192 – Clown

When we returned to the makeshift shelter, everyone was sitting on the floor taking a break, as if they had finished their mission. Since it was the end of October, the weather was cool, neither hot nor cold, so it was perfect for outdoor activities.

“Why come back alone? What about Roel?”

At Edward’s question, I answered while scratching my forehead.

“I went to scout the surroundings.”

Actually, it’s not just reconnaissance. I asked Roel to kill the Kraken when the volcano rumbled 10 times. At first glance, asking one person for the mission of a group exhibition may seem like an unreasonable request, but it is not so unreasonable for a Transcendentalist.

In the first place, it’s not a real monster, it’s just magic made from elaborate illusions. With Roel’s ability to kill the actual Kraken when it appears, the illusion alone would suffice.

And the most important reason for this request was that we and Roel had to separate. The variable that Roel destroyed Eunice’s plan by force was removed, just like the original flow.

Roel, the most dangerous opponent from the opponent’s point of view, is absent. Eunice, who must be watching us from somewhere, will not miss this opportunity.


The earth shook with a roar. Smoke billows from the volcano, and the ground vibrates lightly.

As if it signaled that the game had started, I felt the tension spreading around me.

“Um, over there… !”

At Ophelia’s cry, everyone’s eyes turned to the sea. Bubbles formed from the bubbling surface of the water, and huge tentacles protruded.

A terrifying number of tentacles protruded and approached the island.

“I came out… !”

At Mari’s cry, something rose from the sea. It is a bizarre octopus, the Kraken.

The Kraken, standing tall in the middle of the sea with its overwhelming size and glistening with dirty slimy mucus, let out an incomprehensible scream.

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As if that scream was a signal, they went out with the waves and the minions appeared on the shore. Seeing that, everyone got up from their seats and prepared for battle, when a high-frequency sound resonated around them.


Cassius turned his head and shouted loudly.

“Detection magic! The enemy is approaching from the west!”

“From the North too! It’s Mujion!”

At Edward’s urgent words, I slightly turned my head and looked east. The Academy Alliance to the west and north, and Naga’s minions to the south covered the coastline. It felt like an overt lure to the East, and I felt a bit disappointed. Are you planning on defeating us with just this ploy? If it was just inducing a melee, I intend to do it with all my heart.

“Don’t panic, just defend this place. My brother, who has grasped the situation, will be back soon.”

At my calm voice, the seniors nodded their heads nervously.

It’s actually a lie. Roel is not coming back. Because no matter what happens, he promised not to come back and catch the Kraken.

At that time, Ellie suddenly lowered her head and looked at the ground. Sensing something in her, Ellie lifted her head and looked at me. I instinctively shouted at the vibration I felt under her feet and her gaze.

“Run east!”

I pushed the back of Cassius who was standing in front of me. Cassius, unable to comprehend the situation, stared at him as if he was missing something, and tilted his body.



With an explosion and a huge shaking, the ground on the hill we were standing on collapsed and began to wash down to the shore where the naga’s minions were located. Fortunately, the seniors who reacted to the warning belatedly crossed over to the other side using magic.

I made a new foothold by growing the seeds of the vines I had prepared in advance. Grabbing Cassius, who lost his balance and struggled, he ran over the vines. I was able to spur the crumbling vines and reach the other side with a hair’s breadth.


The ground collapsed, creating a gentle slope leading to the shore. With a thick cloud of dust, the naga’s minions began climbing the ramp with terrifying screams.

“Come, come… !”

“Enemies everywhere!”

“Prepare to fight!”

From the beginning, Eunice planned to lure us here by force. It was intentionally made to lure them, making them suspicious of their intentions, making them immobile, and breaking the ground of the hill with magic. The word heosilsil is a suitable strategy.

Unlike the seniors who were taken aback by the unexpected development, there are only two people who are calm. One was Ellie, who was preparing magic as if she were having fun, and the other was Ilia, who had no expression on her face, as if she didn’t care what was going to happen.

I quickly sorted out the situation and gave the order.

“I’ll block the exit from the back, so Illya, senior Edward takes the right hand, and the others take the left!”

It wasn’t just the seeds of the vine. Looking around, he took out the tree seeds he had gathered earlier and threw them down the ramp towards the approaching naga minions. It was an attempt to at least hold on to his ankles and avoid being pincered. But Eunice had already anticipated my response.

The flame magic that flew in from somewhere hit the tree that grew in an instant. The wind flow was heading towards us from the shore, enveloping us in heat and thick smoke. Confused by the raucous screams and noise, Cassius stepped backwards and collided with Marie, who was preparing a reagent bottle. She screamed out loud as she almost lost the reagent bottle she was holding.

“Cassius, you madman! Wake!”


I grabbed the apologetic Cassius by the back and pulled him towards me. I couldn’t see it because of the thick smoke, but it was because the fishy smell was close. Then, a rusty sword cut through the smoke and passed by the place where Cassius had been standing a while ago. Blocking the attack of the barnacles who appeared with him with a spear, I shouted at Eli.

