The Hero Who Troubles the Heroes

Vol 4 Chapter 1757: everyday life

The latest website: When the sun jumped out of the sea, a pair of thick-soled leather shoes stepped on the grass full of dewdrops, and the insects fled in shock.

Charles walked towards the village with a wild boar weighing more than two hundred pounds, leaving a trail of footprints wherever he passed.

There are hundreds of households in the seaside village, all of them are fishermen who depend on the sea for their meals. From time to time, merchants come to buy dried fish and other seafood.

"Good morning, Your Excellency Knight."

"Good morning, Arlin."

Outside the village, there were some people who could not go to sea and farmland reclaimed by peasant women. When Charles passed by the drying field, he greeted the old and the young here.

The old knight is the lord of this village. He once served in the king's knights, and when he is old, he returns to spend his old age in peace.

The 12-year-old boy who is practicing here is called Yaerlin. He is the grandson of the old knight. Now he is working hard to learn the basic skills of swordsmanship in order to defeat the Demon King.

According to the old knight, Yarlin had to learn basic skills until he was 14 years old before he could learn other skills.

Most of the children of this age yearn for gorgeous and powerful big moves, but they haven't realized the importance of basic skills, so the young man is very unhappy.

The old knight nodded to Charles, thinking that he would be able to let the housekeeper go to him again today to bring a pot of stewed pork back for rent.

In fact, the rent paid by Charles to this gentleman is not just as simple as a variety of food.

This knight master originally owned a small inland sea cargo ship, and his annual income was enough to drink his own wine.

Charles designed a trade route for him by relying on the local price lists obtained from the Merchant Guild, and the income in one month almost made the master excited and questionable.

As soon as he left, he heard the old knight teaching his grandson: "You can't even catch the prey like Charles and come back every day, and you still want to go out?"

Charles pouted, perhaps because of this, Yarlin has always had a bad attitude towards himself.

However, this young man was very enthusiastic about Marda's, and he went to church to pray a lot more than before this month.

As soon as Charles entered the village, a man in his twenties greeted him.

"Master," said the man, "can you share some of the pork liver with me? I'll trade the fish for you, and my wife has it."

The fishermen in the village are not short of meat to eat, and there are many fish in the sea. Every time they come back, they eat the small fish that are not easy to sell.

They also have some formulas such as food supplements, for example, pregnant women should often drink pig liver soup and the like.

Charles replied: "Okay, I'll make it at noon and let Marda deliver it to your house."

After saying goodbye to the man, Charles came to the only two houses in the village with a garden.

This small building is prepared for some nobles who come to the sea from time to time to play. The old knight has correspondence with many colleagues and senior officials, and maintains his network of contacts by inviting the second generation to come on vacation.

In the yard, Marda was sweating and practicing military boxing, her face flushed red.

During this month, Marda came here every day after completing her morning prayers in the church. First, she drank a large glass of special medicinal water under the supervision of two apprentices of Charles, changed her clothes and rested for a while, and then went to the yard for morning exercises. , then go to the bathroom to wipe the body and then eat breakfast. I also come here for lunch and dinner every day. I will exercise for a while after doing my evening homework in the church.

After a month of recuperation, the little girl's complexion is much better now.

Charles threw the wild boar aside and nodded with satisfaction after watching her finish a set of military punches.

Although Marda was tired, she was meticulous in her movements and did not walk at all.

Next, she picked up the staff and began to practice the emergency stick.

Marda's staff was scrapped when it was used to smash Wolf King 2.0. Now this one was given by Charles, and it was naturally the best one that came out of a random treasure chest.

It's just that the little girl's current level is not enough, and these good things are the same as the whiteboard equipment in her hands.

Charles only taught her military boxing, emergency stick and dagger exercises. First, to let her exercise and increase physical coordination, and second, to use it in case of encounters in the future.

When dealing with the demons, the magic of the priests plays a huge role, so they are also the key targets of the demons, and more life-saving means are necessary.

When Charles returned to the small building, two 16- or 17-year-old girls were preparing breakfast in the dining room. They were the twin granddaughters of the president of the Painters Guild. They were very talented in painting, so they replaced the interviewers as apprentices.

A feature of the apprenticeship system is that the apprentices have to serve the masters, so someone threw them all the housework.

"Dona, Dora." Charles said to the two of them at the door of the restaurant, "Today you spend a day drawing the exam questions I'm waiting for, and I'll teach you new things when I come back tonight if you're satisfied."

The twin sisters happily said in unison, "Okay, master!"

Charles is very satisfied with this pair of sisters. Their drawing talent can be said to be genius-level. After half a month of hard work, they have learned all the knowledge points of sketching, and the only difference is the time to hone them.

So he decided to teach some more things, and it's up to them how they develop in two months.

Before breakfast was ready, Charles laid out the sketch exam questions on the table by the living room window, such as the four-sided pyramid, the sphere, the four-sided pyramid, the pitcher, the green pepper, the water glass, and the statue of the old church nun's head.

After breakfast, Charles rode to a nearby port city, bought a bag of fruit on the way, and walked into a small four-story building.

This is a private school run by an old scholar. He used to be a small official in the capital. Later, after his immediate boss failed in the political struggle, the whole family returned to their hometown to teach and eat.

The old pedant enjoyed collecting folklore tales in his spare time, and Charles paid to come every five days to hear him tell stories, especially about former outsiders.

Charles found a problem when he was studying a while ago. The former outsiders behaved quite normally at first, but from the middle period, they all seemed to be possessed by Teddy. It can be said that they went where [Calcium Oxide] Where, after statistics, it can be seen that the proportion of clergy among its objects is very large.

He always felt that there was a problem in this, but he didn't know what the cause of the problem was. Should he try to learn from them? If nothing else, the twin apprentices have been coveting themselves for a long time.

Just as Charles was recording the data in preparation for later analysis, in a distant place, a knight in fine armor rode a warhorse to the outside of the castle on the top of the mountain.

The castle has a very long history, and the outer walls are covered with thorny roses.

"Dragon!" The knight roared at the castle holding his Let go of the princess, or I will cut off your head! "

"Do you know how sad the king has been over the past ten years, washing his face with tears every day..."

Behind a window of the castle, a girl of seventeen or eighteen watched the knight with a monocular for ten seconds.

"He's almost fifty years old." The blonde princess had black lines all over her forehead, "Go away."

"Okay." A red-haired woman who looked similar in age beside her replied, jumped out from another window, turned back into a red dragon and rushed towards the knight.

When Cui Lan appeared at the foot of the mountain, the red dragon was throwing a knight with a bruised face and only a pair of underwear left on the side of the road.

Cuilan stepped forward and asked, "How was the harvest today?"

"Not good." The dragon's face was very bad. "The armor looks worthless, and the horse is barely able."

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