The Homeless Man of Teyvat

Chapter 240 Not a Monster

"The sky in Inazuma has cleared up... Tsk, that's a good point, a double entendre. That little girl Xiao Gong was so moved that she almost held your hand with tears in her eyes and shouted, 'I believe you, General' or 'The way is magnificent, and Ming Shen is eternal.'"

Chen Tianfeng picked up a branch, grinned, and threw it away again - it had just rained, and the branches were wet and not suitable for lighting a fire.

He took out the prepared dry firewood from the Eye of God, lit a bonfire, found two stones of the right size and moved them to use as stools to sit down, and looked at Ying, who was frowning and staring at the stones he moved: "But why don't you look anxious at all?"

After leaving Naganohara, he and Ying successfully left Inazuma Castle. According to Chen Tianfeng's meaning, it was natural to identify the direction, rush to Ming Shen Taisha as quickly as possible, and find a way to throw Ying to Yae Shenzi, while he and Ying searched for things related to soul resurrection in Inazuma.

But who would have thought that the God of Thunder suddenly wanted to walk to the Narugami Shrine. No one knew what went wrong.

Perhaps the puppet general had crashed, which made her already dull mind even worse... Chen Tianfeng complained in his heart.

Shadow's palm rubbed across the stone, and the rough stone surface became smooth and flat as if it had been cut by a knife. She sat down, her posture upright like a warrior, and looked at Chen Tianfeng across the fire: "Why should I be anxious?"

"Did I misunderstand? Your words 'Inazuma's sky has cleared', in fact, just mean that the sky is clear, no other meaning?" Chen Tianfeng raised his eyebrows: "Or, after such a short time, you are going to break your promise?"

"No misunderstanding, you don't have to think about angering me all the time."

Ying's expression was calm: "I naturally have my own reasons for doing this."

"What reason?" Chen Tianfeng became interested, "Inazuma is in chaos, and you suddenly 'disappeared', Inazuma City is now a mess. Maybe someone leaked the news, and the resistance army of Haigi Island launched a general attack, shouting words like 'the gods are dead'. At that time, people will be panicked, and it will not end well."

"For mortals, it is indeed not easy to end. But for me, the so-called 'Inazuma chaos' you mentioned is a small trouble that I can end at any time." Ying said indifferently.

Inazuma is the wife of General Raiden. All the power of the Three Magistrates comes from her grant. The fact that Umijima can exist to this day and even still worships their [Umiji Daigojin] is also because of her acquiescence.

Therefore, no matter how chaotic Inazuma is, as long as she is still there, everything is not a problem.

——The so-called restoration of order is all in her mind.

"What's more, I'm here to guard the biggest and real trouble of Inazuma." Ying looked at him, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"... Too much, so far, all the turmoil in Inazuma has nothing to do with me." Chen Tianfeng pulled the corner of his mouth: "Besides, if you want to solve this big trouble of mine as soon as possible, shouldn't you waste time?"

What the hell is walking step by step to Naruto-taisha? Is it necessary to walk step by step to Lingshan Da Leiyin Temple to show sincerity, just like Tang Seng's journey to the West?

But Lingshan Da Leiyin Temple is dedicated to Tathagata, so there is naturally no problem for Tang Seng to do this. Ying worships the Thunder God at the Mingjin Taisha Shrine on the mountain. What kind of sincerity does this show?

Or is this the unique way of self-examination for the god Inazuma?

"If we fly directly to Mingjin Taisha, will you pack your bags and leave Inazuma immediately?"

Ying's eyes moved down and stopped at the long sword and the Eye of God on Chen Tianfeng's waist: "I don't know what conditions the God of Rock and the God of Wind offered before you left their kingdom, but I am sure that you must have left after achieving your goal. Therefore, you can't leave Inazuma before your trick is completed."

Therefore, it makes no difference to her and Inazuma whether she arrives at Mingjin Taisha earlier or later.

As long as this monster does not leave, Inazuma will be shrouded in the shadow of death.

Chen Tianfeng smiled, not caring about Ying's vigilance and caution towards him: "That makes some sense, but that's not all, right?"

"Yeah." Ying nodded and said: "Finally, I want to walk around Inazuma in person and take a look."

Whether it's eternity or a moment, only by seeing it with her own eyes can she determine how Inazuma's future path will go.

"Not a bad idea."

Chen Tianfeng was a little surprised. It seems that Xiao Gong's words still touched Ying.

Tsk, he obviously said the same... and the same meaning, but this brain is like a knot, and he can't listen to a word.

"I didn't expect you to care about your people. I thought you were the kind of god who only cared about fulfilling your own obsessions and didn't care about the lives of your people."


Ying raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was a little surprised: "You monster also had people?"

"Of course, I was also a god a long, long time ago." Chen Tianfeng added some firewood to the campfire, "With people and a country, I don't know how many times better a god is than you."


Ying didn't comment.

