The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 364: decide to do something

"Nesario speaks at Bischberg?? Directly denounces Kuyavia as destined to perish"

Elf Daily Greentown, September 12th?? According to a reporter from the front, the envoy of the Rurik Kingdom arrived in the Bischberg Kingdom on the 11th for a visit. In her speech, she expressed Rurik to all mankind on behalf of the Rurik Kingdom. The desire of the people of all ethnic groups for peaceful coexistence and common development, and to expose and criticize the corruption and evil of the Kingdom of Cuyavia, it will surely be destroyed.

Nessario was warmly welcomed the day he arrived in Bischberg. On the same day, Nesario delivered a speech at the welcome dinner for the Kingdom of Bischberg, saying that the Kingdom of Rurik is willing to communicate with all countries under the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence".

The next day, Nesario delivered an important speech in the meeting room of the Golden Palace of Bischberg, in which he exposed the cruel, greedy and evil side of the Kingdom of Kuyavia.

"Our common mission, goal and challenge is to strive for peace in the world, otherwise people across the continent will be mired in misery," Neshario said. "There is now more and more evidence that Cuya The demons of Via have stretched their claws to the eastern part of the continent, and the same greedy Osm kingdom they colluded with is invading the land, and their minions also exist in human countries."

Neshario emphasized that the only thing that the Kingdom of Cuyavia has done is "slavery", "it is preparing to turn the Eastern Land into a slave farm".

It is expected that Nessario will also visit other countries in the East.

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The palace of Bischberg is the most luxurious among the palaces of human countries, because a large gold mine was discovered near Qiqiucheng when preparing to build the palace, so the king at that time ordered the use of gold as the decoration of the palace. After the palace was built, the palace was called the Golden Palace.

Just after the ceremony of Antoine II receiving Nessario, when Charles was about to leave the Golden Palace, Linda's butler approached him and said that Linda invited him to Linda's tea party in the afternoon.

Following behind Charles today is Gawain. Charles is helping Gawain to make his presence felt in front of everyone.

After Charles boarded the carriage, Gawain rode a snow-white horse and followed beside the carriage.

This horse is a first-class horse in the stables of the palace. It was borrowed by Linda after Charles was dug out of the ground last night, in order to support Gawain.

Charles opened the car window, and Gawain hurriedly rode to the carriage.

"Gawain, go to your appointment in the afternoon, I'll leave here after I go to Linda's place in the afternoon, then you can just continue to follow Arturia as planned." Charles said, "Maybe it won't be long before. We'll meet again later."

This morning's reception ceremony started at 8:00 a.m. The whole process took less than two hours. The next meeting was a matter between the two countries, and Charles' task as a temporary special envoy was completed.

Now that the mission has been completed, the identity of the special envoy has also been relinquished, and Charles is too lazy to stay in the State Guest House. He asked Arturia to take everyone back to Linda in the afternoon, and he himself will continue his original schedule tonight.

After returning to the State Guest House, Charles asked the barber here to change his hairstyle for short hair, then took off his mask, put on the clothes and equipment worn by ordinary adventurers, and quietly appeared in a bar not far from the State Guest House. In a deserted alley.

This is the back street behind the back doors of several hotels and pubs. The ground is wet and greasy. Obviously, the people washing dishes here are lazy and pour the water directly on the ground.

Fortunately, there are rainwater inlets on the alley, and the sewage can flow into the sewers and will not accumulate on the road.

Charles turned a few corners and came to the main road, and then walked towards the Adventurer's Union not far away.

As an adventurer's guild in the capital, its scale is very large, but in the capital of the capital, the size of its buildings is limited, so it develops in the air and packs all functions into it. Inside a five-story building.

A sign with the functions of each floor hangs next to the gate of the union. The office area and the tavern are on the first floor, the second floor is where equipment and supplies are sold, and the third and fourth floors are office areas.

Now Charles' figure is about the same as that of 14-year-old Gawain. More than a year of military career has made his temperament much more mature, and with the modification of his hairstyle, he looks like a 14- or 15-year-old fledgling adventurer.

As soon as you enter the door, facing the door is the task wall full of commissions at all levels, the right side is the office area for accepting tasks, the left side is the bar of the tavern, and the stairs to the second floor are located on both sides of the task wall.

It's not long after ten o'clock in the morning now, there are not many people in the hall, and there are people in the seats.

It would seem a little unusual to find a place to sit down and listen to the news as soon as you come in, so Charles decided to go to the mission wall and take a look around.

The task at the top of the task wall made Charles feel a little interesting. The brand-new parchment was written with a reward for the devil. A devil's head can be exchanged for a gold coin. The task was issued by the Bischberg royal family.

Seeing this place makes someone want to cry. If I knew this was a good thing, I would have put my head on it yesterday, so that the compensation for the damaged furniture in the state hotel will be settled.

And now, the demons around Qiqiucheng have long been dealt with, and I hope the adventurers can grab some heads from the mouths of slimes or other scavengers.

Other tasks are quite satisfactory, mostly caravan escorts, medicinal plants and monster parts collection tasks.

After looking around, Charles pretended not to be interested in the task, and walked to an empty table surrounded by many people and sat down.

The labor union in the capital has done a lot better than the Tannhausen City that Charles had been to There was a wooden sign on the table with dishes and drinks on it.

The meals here are à la carte and set menus. The price of the set menu ranges from the "triumph dinner" of one ore to the cheap set menu that only takes a nominal copper plate, which not only satisfies the celebration of the team who completed the major task, but also makes the money in the pocket. The shy adventurer survives minimally.

According to the information Charles received, this was one of the reforms introduced by his enemy, the fourth prince, Allen. Allen's series of reforms won the support of the local adventurers in Bischberg.

Thinking of this, Charles pondered whether he wanted to find a chance to pretend to be coercive and gain reputation among the adventurers in Bischberg, so that he would not have to worry about some people when he sent Allen to his parents in the future. Come and **** yourself off.

After all, his current prestige is obtained on the battlefield. These prestige soldiers recognize it, but adventurers do not necessarily recognize it.

If those adventurers help his idols when he beats the Reservoir Dogs in the future, Aaron, who has the aura of the protagonist, may turn around because of this.

What's worse is that Charles is likely to fall into the sea of ​​Allen fans at that time, and Charles never dared to underestimate the combat power of the "fan circle".

Charles thought for a moment, if he wants to build momentum in the adventurer circle, it is best to take advantage of this time when he has already started to build momentum among the nobles of Seven Hills City. More and more fame.

He counted his fingers again, and he could spare seven to eight days, as long as he arrived a day or two before the great prayer of forging the temple.

So he decided to wait and send a message to Queen Victoria and report his plan of action.


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