation, she didn't have this beautiful bracelet on her hand.

So it was sent by Chen Tianfeng?

Then the function of this bracelet is probably not just for storage.

Yae Shenzi guessed, looked into Ying's eyes, and said with a smile: "I suggested to Ying that Mr. Chen pretend to be Orobas. In addition to wanting to solve the issue of Kaiji Island as smoothly as possible, he also has other small thoughts, so I have to explain and confession.”

"In that case, why don't you just confess to Tian Feng?" Ying asked.

"It's very simple." Yae Shenzi smiled slightly and was extremely honest: "Because I don't dare."


Yingyan blinked, not understanding the logic of Yae Shenzi.

Don't dare? If you don't dare, then why do you want to plot against Tian Feng? And why should I confess to her?

"Ying, you and Mr. Chen are traveling companions and absolute friends. The relationship may go further in the future. Naturally, you don't need to be cautious when getting along with Mr. Chen."

Yae Kamiko sighed and shook his head, "But Ina-wife is different. Ina-wife is too weak, so when getting along with Mr. Chen, you must be careful and careful. You can't do nothing, and worry about doing too much or doing the wrong thing."

Her tone was sad and her expression was sincere, as if she was saying something from the bottom of her heart.

Ying thought for a while and said seriously: "Son of God, do you think I am easy to deceive?"

"Okay, okay, no more joking."

The Eightfold Divine Son's mournful expression instantly subsided.

The little mascot was stunned for a moment - she almost really believed that Yae Shenzi had no choice but to do it!

How abominable!

Paimon was furious and stared at her with his big eyes.

"Getting back to the subject, I asked Mr. Chen to pretend to be Orobas. In addition to solving the problem of Haiji Island, my other purpose is to hope that Mr. Chen will have a better impression of the people of Daowei, even if it is just a little bit more."

Yae Shenzi just pretended that he didn't see Paimon's eyes, carefully considered his words, and stated his purpose clearly bit by bit.

"That's all the other little thoughts I'm hiding."

"I see, I roughly understand."

Ying nodded, looked at each other with Paimon, and found an excuse to temporarily leave the tea room.

As if he didn't realize that this was an excuse, Yae Shenzi smiled and sent them out of the private room door. Then he lost his temper, raised his hands and patted his chest, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It was such a close call. They did realize that something was wrong... Fortunately, they didn't. Thinking about hiding it.”

"However, that bracelet does have a communication function..."

"Tian Feng, did you hear everything?"

"Yeah, I heard that."

"Any ideas?"

"Uh... just, inexplicable."

Chen Tianfeng's voice came from the white snake scales, full of confusion and confusion: "Why do they think that if I use the identity of Orobas, I will regard the people of Coral Palace as my own people?"

His people are and will only be people of the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. He and the people of the Holy Spirit marched hard all the way and supported each other, and only then did they have the Empire of the Holy Spirit that can be proud of the world.

If the people of the Coral Palace are so easily regarded as subjects and still use the identity of Orobas, then this will not matter to him, to the people of the Holy Spirit, to Orobas, or to the people of the Coral Palace. It's a blasphemy.

Chen Tianfeng couldn't understand why Ying and Yao Shenzi had such... wonderful brain circuits.

"Perhaps they don't want you to regard the people of the Coral Palace as your own subjects, but they want you to have a better impression of these Narukami people who are destined to integrate into Inazuma in the future while pretending to be?" Ying said a little confusingly. Oral speculation.

"It's possible...oh, wait a minute."

Chen Tianfeng's voice became blurry in the scales, and words such as "Yes, it's Ying" and "It's impossible, give up" could be vaguely heard, but they were not clear.

Then there was a burst of loud noise, and it took a while for it to return to normal.

Ying blinked, feeling that something very lively happened over Chen Tianfeng.

"Ahem, I asked. The Demon God of Teyvat seems to have this underlying logic: God loves the world."

Chen Tianfeng's voice sounded: "So they subconsciously believe that all gods are [lovers]. Coincidentally, the demon god Orobas was not originally the god of the people of the Coral Palace. It was because of various accidents that he became a god by accident." their god."

"With such an example, Ying and Shenzi think this plan is feasible."

Chen Tianfeng was a bit dumbfounded: "Thankfully, I still thought about it for a long time. I thought they had some great plan, but this is what happened in the end."

But it was their fault. If it was a strategy game, what Kage and Shenzi were doing at this time was to try every means to improve his favorability towards Inazuma.

——It’s just that the method is a bit clumsy.

I don’t know about Xiangfeng Shen and Yan Shen. Of these two gods, one entered the game with his own body and exchanged his sincerity for his sincerity; the other was generous and gave away the power of faith of Demon God Osel and Liyue at the drop of a hat.

Chen Tianfeng complained in his heart, feeling that the ability of God Wife needs to be improved.

"Then what do we do next?"

