The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 241: Holy Beginning Heart, Holy Beginning Heart

   Chapter 241 Holy Beginning Heart, Holy Beginning Heart Again

   But even though his anger grew stronger and stronger, he also knew that the woman in front of him was still useful, and that he just lost a useful chess piece by dying like this.

   "Hmph, I'll spare you this time."

   With a cold snort, he threw the woman to the ground with a force in his hand.

   "Cough, cough, cough."

  The woman who had regained her freedom couldn't take her breath away, and hurriedly knelt down respectfully to the man, and kept kowtowing.

   "Thank you... Thank you for your master's grace of not killing, and your subordinates will definitely bring Shengchu Xin's heart to the master."

   "Remember, don't kill Sheng Chu's heart again, otherwise, this seat will make your life worse than death!" The man said to the woman in a cold voice.

   What he wants is a living holy heart, not a cold corpse.

   "Yes, my subordinates understand." The woman responded.

   "Remember, you are just a dog by my side, don't think of going against my words, otherwise... the Valley of Thousand Poisons is your destination."

   Hearing the words, the woman's body, which was crawling on the ground, immediately began to tremble.

   "Subordinates understand, subordinates will no longer dare."

   "Do things well, this seat will not treat you badly." As he spoke, the man's voice got farther and farther away.

   After a long time, the woman felt that there was no movement in the woods, so she let out a sigh of relief and fell to the ground softly.

   "Shengchu Xin is also Shengchu Xin, why is she everywhere!"

   Even though her body was completely powerless, she still gritted her teeth angrily, staring at the night sky, wishing that the sky would collapse and smash Sheng Chuxin to death!


   Another mouthful of blood was spit out, but this time it wasn't as painful as the last time to get rid of the poison of the Demon Crow, and I felt a lot more comfortable in my chest.

   "How is it? Is your chest still uncomfortable?"

   Bei Yehan raised his hand, gently wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, and asked with concern.

   Sheng Chuxin took a deep breath and shook his head, "I just feel that the dantian seems to be more fulfilled."

The    spiritual power seems to be unrestrained and wants to rush everywhere. This feeling has happened before, and it is a precursor to promotion.

   "It's fine, just find a demon beast and have a good fight." Bei Yehan said.

   said, he supported her to stand up, and the two walked forward.

   After more than half an hour, a giant centipede lay beside Sheng Chuxin's feet. The claws were still moving, but there were no signs of life.

   "It's the first time I've seen such a big centipede." She looked at Bei Yehan and told the truth.

   "How do you feel?" Bei Yehan didn't care about centipedes, he only cared about her physical condition.

   "I feel very good, my whole body is working hard, even all the injuries on my body are healed." Sheng Chuxin took the Spiritual Sword and patted his chest.

   She has already reached the golden stage, even if her whole body is injured, she is satisfied.

   Hearing this, Bei Yehan glared at her angrily.

   "Come on, I'll take you to the tenth floor."

   This ninth floor has nothing to promote her, but the tenth floor has what she wants most.

   "Bei Yehan, can I fly with my sword now? Should I take you to try it?" Sheng Chuxin said.

   Just entered the Golden Core Stage, she really wanted to give Yujian flying a try, at least when she was lazy in the future, she didn't have to walk on two feet, she just used flying.

   Bei Yehan paused and turned to look at her: "When you return to Mingxin Courtyard, there will be flying mounts waiting for you."

   Want to fly as soon as you enter the Golden Core Stage? Is she trying to hit the wall?

   "What flying mount to use, I can't do it myself..."

   (end of this chapter)

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