Outside the wooden house

, after finishing her meal, Luo Ruying walked out of the room holding the cleaned dishes.

Looking at the dishes piled up at her feet, Luo Ruying frowned slightly, and first squatted down to wash them like an ordinary mortal.

After discovering that the efficiency was too slow, she simply used her spiritual power to lift all the dishes and clean water into the air, and spun them at high speed in the air.

In the blink of an eye, all the dishes were cleaned, and the dirty water was separated by her.

After that, Luo Ruying chopped wood and washed clothes in the same way.

All the work was completed in less than a few minutes.

Luo Ruying put her hands on her hips and nodded with satisfaction. She couldn't help but praise herself in her heart:

Although this is the first time I have done this kind of thing, this emperor is still pretty good!

In the future, all these tasks will be handed over to her, and that guy will be a little more relaxed...

At this moment, an unpleasant old and hoarse voice suddenly sounded

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that fairies in the fairy world would also do such chores like a woman?"

Luo Ruying suddenly turned her head and looked at the hunchbacked man who was walking slowly towards her. She was startled and felt that a crisis was coming.

Someone broke through the barrier she had set up!

She didn't even notice it!

The other party seemed to be a strong man at the peak of the heavenly realm!

It seemed that the other party came to find her specifically!

After escaping here, he still didn't want to let her go!

Luo Ruying was filled with grief and anger, and clenched her fists tightly.

She just wanted to live a stable life like this now, but it was all extravagant hope.…

"May I ask, fairy, do you want to follow me obediently, or do you want me to take you back personally?"

The ghost husband stretched out his hand, and the terrifying and gloomy spiritual power spread out from his body. The grass and trees under his feet instantly died, and the earth was dyed black. He exuded a very strong miasma!

Luo Ruying was thoughtful and hesitant.

If it was just him, she might be able to kill him here!

But fighting here, no wonder it would affect her child and him.…


What a coincidence! At this moment, Luo Hongye in the house happily ran to Luo Ruying's side with his short legs and asked for a hug.

After seeing the ghost husband, Luo Hongye was scared and subconsciously hid behind Luo Ruying.

Ning Yechen also walked slowly from the house to Luo Ruying's side at this time, staring at the ghost husband coldly.

The ghost husband was overjoyed to see Luo Hongye.

The adult from the upper realm specifically pointed out that he wanted this child.

What surprised the ghost husband was that in addition to Luo Ruying and Luo Hongye, mother and daughter, there was actually another man...?

The intelligence didn't mention that there was a man?

There was no spiritual power fluctuation in his body. It seemed that he was just a lowly mortal.

Nothing to be afraid of!

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that the proud fairy would throw herself into the arms of a man immediately after falling into the mortal world?"

The ghost husband guessed that this wooden house was Ning Yechen's house, and Luo Ruying was just hiding here temporarily, and he couldn't help but sneer. It

's ridiculous that the fairy from the fairy world and the mortal from the human world are married!

Luo Ruying frowned deeply, but didn't get angry, but said in a deep voice:

"I'll go back with you!"

"As long as you let the child and him go!"

After thinking it over, Luo Ruying finally decided to sacrifice herself to save the child and Ning Yechen.

She was very reluctant in her heart, but there was no other way.

Even if she defeated the man in front of her, those people in the fairy world would never let her go! The enemies who came next time would only be stronger.

What awaited her was still endless escape and pursuit!

She couldn't keep fleeing like this with the child, nor could she involve Ning Yechen...

If sacrificing herself could save the child and Ning Yechen, she would be happy to do so!

"Mother, mother! Wuwuwu, please don't leave mother Yeye!"

When Luo Hongye heard that Luo Ruying was going to leave with her, she burst into tears and grabbed her dress tightly.

Luo Ruying looked at Luo Hongye at her feet, her eyes showing reluctance and love, and she couldn't help but wet her eyes.

If she could, how could she bear to leave her child?…

"What a touching mother-daughter relationship.~"

"Fairy, rest assured, you have to go back with me, and the girl has to go back with me too.~!"

"As for that man, I will kill him~"

The ghost husband laughed sinisterly and interrupted.


Luo Ruying heard this, her delicate face turned cold, she was furious, her nails dug into her palm, bleeding.

She had already given in, but she still refused to let go of her child and husband!

Luo Ruying bent down and picked up Luo Hongye, and stuffed her into Ning Yechen's arms, with a hint of tenderness in her solemn eyes.

"Leave this to me, and you take the child and run away into the woods!"

"Promise me you won't let the child get hurt!"

"I will follow you after I solve the problem. If you can't wait for me, you don't have to wait for me anymore!"

After saying that, Luo Ruying didn't give Ning Yechen a chance to speak. She stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips gently...

This was the first time they kissed each other while they were both awake...

Ning Yechen widened his eyes in surprise.

""Husband, I'll leave the child to you!"

As they parted, Luo Ruying whispered tenderly in Ning Yechen's ear.

This was the first time she called Ning Yechen like this... because it might be the last time...

She had been with Ning Yechen for less than three days, and although there were some things that made her unhappy, he was really good to her and the child.

The child also liked him very much... and she had already accepted him as her husband.

So she wanted to summon up the courage to call him at the last moment of separation.

It was also a true sense of handing Luo Hongye over to him...

Ning Yechen felt happy and helpless.

Why was it like a farewell between life and death ?…?

"Take the child away quickly!"

Luo Ruying stirred up the breeze with one palm, and lifted Ning Yechen and the child into the air, landing far away in the woods behind the mountain!

"It's too naive to think of escaping from this old man!"

The ghost husband flicked his sleeves, and four puppets that were neither human nor ghost exuded a thick miasma and chased towards the back mountain!

How could Luo Ruying let these puppets chase her? She quickly drew out the fairy sword, flew in front of the puppets, and chopped a puppet with a cold sword!

The other three puppets quickly passed by her and ignored her at all.

Luo Ruying was anxious, her figure flashed in an instant, and the fairy sword in her hand swung out three sharp sword lights!

The sword light did not pass the puppets, and cut the three puppets in half!

The ghost husband seized Luo Ruying's gap and slapped her back with a poisonous palm!

Luo Ruying had a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth, and endured the severe pain and swung the sword to smash the other three puppets.

No matter what, she must not let any puppet escape from her!

Otherwise, Ning Yechen and her child would be in danger!

"Hehehe, you would rather take a blow from me than kill my puppet."

"It seems you care about them.…"

"Don't worry, after I kill you, none of them can escape~"

The ghost husband let out a sinister and smug smile.

Luo Ruying was wounded and poisoned, and he already felt that he had won.

The dream of becoming an immortal is right in front of him!

Luo Ruying's face was cold, his eyes were firm and full of murderous intent, and he held the sword in front of the ghost husband.


"Then you will die today!"

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