“Ellie, you have to blow the ramp!”

Hearing my words, Ellie immediately turned her body around and prepared her synthesis magic. Popping the head of the barnacle man approaching Ellie, I checked the situation behind me over my shoulder.

“Push… !!!”

At the same time as someone’s cry was heard, a huge rock pierced the thick smoke and rolled toward us.

Ophelia in front of her hurriedly swung her staff and created a water barrier.


A wall of water gushed from the floor, throwing rolling rocks high into the sky. Thanks to this, the barnacle humans who were climbing the ramp were swept away by the fallen rocks as if they had been hit by a cannon.

Aside from Naga’s minions, the other academies haven’t been revealed yet. It’s just keeping us in check outside the smoke. Thinking in reverse about what Eunice was aiming for, I realized that Eunice was very quick to deal with the tree that was made to block the ramp, and realized that I had investigated things about me.

Then there was no way Eunice didn’t know what I had done in my most famous rumor, the survival test. He must have thought that I would use the chemical industry and devised a plan to use it in reverse. Among the artifacts obtained by the Transcendence team, the strongest was the one newly developed by the Red Mage Tower. That is information that other academies know about as well.

Realizing that fact, I rather threw the seeds on the side where the rock rolled and grew the trees. The trees that grew in an instant blocked the rolling rocks with their bodies.

“Thank you!”

Edward gave me a thumbs-up, as if he was happy to have cover. It wasn’t good intentions, so I raised my head and looked up at the sky without saying a word. Perhaps because it was the last game, a scoreboard was displayed where you could check the score in real time. After quickly calculating the score, I approached Ellie and whispered.

“Ellie, no matter what happens, don’t worry about anyone else.”

If Ilia and the genius wizard Ellie, who have skills similar to Roel, will survive no matter what happens.

At my contextless request, Ellie turned her head and looked up at me at an angle, and she asked with a delighted smile.

“Are you trying to do something bad?”

The obsidian-like eyes that looked at me shone.

“Yes. I can’t explain in detail now. But after the game is over, you will definitely say that it was fun.”

At my answer, Ellie nodded her head with a bewitching eye smile. It is an expression of full expectation on my guarantee.

“Okay. Ross said so, so I’m excited and looking forward to it. Don’t let me down.”

At Eli’s answer, I smiled and threw the seed toward the floor.

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Now, the long-running farce has come to an end.


“I will definitely use the Artifact of the Red Mage Tower to change the situation! Aim for that time and use the artifact together!”

At Eunice’s cry, Mujion’s leader and Arcadia’s leader nodded at the same time.

Eunice, who came to his senses only after the sophomore game yesterday, immediately summoned the other academy teams and explained the plan he had in mind.

I deliberately took the artifact related to the wind magic of the green tower so that the Transcendence team could counterattack the artifact of the red tower, which was preoccupied by the Transcendence team.

In the information Eunice obtained, there was also a survival test in which Ross became the head of the Combat Division. If Ross looks down on other academies with his arrogant personality shown in the triathlon, he will surely not be able to tolerate the frustration and use the artifact hastily.


Once again, the ground shook with a roar, and the smoke from the volcano grew thicker. This is the fifth time that the volcano has sounded. When the lava erupted on the 13th, Eunice did not forget to record it. You have to organize the Transcendence Academy quickly so you can control the score and catch the Kraken to reach the goal of a joint victory that will surprise everyone.

“Hey, over there! Sky!”

At someone’s cry, Eunice raised her head and looked at the sky. There was Ross standing on the branches of a huge tree that had grown through the smoke.

Ross, looking around with an arrogant gaze, spotted Eunice and held out his arm.

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Noticing that the flow of magic around her was centering on the bracelet Ross was wearing, Eunice shouted loudly.

“I’m here! Everyone ready… !!!”

At Eunice’s cry, participants wearing artifact bracelets reached out to Ross.

The space shimmered like a haze, and something appeared in front of Ross.

It was a huge bird engulfed in fire.


As the phoenix flapped its wings with a short cry, a huge storm of flames burned everything and approached Eunice. It feels like the temperature of the surrounding air has risen in an instant.


Eight artifacts were used at the same time for Eunice’s shout. In an instant, like a typhoon, a powerful wind reversed the flow of air. The storm of flames pushed back by the wind hit the Transcendence team as it was, and without losing momentum, headed to the shore and burned all the Naga’s minions.

Just as Eunice was about to let out a cry of joy, the huge tree fell. Ross landed in front of Eunice and made a grinding noise. Oliver quickly hid Eunice behind his back. As if the damage had been sustained, the color of the shock-absorbing artifact attached to Ross’s chest had changed. As if insulted, Ross frowned and let out an angry roar.

“Those who don’t even know the subject matter… !”

Oddly enough, Eunice felt that Ross smiled very lightly when she said that.

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