The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 513: Ten years, at most ten years!

   Chapter 513 Ten years, at most ten years!

   You can't keep your original heart in the Five Intentions and not come out, right?

   He also wanted to stay by Chu Xin's side and watch her become stronger bit by bit until he could deal with those external pressures side by side with him.

   But he also knew that if he stayed in Xuanji Continent for a long time, Bei Yeyi would definitely come in person, and his original intention would be even more insecure.

   He can't do this, and he can't do that, he can only watch himself separated from his original intention.

"Your original intention, you are no longer suitable to stay in Qinglong College. I have already told Dean Chen, then, you can go to loose cultivation, and Lidian is your home, you can also go to see your grandfather at any time. Grandma, they must miss you very much."

   "I know, I will." Sheng Chuxin nodded obediently.

   "Ahan, all the spells on you have been removed, and you will be the thorn in the side of the ghost king after you go back, you..."


   Before Sheng Chuxin finished speaking, Bei Yehan raised his hand and pressed her red lips.

   "Don't mention that."

   He didn't want to mention those unhappy things with Chuxin, but it was clear that there were only these things between them now.

   "Okay." Sheng Chu agreed.

   "Ahan, I will try my best to make myself stronger, and I won't make you wait too long."

   Hearing this, Bei Yehan's face was full of a wry smile. It wasn't that he should be stronger at the beginning, but he, and he was not strong enough now, and he couldn't even protect his own woman.

   "Akan, the temporary separation is just for the next better reunion, our good days are still long, not worse than the past few years."

   She didn't know how many years this separation would be, but she knew that the future between her and Akan was bright, and she would never allow anyone to destroy their bright future.

   "I really want to lock you in the Ring of Five Intentions and never allow you to come out." Bei Yehan sighed heavily and said.

   In that case, he can see her every day, and he can also take her to the Holy Land of Darkness.

  Can the initial heart be locked in the Five Intentions Ring? The answer is of course impossible.

   "Ten years, at most ten years!"

   He gritted his teeth, ten years was a blink of an eye for him before, but now...

   "Chuxin, you answer me, you must be obedient and wait for me to pick you up."

   "Well." Sheng Chuxin naturally nodded.

   At this time, what he said was what he said.


   In another room, Qiong Qi, Qiong Lu, Qiong Hao, and Yuner, the four of them sat around a table.

   Yun'er looked at Qiongqi, and at Qionglu, the two of them, with two big innocent eyes.

   "You guys are so strange, why are you frowning, the Lord and the young lady are not separated forever."

   Sooner or later, the Lord will come to pick up the young lady. What do they have to worry about, so much that she feels very uncomfortable in her heart.

   "It's so hateful!"

   Qiong Qi slapped his palm on the table, his face full of indignation.

  The Lord and the Mistress were just getting married and were about to separate. How could they be so angry?

   "The ghost king is simply not worthy of being a mother!"

   How could a mother persecute her son like this? The persecutor had no choice but to keep his mistress in Xuanji Continent, for fear that he would be persecuted by his mother in the dark of night.

   "Did you only know now? That woman is so heinous!"

   Qionglu glared at Qionghao and said.

  What unforgivable evils, that are all evils, absolutely unforgivable!

   The winner married the mistress, like a thief, it really made him have the urge to crush Bei Yeyi to death, but he didn't have the ability!

   (end of this chapter)

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