The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1246: Worse than not being with uncle

   Chapter 1246 It's harder than not being with uncle


The two spaceships started up one after the other, but it didn't take long for Shengchuxin's superior quality to throw the other spaceship behind him, and the disciples on the spaceship felt so relieved. How relieved.

   "Chuxin, when did you have such a magnificent spaceship? Why didn't you use it earlier?" Ming Bufan and Sheng Chuxin sat on the chair on the deck together, he asked.

   Knowing that there are such good guys, why should they pay attention to those people in Shenlu?

   "It's already been there." Sheng Chuxin replied lightly.

"As early as in the ghost forest, my mother heard about the spaceship of Shenlu, and forced the ghosts there to work for her every day to build this spaceship." Beiye Xingchen was eating delicious food. , said while saying.

   "Those ghost talismans were hard at that time, even worse than not being with my uncle."

  Fate: "..."

   Listening to his words, he silently remembered the order of Sheng Chuxin in the realm, and the discord in building the yard.

   Sure enough, being a subordinate of Shengchuxin is a hard life.

   "Where did your mother get so many amethyst stones?" he asked Beiye Xingchen.

   "What kind of robbery, why would my mother go robbery?"

   Beiye Xingchen tiger with a small face, glanced at his mother, then looked at Bei Yehan.

   "Daddy, Uncle Bufan framed his mother and beat him."

   "Good boy, Little Treasure, you should do it to the person who bullies your mother. Let him beat himself. This is the best policy." Bei Yehan reached out and patted his son's head.

   "Oh, Xiaobao understands, in the future Xiaobao will definitely learn from daddy." Beiye Xingchen responded.

  Fing Bufan was speechless listening to their words.

   "Pfft." Tingyu couldn't help laughing.

   But the next moment, he cleared his throat and looked at Sheng Chuxin.

"If I remember correctly, Amethyst Stone, also known as Amethyst Jade, can gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, even if it is above the land of the gods, it is very rare, Sheng Chu Xin, if you didn't rob from somewhere, then It's time to find the nest of Amethyst Jade."

   Hearing this, Sheng Chuxin raised his brows.

   "Xiaobao, tell me what's going on." Ming Bufan looked at Beiye Xingchen.

  Ask Sheng Chuxin to have no hope, why not put all your hopes on Beiye Xingchen, he will say.

  However, Beiye Xingchen spread out a pair of small hands and made an innocent expression.

   "I don't know. Ever since I can remember, there have been many amethyst stones in the realm of the Five Intentions. Later, my mother used those amethyst stones to build this spaceship."

   He was telling the truth.

   "Huh? Why haven't I seen it?" Ming Bufan looked at Sheng Chuxin.

  The number of times he has entered the realm is not too small, but he has never seen a single one.

   suddenly remembered that there are many treasures in Shengchuxin, but in the realm, he has not seen any of them, even his Purple Qi Medicine Hut, he has never seen it again.

   "Why, do you still want to be the master in the realm of this saint?" Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

   "Of course not, I'm just curious." Ming Bufan shook his head.

  Curiosity is common to all people, aren’t other people curious?

   "Aren't you all curious, aren't you?" He turned his head and asked the others.

   And the others, including Bei Yehan, all looked at Sheng Chuxin. Chuxin just went to the Ghost Forest, shouldn't they have gotten so many amethyst stones?

   Sheng Chuxin took a look at them, and saw that they were really curious, so he spoke slowly.

   (end of this chapter)

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