The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Charles and the 4 faces embattled

Amazing, Chapter 198 went to the back of the last volume again, I don't know how this happened.

// This part of the description is not money

?*?The following text??*

The wind and the rustling of leaves, the moon hid in the blue-gray sea of ​​clouds, fell asleep, and still didn't care about human affairs. ——Lu Xun

I said something like this?. ——Lu Xun

The night wind blew the wind lanterns that illuminated the barracks, and the shadow of the tent kept changing with the swing of the wind lanterns.

In a tent in the middle of the camp, a group of murlocs laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha! I knew that our Crown Prince would fail."

For the first time, an old murloc has mocked his own prince unscrupulously.

Charles was captured, and the battle report in his backpack was naturally captured by the fish people.

These murlocs naturally knew who commanded the camp that was breached by the elves, and they all gloated for a while.

"His Royal Highness, Marshal Sheldon, you are wise and talented." A murloc in the tent said to the old murloc with a look of admiration.

"You're wrong," Sheldon said with a smile. "Jenny is a very gifted child, but there are too many unrealistic ideas, and he still needs to learn a lot."

"The marshal is right."

"He should learn more from the marshal."

"The marshal is the one who leads us to victory."

For a while, the compliments in the tent were everywhere.

"Alas..." Sheldon sighed, "It's a pity for our two thousand loyal soldiers."

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly turned sad.

"Yeah, two thousand families are broken."

"Think of wives who have lost their husbands...daughters who have lost their fathers..."

"It's the immaturity of His Royal Highness that hurt them!"

"It shouldn't be the case that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is in charge of the army at a young age."

"Yes, it is enough to have a marshal in charge of the army."

The thoughts in the tent gradually unified.

Seeing that these Osmgan cities were so conscious, Sheldon nodded with satisfaction.

He turned his head and asked the murloc who was tinkering with a box next to him, "Have you cracked it yet?"

"It's ready," the murloc said. "The outer magic lock has been cracked, and now the core magic lock is being cracked."

"Fine, speed up," Sheldon urged.

Although he also knew that the delicate work of cracking the magic lock was not urgent, he would not be able to show his authority without urging him.

Then Sheldon sneered: "That little girl, Elizabeth, if you send confidential information, you have to do something like 'If you can, show it if you can't, use it if you don't use it, show it if you're close, show it if you're far away, and show it if you're close.' He lived the most unlikely one, and as expected, the intelligence box is in his hands."

"Marshal is wise!"

"The marshal will definitely be able to compare the prince."


Amid the compliments, the murloc over there who had broken the magic lock completed the task, handing Sheldon the box that could hold a football.

Sheldon took the box and said to everyone, "Come on, let's see what the elves have intrigued, and then we'll punch them in the weak."

After speaking, he opened the box.


The sudden loud explosion shocked Charles and the elves in the prison camp, and several elves who were drinking were choked.

A huge shock wave swept the entire military camp, and even the wooden walls of the prison camp were destroyed.

The murlocs and elves inside and outside the barracks all looked towards the place where the explosion occurred, only to see the fire blazing into the sky, reflecting the night sky above their heads red.

Charles was stunned, the explosion was almost an hour earlier than expected. He made a quick decision, and immediately threw a pile of weapons from the storage ring.

He said to the elves who could lead the way: "The situation has changed, everyone grab your weapons and rush out with me later!"

The adult elves and some older elves took up the weapons on the ground and started to line up. The youngest elves were in the middle, and the older elves who were ready to fight were guarded outside together with the adult elves.

The current murloc camp is in chaos, and many murlocs resting in the river landed and ran to the explosion site. The situation on the captive camp side was ignored by them.

Under the command of those surviving officers, the murloc soldiers set out to put out the fire around the main tent.

On the other side of the captive camp, Charles said to the elves who had already formed the team: "Wait, follow me, don't stop, keep moving forward!"

"Uh..." Agus looked at the wooden wall in front of her, and was about to ask if you told us to hit the wall, when she saw Charles take out a sword from the storage ring.

