The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1761: Extra: Revenge

   Chapter 1761 Fanwai: Revenge

   "If you don't want to do it, you can quit. The three of us can still handle them." Shen Yusu said to him.

   "Do it, why don't you do it."

   Qiu Wu heard his words, how could he deny his words?

   Even in order to get the bracelet, he has to go with him, otherwise, won't he get nothing in the end?

"I also kindly remind you that since you have decided to do this, you must be fully prepared. Besides, that Bei Yehan is really not easy to deal with, neither Adai nor Yanyan can handle him. "

   "What happened this time was a mistake, but it was enough to arouse Bei Yehan's vigilance, and he couldn't do anything to him after that." Shen Yusu said in a deep voice.

   "Adai, have you contacted Sun Ruoruo? Why didn't she even get a response, and no one could be found in the hospital. She said she was on leave. What does she want to do?"

   He looked at Bai Dai and asked.

  Sun Ruoruo is the biggest time bomb around them, and it may fall to the heart of Shengchu at any time, selling them all.

   Originally, he thought that with Bai Dai around, Sun Ruoruo wouldn't betray them, and it would still be useful.

   But she didn't expect that now she doesn't even answer their calls.

   "I can't get through. I've made dozens of calls, but I haven't answered a single one." Bai Dai was also annoyed at the moment, not knowing where the dead woman Sun Ruoruo went.

   "Why don't I go to Shengchu Xin's house and ask, they must know where Sun Ruoruo went."

   he suggested.

   "Bashidai, are you sick?"

   Speaking of Shengchu Xin, Gu Xiyan thought of Bei Yehan and what happened this afternoon, and his anger came up again.

"We've just designed Bei Yehan, and we'll come to the door right now. Will they give us a good look? Maybe Sheng Chuxin already knows what we've done to Bei Yehan at this time. Why do we come to the door? "

   She didn't want to see Sheng Chuxin's proud face, and today she and Bai Dai have both become news figures, she didn't want to go out at all.

   "Yanyan, it's not right for you to say that, but I think now is the time to go to Shengchu Xin's house." Qiu Wu denied Gu Xiyan's words and said.

   "How?" Bai Dai asked.

"Think about it, we designed Bei Yehan. Although he wasn't fooled, he definitely knew it. We just used Ruoruo's excuse to find out the news. If Bei Yehan didn't tell Sheng Chuxin about it, Then he must have a purpose to stay by Sheng Chuxin's side, just for the bracelet.

   And the bracelet must be on him. We haven't been sure where the bracelet is before, but we can be sure now. If it is on him, we also have a goal.

   You say, don't you? "

   "But what if Sheng Chuxin knew about it?" Gu Xiyan asked angrily.

"That doesn't mean that the bracelet is not on Bei Yehan's body, maybe, this is what he deliberately used to get close to Sheng Chuxin's heart, just right, we can say that this incident is because you fell in love with Bei Yehan, and made a temporary mistake. Did something wrong.

  As an apology, I asked them to go on a trip to the sea. It just so happened that everyone has not been out for a gathering. Last time, because of the disappearance of Shengchuxin, I returned from a disappointment. This time I will make up for it. "

   Qiu Wu said again.


  Gu Xiyan almost died of anger after hearing his words.

   (end of this chapter)

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