Ying asked.

"Just stick to the plan. Ah, yes, there is one more thing."

Chen Tianfeng said with a smile: "We only promised to help Daoji regain Haiji Island. As long as this can be accomplished, the rest is not important. So there is no need to work too hard on yourself, Ying, you can have fun."

"Yes, I took note of it."

The corners of Ying's eyes curled up, and when he was about to say something more, he heard a rather familiar voice from the snake scales, and then Chen Tianfeng hurriedly said goodbye and hung up the communication.

"What's going on over there with Tianfeng?" Paimeng scratched his hair and wondered, "Why does it feel like there's another person, and they had a dispute?"

"I don't know, but..." Ying was a little unsure: "The other person seems to be my brother?"

The two looked at each other with confusion and curiosity in their eyes.

"Stop, stop, stop, it's over. It would be rude to start again."

Chen Tianfeng grinned and couldn't understand: "I said, uncle, if you don't want to chat with Ying now, just forget it, why don't you let me chat?"

He just gave the "phone" to Kong, but the prince of the abyss refused to answer it, saying it was not the right time. But when he took it back to talk by himself, this guy stared and tried to stop him.

Tsk, I can’t understand.


Kong's face turned slightly dark and he didn't want to talk to him.

I really can’t figure out what is so good about Chen Tianfeng, why does my sister fall in love with him?

After much deliberation, he finally placed the blame on a certain bard.

Kong took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. He calmed down and said with a serious expression: "I came to you this time because of other things - very important things."

"What's up?"

Chen Tianfeng also became serious. It would definitely not be a small matter if Kong came to him specifically.

"Under my leadership, the Abyss Order has been executing a plan called [The Loom of Destiny] over the years. You don't need to know what it is specifically, you just need to know that when the plan is completed, the Order will have weaving The possibility of Teyvat’s fate.”

Kong frowned and said: "The Order has made a lot of preparations for this, including going to Mondstadt to look for the eyes of the world's first [cultivation machine] made by Kanreia, although they have not been found yet."

Chen Tianfeng nodded, indicating that he was listening.

The cultivator is a ruins guard wandering in the wilderness. Although its name is a cultivator, it is actually a large automatic mechanical weapon. This naming method comes from the philosophy of Kanria: the land is not plowed with agricultural tools, but fought for with iron and blood.

"But some time ago, to be precise, not long after you arrived in Inazuma, the fate of Teyvat changed dramatically."

There was doubt in Kong's eyes: "Although fate is always changing, even the top prophets can only choose the most likely future from many futures, but this time is different."

The degree of fate turbulence this time is so great that even the average powerful prophets can clearly sense the violent waves in the long river of fate.

"So I want to know, what did you do?"

Kong looked at Chen Tianfeng: "The starting point of the fate turbulence is in Inazuma. Except for you, I can't think of anyone else who can influence fate."

"But I didn't do anything."

Chen Tianfeng also frowned, and all kinds of speculations flashed through his mind: "I am very sure that from entering Inazuma to now, I haven't done anything that can affect fate..."

He suddenly paused, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, raised his eyes and collided with Kong, and said in unison:

"It's [Future]!"

Fate and time, these two have always been difficult to figure out, and they are closely related.

If fate really stirs up waves because of Chen Tianfeng, and he is obedient in the [past] and [present], then there is only one possibility left.

"So what did I do in the future?"

Chen Tianfeng grinned and sighed: "Time and fate are the two most annoying things. I have been annoyed by this type of gods before. Kong, you should be careful. Don't accidentally lose yourself in your plan of [Fate Loom]."

"What are you still planning? Fate has been affected by you."

Kong shook his head, hesitated for a moment, turned his palm, and took out a crystal stone that was surrounded by purple-black smoke and looked ominous and evil: "This is for you."

"What is this?"

Chen Tianfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, took the crystal stone, looked up and down, sensed the breath similar to the earth vein, and had a vague guess in his heart.

"The Earth Vein Source Stone, a byproduct of the [Loom of Destiny] plan, can temporarily strengthen the connection between you and the Earth Vein." Kong explained, "I don't know what you will do in the future, but it should be related to the Earth Vein. This thing may help you at that moment."

"Good stuff, thank you, brother-in-law."

Chen Tianfeng accepted the Earth Vein Source Stone and bowed to Kong, a typical example of taking advantage and still being ungrateful.

"Don't call me brother-in-law."

Kong's face darkened, and he wanted to take the thing back: "Ying hasn't clearly recognized you yet."

Chen Tianfeng smiled, did not refute, and did not make any frivolous promises.

"That's all I have to say. See you next time, Chen Tianfeng. I hope that when I see you next time, you can be a complete living person, um, a living god."

"Thank you for your good words."


The Prince of the Abyss opened his mouth and sighed: "Take good care of Ying, don't let her get hurt, and don't let her be bullied... That's it, let's go!"

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