The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 3 Chapter 353: the moment the sound

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Just when Tristan and Mark and other people who came to the factory to settle down were under the leadership of the dwarves shouting horns in the forest to cut down trees, while the working people were sweating and building new homes, they were still representatives of the feudal landlord class. Linda and her minion Diana are eating a hearty breakfast in a high-profile, luxurious and meaningful restaurant.

That fragrant milk is the blood of the working people.

That snow-white bread is the meat of the working people.

In these days when countless working people are worried about the reduction of grain production due to drought, when the hungry farmers are wielding their hoes on the saline-alkali land for half of the salted fish, the farmers who have no half grain of grain at home after paying the tax are desperate to survive. At the beginning of the background departure, a certain feudal landlord frowned because the milk was not sweet enough.

However, the great changes unseen in thousands of years have begun today.

Ghosts, two ghosts, a noose-wielding capitalist ghost and a communist ghost with a sickle and a hammer in both hands, floated over the continent.

On the vast sea, a gust of wind swept dark clouds.

Howling wind... thunder roaring...

A ghost, with the noose around the neck of the decaying torso, was slowly tightening.

A ghost sprinkled the sparks of the scythe and the hammer, and ignited a spark of fire on the decaying torso.

The clock tower chimes.

Linda, dressed in full clothes, walked slowly into the ballroom at home. On the main stage stood a huge picture frame, with a thick purple hanging on the outside of the frame.

At the tea party yesterday afternoon, Linda suddenly showed the visiting nobles the latest magic-powered spinning and looms.

Many knowledgeable nobles were so excited that they almost fainted after seeing Diana and Mordred demonstrating how these machines work together, and shouted "God bless Bischberg!"

When Antoine II, who thought that Linda was going to rebel, arrived, after listening to the excited explanations of the nobles, there were tears of relief in his eyes.

At the ball that night, Linda publicly announced her willingness to cooperate with the domestic aristocracy to expand the scale of the textile industry.

At the same time, Diana, who was invited to the secret room of the palace ballroom, gave Antoine II an academic report entitled "A Study of the Nature and Causes of National Wealth", and sent him a set based on the world A Study of the Nature and Causes of National Wealth, adapted from the situation.

After Diana left the secret room, Antoine II remained in the secret room for a long time, and the servants almost thought that Diana had murdered the king and made Linda enthroned.

Linda on the main stage was used to being in the spotlight since she was a child, but at this time, her hands were still trembling slightly because of her excitement and nervousness.

Facing everyone in the audience, Linda said loudly, "Everyone, I like to make money!"

Then she turned around and opened the curtain abruptly, and a "Layout Plan of Textile Industry Base and Agricultural Development in the Kingdom of Bischberg" was displayed in front of everyone.

"What I like more is to make money with everyone!"

The clock in the office chimed.

Auston I stared at the parchment in front of him without moving for a long time.

He thought about it a lot at this moment. He didn't want to sign his name on this parchment so early. The time was not ripe for him. Forcibly picking melons would cause a series of uncontrollable consequences, but he couldn't now. Don't do it.

When the chimes of the hourly chimes ceased, King Auston I took a deep breath, and signed his name on the parchment, dripping lacquer wax beside it, and before it had cooled and solidified, Leary King Ke's ring face is printed on it.

On this day, the Kingdom of Rerick successively promulgated the "Law on the Termination of Slaves in the Royal Territory of Rerick", the "Law on Homesteads in the Territory of the Royal Rerick", "The Law on Compulsory Education in the Territory of the Royal Rerick", "Rerick". Several laws, such as the Act on the Construction of the Royal Army.

A broken trumpet blew out a tone of voice.

In a basin in the south of the continent where the forest is dense with monsters, a large number of victims who have been displaced by the flood gathered here.

Widespread flooding in the South this summer inundated swathes of farmland and destroyed farms.

In order to sell the grain to the five countries in the north due to drought and lack of grain, the nobles from all over the country did not have the slightest intention to relieve disasters. Bags of grain were moved from the granary. The nobles handed the grain to the grain merchant and took over the heavy money bag.

The peasants who survived could only flee the famine, and countless refugees fled into the mountains. They either became bandits in Wuthering Mountains, or became a meal for monsters, or they were eventually captured by slave teams and turned into slaves and sold.

It didn't take long for news spread among the refugees that there was a place in the east that no nobleman wanted to manage, where a group of equally poor people built their own village.

Some of the refugees believed, some doubted, and those who doubted stayed where they were. Those who believed came to this basin with only one exit after a arduous journey.

Relying on their own hands, they erected a high wall and built a sturdy wooden house under the leadership of a person who was obviously not in this world. They worked together to destroy the surrounding monsters and began to reclaim the surrounding land.

On this day, a flag that belonged to them was raised for the first time amid the sound of a broken trumpet that was picked up from nowhere.

A gust of wind blew, and the flag at the top of the flagpole was blown, and in the middle of the red flag was a golden slime.

The young man standing in front of the flagpole turned around and announced to the men, women and children neatly lined up in the square: "I announce that the 'Oooo Slime Frontier Group' is established!"

The sparse applause stopped in less than ten seconds, and it was no longer as enthusiastic as before.

The urgently summoned members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords passed the amendments to the Rurik Kingdom Succession Law as quickly as As Nicholas II signed the legal documents on the spot, The newly amended law takes effect immediately.

September 4, 1921, will be a day in the history books.

Two big things happened the night before that day.

A small tin boat suddenly floated from the eastern sea to the beach in the east of Knowledge City. The huge unknown creature on the boat attacked the students who had just finished racing by the beach.

These unknown creatures caused a large number of student casualties before they were killed, among which Mira McGadden was seriously injured and comatose.

At almost the same time, not long after leaving Avalon City, he had just returned to the Eastern Land through the forest sea, and was heading to the Holy Forge to participate in the great prayer ceremony of the Forging Temple this year. Lexie, Brigitte and Cardinal Locke were attacked by unknown enemies on the road. All three were seriously injured and unconscious.

These two things are like two depth bombs, stirring up two water columns on the otherwise calm water surface, while stirring the deep water more turbid.

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