The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 202: :Hollywood

?Facing Renyi's insult to himself like this, the president of Tudou Company fell silent.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, I'll stay here until the process is over, okay?" the man said with a sigh.

There is no way, after all, the other party is the director of Renshi Group, maybe the other party is really angry, Tudou will be under Renshi's banner the next day, and it is estimated that his identity as the president will not be guaranteed...

"Secretary Liu, help me cancel this afternoon's plan..." the boss of Tudou called the tall woman beside him, and said helplessly.

The tall slender woman nodded slightly, walked aside and started making phone calls, arguing with someone.

On the side, Ren Yi could also see that the other party had succumbed to his lust, so he looked at the reporters in the audience triumphantly. Of course, although he was proud in his heart, he couldn't see it from the surface.

The screen switches back to Papa's Antiques.

Jackie Chan and others who witnessed this report stood there for a long time with their mouths wide open in surprise.

"That is to say... Daddy, do you know the former director of Renshi Group?" Jackie Chan asked in disbelief.

"He's still your master..." Tru's small eyes widened.

Only Xiaoyu was uncharacteristically, not only didn't ask questions, but instead held her **** with a complicated expression...

"I didn't expect...he was..." Xiaoyu muttered softly.

"Okay, daddy has brought all his stuff, when are we going to leave? Dad still wants to come back before Monday to continue my business..." When everyone was stunned, daddy held a The little bag shouted at everyone.

"Well...Okay, the plane is already at the airport, let's go now..." Jackie Chan said while helping his father carry the suitcase behind him, opened the door and walked out.

Mafia side.

"Is this Los Angeles..." Ah Fen put his hand on his forehead to block the sun, and sighed looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"I don't know if we can see the sunrise..." Lasu said blankly, while looking up at the sky, facing the sunlight directly.

"It seems a bit late..."

"Enough! Stop talking nonsense, be quick!" Wa Long, who was walking in front of the team, roared loudly.

"Check carefully to see if the Panku treasure box responds."

Zhou Wenyan looked at the blue-purple box in his hand and shook his head.

"Damn Holy Lord, if I seize the opportunity in the future, I will definitely take you..." Just as Valon spoke harshly, his body suddenly twitched.

"Walong... Don't forget that I'm still inside your body... If I want, I can make you fall into endless pain..." Walong's eyes were shining red like pink eyes, talking to himself.

Then there was another convulsion, and Valon returned to his original state, curling his lips in dissatisfaction.

Everyone looked forward, that was the entrance of Hollywood. Obviously, there were four or five thick men in guard uniforms standing there, and it was almost impossible to break in.

"We need to find a way..." Ah Fen said.

At this moment, the poster pasted on the telephone pole at the side attracted everyone's It was a beautiful woman in a swimsuit with gray hair.

Ah Fen's eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked at Wa Long who was standing in front of him sullenly.

"Boss, this is for you..."

The press conference has come to an end.

"Then, that's all for today's press conference, but before disbanding, we need to discuss the location of the next meeting..." 280's CEO said.

At this time, everyone's eyes subconsciously focused on Ren Yi.

Feeling the thrill of being watched by everyone, Ren Yi slowly stood up and said:

"Then Hollywood..."

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