The Homeless Man of Teyvat

Chapter 109 For the Ice Queen!

After the West Wind Knight left, Jerome quickly stood up. Under the leadership of the Thunder Fire Warlock, the group of four found the secret room where the Sky Piano was stored without any obstruction, and stopped in front of the closed stone door.

Jerome found the mechanism that opened the stone door, took out the glowing red stone slab from his arms, and embedded it into the mechanism, making it fit tightly.

"Sure enough, the West Wind Church still uses old things from hundreds of years ago."

Jerome sneered, put his hand on the mechanism shrouded in red light, and controlled it to raise the stone door.

The secret room behind the stone door is not big. An altar stands in the center, and the goal of their trip - the Sky Piano - is placed on it.

Jerome looked at the Sky Piano, as if he saw his future of promotion and salary increase, his eyes couldn't help but heat up. He waved his hand, and the only Thunder Fireflies in the team stepped forward and released the two gray Thunder Fireflies again.

Lei Ying broke into the secret room and rushed in the secret room unscrupulously. The flashing lightning ripped off their disguises and tried to activate any protective traps that might exist in the secret room.

The next moment, a cyan wind suddenly blew up in the secret room. It circled gently and swept the two Thunder Fireflies into its arms. As a result, the purple thunder fireflies were infected by cyan, their high-speed trembling wings stopped, their joints became stiff, they lost the ability to move like fallen leaves, and they were blown away by the wind like soft sand.

Without waiting for Jerome to urge him, the debt collector in the team took a deep breath, clenched the scimitar in his palm, charged up his legs, and ignited dark red flames all over his body.


The debt collector disappeared, and several phantoms lingering in flames appeared at the same time. The phantoms surrounded the tribute platform, exuding fiery fluctuations, and were connected to each other in some way, making it impossible to tell which one was the real debt collector. People, or these phantoms are real debt collectors.

The green wind in the secret room paused for a moment, then divided into three, each of them swept towards the nearest shadow.

It's now!

Jerome's eyes lit up, he exerted all his strength, and rushed towards the tribute platform like a wild horse!

When the green wind tore the three shadows apart, Jerome grabbed the Sky Piano, then kicked it on the altar, used the force to turn back, and left the secret room faster than when he came.

At the same time, the phantom of the debt collector also rushed out of the secret room, with Qingfeng following closely behind the three phantoms.

The last two phantoms paused slightly, then kicked the front phantom hard, kicking them out of the secret room. However, because of this pause, they themselves were caught in the green wind and dissipated like fly ash.

Qingfeng stopped in front of the secret room door, turned back naturally, and continued to rotate around the tribute platform.


The remaining shadow gradually solidified, and the disappeared debt collector reappeared, coughing uncontrollably, and anyone could see his weakness.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jerome looked at the only debt collector in the team, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, giving up the idea of ​​letting him practice more.

Wait... more training?

Jerome was stunned for a moment, feeling that he had overlooked something.

Something is wrong... there must be something wrong!

He frowned, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his heart was full of uneasiness and panic.

Where will it be? ! Where will it be? !

Jerome took a deep breath and looked around, trying to find anything strange.

But everything seemed normal around him: the Thunder Fire Warlock fell to the ground at some point, the tired and weak debt handler, and another debt handler who could be seen smiling at him through his mask.

etc! Does he have two debt processors on his team? !

There's one more person in the team!

Jerome woke up suddenly, feeling a chill rising in his heart. However, before he could react, his vision suddenly went dark. Before his consciousness fell asleep, he heard the voice of the extra debt handler.

He said: "Thank you for your hard work."

Chen Tianfeng knocked Jerome unconscious, and then did the same thing before the debt processor could react, letting him fall into a sweet dream.

"Hehe, I got it, thank you brothers Fool for your support."

Chen Tianfeng picked up the Sky Piano, glanced at the clothes of the Fools, and smacked his lips: "I just said something is wrong. They came to steal the Sky Piano, how could they wear the exclusive clothes of the Fools - Wendy, you are not reliable. spectrum.”

The silent wind took away his words and brought back his friends' voices, ringing in his ears.

"Oh, I'm very reliable this time, okay?" Wendy said in a brisk voice with the same smile as always: "I can't remember how long it has been since I did something serious like today. Cherish it, Xiao Tianfeng."

"Yes, yes, thank you Lord Fengshen."

Chen Tianfeng glanced at the three fools who were knocked unconscious, feeling quite emotional in his heart. Wendy did a good job, and she did it well.

"How perfunctory, Xiao Tianfeng. You are my most devout believer, so you should have the due respect for the gods."

"...I knew you had been eavesdropping!"



Chen Tianfeng was helpless, and some habits became natural. He took out the box he had prepared in advance from the Eye of God, put the Sky Piano in it, pulled off a piece of cloth, wrapped the box and tied it to his body.

The Sky Piano cannot be installed into the Eye of God created by Wendy, which barely reflects the status of the Sky Piano as an artifact.

Chen Tianfeng moved his body, and after confirming that his movements were not affected, he ducked down and slipped towards the underground entrance like a thief.

While walking, I didn’t forget to chat with Wendy: “By the way, Wendy, can you teach me about this psychic interference?”

Mind interference, or cognitive barrier. It can make the target subconsciously ignore some abnormal places. In some cases, this thing is more useful than the aura of intelligence reduction.

With the help of Wendy, he was able to successfully blend into the six-member team of the Fatui without arousing anyone's suspicion.

"This is the authority of the gods. You can't learn it, Xiao Tianfeng." Wendy's tone was slightly proud.

"Does the wind god have such authority?" Chen Tianfeng was surprised.

"Of course not, oh, it's complicated to explain, so I won't explain it."

"... Just be happy."

Chen Tianfeng twitched his mouth, passed through the transfer room smoothly, entered the underground passage, and finally stopped at the exit.

There are people outside, many people.

Chen Tianfeng noticed this, turned his head and looked behind him, and inexplicably felt like he was locked in... No, it was in a jar... No...

He sighed, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: I remember that in the plot, the traveler stole the Sky Harp and didn't encounter such a big battle.

Although he was intercepted by someone in the end, he was also blamed.

"Oh, it's blocked." Wendy's smiling voice sounded in his ears: "Let me see, Captain Qin, Miss Eula... Hehe, they are all familiar people. Xiao Tianfeng, you are in big trouble now~" "Who do you think this is because of?" Chen Tianfeng's face darkened, and he decided to wait until he returned, and then he would drink all the dandelion wine before Wendy! "Hey~" "Hey, what the hell." Chen Tianfeng took a deep breath and checked his real outfit again - it looked more genuine than the genuine debt handler. He silently switched the elemental disguise to the fire element, held the standard scimitar of the debt handler in his right hand, raised his left hand, and a ball of red fire quickly gathered! "Boom!!!" The door panel of the underground entrance was smashed and the fragments were scattered. Chen·Fat·Tianfeng rushed out suddenly, surrounded by flames! He shouted loudly: "For the Queen of Ice!"

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