The elves who were ambushed outside the military camp were also startled by the sudden explosion. They were all stunned when they saw the explosion.

Seeing that the murlocs in the military camp were in a mess, although these elves didn't know the specific situation, they all saw that it was a good opportunity to rob the camp.

The elf with a height of eight feet and a waist of eight feet suddenly jumped out from behind the tree, raised a large knife beside him, and yelled, "Brothers, come with me!" Then he rushed out ahead of the pack.

The elves hiding behind the tree and resting had already picked up their weapons and rushed to the barracks behind the "eight-foot" elves.

They didn't run a few steps when a golden magic beam of light several meters in diameter swept all the way from the rear of the barracks and whizzed past several meters in front of them.

The elves were stunned for a moment, then excited again, because they saw the murlocs and tent wrecks all over the place where the beam of light passed.

The "eight-foot" elf raised his sword and shouted, "Come on, there are reinforcements!"

They have to let the reinforcements behind the barracks know of their existence, otherwise the next magic cannon is likely to sing "Siege of Friendship".

The wooden wall of the murloc camp was smashed by a large knife like green onion. The "eight-foot" elf rushed into the camp with a large knife. After smashing a few unresponsive murlocs, he shouted loudly: "Wen. Ston Churchill is here, who dares to fight me!"

"Enemy attack!" Several murlocs shouted after seeing Churchill rush into the barracks.

It's just that they were cut down by the big knife in Churchill's hand before they could cry, and the rest were cut down by the murlocs who rushed in with Churchill.

There is a poem that says:

The smoke and dust roared,

The roar shook the mountain.

The five-footed sword swept the enemy,

Scared the murlocs to flee.

The fire thunderbolt rolls wildly,

It seems that the **** of war is coming to Jiuxiao.

Invincible at all costs,

Heroes make great contributions in battles.

The high-level officers were all killed, and half of the middle-level officers were killed by Charles' magic cannon when they were in command of the firefighting. At this time, there were enemies on both sides of the front and rear, and the murlocs immediately bombed the camp.

Churchill led the elves all the way to the passage that Charles blasted out, and happened to meet Charles and his party who had escaped here.

Charles was taken aback by the elves, and he didn't expect additional reinforcements tonight.

Especially the leading elf... He has seen both the "mountain elf" and the "plain elf", but this is the first time he has met the elf Fatty.

As soon as the fat man appeared, he wielded a large knife that was a little higher than Charles, and chopped several fishmen who were trying to block the road into fish pieces in three or two strokes.

"Winston!" Argus, who was following behind Charles, waved at the fat man.

"Mom!" Churchill immediately rushed to Argus' side, almost knocking Charles out.

The elves who followed him immediately surrounded the prisoners who had just escaped.

Charles suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and then called to Churchill: "Get out of here, reinforcements are coming!"

After he finished speaking, he took out a few flares, and the next moment two green and three red flares rose into the sky.

In this world, hang gliding has a history of more than 300 years.

There is no way to know who invented the glider. Humans only know that those giant dragons like to play with this toy after turning into a human In the army of the Elf Royal Court, there is a large number of equipment equipped with gliders. The troop - Wang Ting Special Air Service Regiment.

The moon hid in the clouds, and gliders soared silently in the dark night sky.

The elves added a lot of magic arrays to the wings of the glider, which greatly improved the performance of the glider.

Several gliders lowered their heights under the control of the elves, and then a strong light enveloped the entire army camp of the murlocs, making the camp bright as day.

Higher in the sky, the elves poured magic down towards the barracks, shrouding the murlocs who had begun to assemble.

Charles, who had just escaped from the barracks, fired another magic cannon into the barracks.

Then he raised his head and looked at the elves that were flying in the sky, and he didn't want to say anything like "Ride of the Valkyrie" in the helicopter air raid in Apocalypse Now, but you elves play the symphonic version of "Moon" What is the operation above?

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