Chen Tianfeng clapped his hands, watching the newly added firewood quickly spread black under the licking of the flames, and began to burn himself. He nodded with satisfaction and turned his eyes to Ying: "I know you don't believe it. It just so happens that I have time now. Do you want to listen to my story?"


Ying had no objection. He was free anyway, so it would be good to listen to this monster's story about his past. Maybe he could find out his weaknesses from it.

"The story is very simple, even a little cliché. I don't tell it well, so you can just listen to it."

Chen Tianfeng stretched out his palm to warm the fire, and was silent for a moment, saying: "Now think about it, that was a very ordinary day in my life..."

One evening, the young man woke up from his dream, but found that everything in the world had changed. The world was no longer beautiful, and those ordinary daily lives were gone forever. Even he himself inexplicably turned into a big snake.

He fled in panic, but he didn't know where to flee.

In a daze, he encountered a small tribe that was driven out of their homes. There were only more than 300 people in that tribe, and young and strong fighting force was even rarer. Everyone was injured, migrating silently and sadly.

The two met unexpectedly. The old people in the tribe knelt and cried, begging the big snake to let them go, at least let the children go, and they, the old guys, volunteered to become the trophies and food of the big snake.

The big snake was at a loss, and woke up again in the crying of children and the elderly. He hurried away, but for some reason he was a little worried about these poor people, so he followed silently in the dark.

Although it was said to be in secret, the body of the big snake was not easy to hide. Fortunately, both parties knew it well and did not expose it.

The big snake observed, and sometimes when he saw that the tribe lacked food, he learned to hunt, and put fresh prey on the tribe's migration road from a distance, watching them pick it up in surprise, and watching them bow in their direction.

Just like this, the tribe finally found a new home, reclaimed the land, and no longer wandered. The big snake was about to leave, but saw the tribal leader and several tribal elders leading the way, offering the big snake the latest food picked and hunted in the new home, begging the big snake to stay.

They said that they wanted to worship the big snake as the god of the tribe.

So, the tribe that lost its home and longed for the protection of the gods made a contract with the big snake that lost its hometown, agreeing to live in a strange new home and live without being bullied.

This was the first encounter between the people of the Holy Spirit and their gods.

"Later, we became stronger and stronger, with more and more people and more and more territories. Finally, no one dared and no one could bully us. Then..." Chen Tianfeng paused, the firelight flickered on his cheek, and he couldn't see his expression clearly: "Then the world ushered in an unreasonable doomsday, and I became like this." He raised his head, his black eyes met Ying's eyes, and said seriously: "You always call me a 'monster', 'monster', but... no one is a monster from the beginning." "I was also a god, with people, a country, and things that I couldn't give up... But all of this became a bubble that was punctured in the doomsday." He whispered: "I'm not a monster, really." "..." Ying looked at him blankly, opened his mouth, but felt a little dry in his throat, and didn't know what to say. She subconsciously looked away, not daring to look at him, so she looked at the burning bonfire, and after a long silence, she spoke with difficulty: "I...sorry."

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

When Ying felt more and more guilty, she finally heard the young man's solemn voice: "I accept your apology."

"...Thank you."

Ying pursed her lips, raised her head to meet Chen Tianfeng's eyes, with a complicated expression: "...Tianfeng, your people...?"

"They left, all together. At the last moment, I tore open the world barrier and let them escape from that hopeless world together. Except for a stubborn high priest, he refused to leave and insisted on accompanying me."

Chen Tianfeng looked up at the night sky. When it was sunny, the sky of Teyvat was always full of stars. He lowered his head and smiled, spread his palms, and the cracks hung in his palms. The world of death was looming: "As a price, I was tied to my world and became what it is now."

The guilt in Ying's heart deepened a little.

"Ying, do you remember the question I asked you?" Chen Tianfeng retracted his hand: "Who are your people to you?"

"I remember." Ying nodded.

"Isn't it a bit confusing?"

Chen Tianfeng laughed, but soon stopped: "But when the end of the world comes, the gods of the Holy Spirit World do have to face this problem. Unlike mortals, the gods who can more or less perceive and influence the operation of the world actually have completely different choices in the face of the end of the world."

"Is it to not recognize their own people, devour them all, tear open the world barrier and escape alone; or only recognize some important people who are recognized by themselves as their own people, sacrifice the other unimportant people, and escape with the recognized people; or regard all the people as their own people, sacrifice themselves, and exchange hope for their lives."

Chen Tianfeng shook his head and said: "This is unreasonable. I am a god. Before my people commit unforgivable sins, I will not give up anyone."

Ying was silent for a moment, frowning: "In your world, are there gods who choose the first or second approach?"

"Of course, not all gods are as stupid as me." Chen Tianfeng nodded.

"I don't think this is stupid." Ying shook his head, with anger between his eyebrows: "Those gods actually abandoned their people like this, how shameless!"

"I think so too."

Chen Tianfeng agreed very much.

So when he noticed that these shameless gods wanted to escape, he unceremoniously thickened the world barrier to prevent them from escaping, and then went to the door and devoured them one by one.

This point is not worth telling to outsiders.

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