The Heavens Come

Chapter 35 What a wild fat koi!

The snowman turned out to be him!?

In the restaurant, Ye Chui and the fat man asked for a private room. Although the fat man had already had dinner when he was asked out by the young lady, he still ordered another table, and he was heartless opposite Ye Chui. gobbled it up.

Ye Chui was not in the mood, and after barely eating something, he took out his mobile phone to check the information of the Snowman in Blade Warrior.

Yeti, is a vampire character in Blade Runner 2.

The player of this role is Universe Dan!

And the martial arts director of the movie Blade 2 is Universe Dan, and it is also because of the martial arts guidance of Universe Dan that the action design of Blade 2 far surpasses the other two, and it has become the most highly rated one in the trilogy.

(ps: Of course, the Blade 2 classic is also because the director is a big spinning top. Big spinning works include: Blade 2, Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy Two, Pacific Rim 1, last year's The Shape of Water also won the Oscar for the most Excellent director, I recommend everyone to watch his movies, they are all unique, and I have a soft spot for monsters.)

Not only did the wonderful fights in Blade 2 come from the design of Universal Dan, but he also played a cool vampire character in it, that is, Snowman.

The snowman in the movie doesn’t appear much, and he didn’t have a head-to-head PK with the blade warrior, and he didn’t explain whether he was dead or alive in the end, but it seems that it was precisely because he was blessed by this layer of identity played by a martial arts director that his fighting skills were comparable to The blade is even higher.

No wonder I have the urge to fight ten times after I get the fighting skills... That's how it is.

Ye Chui looked at his hands with joy.

Then Ye Chui logged into the Zhutian Network Forum with his mobile phone.

As soon as he logged in, he saw two new messages for adding friends.

Ye Chui knew that it was Maomei and Bujima Satomi. During the game, Ye Chui and them had told each other their names on the forum. Satomi's id is very strange, it is a Chinese name, Li Mei.

After confirming their friends, the two immediately sent a message to Ye Chui.

They were all very happy that Ye Chui survived, and they also knew from the list of survivors that Fatty was not dead. They had passed out a few minutes before the end of the game, and they didn't know what happened. Show off your might and get rid of the vampire duke—the fat man is really unfathomable! The bloodline he inherited must be extraordinary!

It's a pity not to be a survivor to continue the game.

In their opinion, the fat man should have given up on his own initiative to continue the game.

They all feel very sorry for this, because this time the fat man can get at least two or three thousand points.

Ye Chui also told them that he hid in a place after he separated from them, killed four vampires with garlic, and finally got more than 200 points. When they reached thousands of points, they said they would definitely help Ye Chui in the next game.

If there is no accident, they will continue to participate in the game together, unless someone dies.

You'd better not let other people know about Cai. Since he wants to return to the life of ordinary people, we shouldn't disturb him. If the fact that he is a descendant of survivors is known, he is still so powerful and possesses wonderful magical powers. , those big organizations will definitely try their best to get him. Maomei reminded Ye Chui.

Her reminder makes sense.

The descendants of survivors with powerful abilities can be said to be the most precious resource, and they can be called the koi that tens of thousands of people compete for. See how good this koi looks?

And most of the descendants of such survivors are controlled by those big organizations and big families, and there are very few of them like Fatty.

So the fat man can be said to be a wild koi.

It will definitely cause crazy snatching by almost all organizations!

There are currently seven major organizations in the world of survivors, namely: the [Dragon Soul Group] based in China, the [Ghost Moon Club] based in Japan, the [Equatorial Sky] based in India, and the [Equatorial Sky] based in Western Europe The [Magic Party] based in the United States, the [Future Society] based in the United States, the [Galaxy Worship] that advocates science, and the [Weird Town] that is obsessed with the magical world.

In addition, there are various other small organizations and families.

It also seems to be mentioned on the forum that there is a very mysterious and powerful dark organization among the survivors. Its whereabouts are surreptitious and its number is small, but each of them has great strength against an entire large organization—it is not known whether it is true or not.

As for the Survivor Alliance, as the name suggests, it is an organization established by these large and small organizations to maintain the balance and stability of the survivor world, similar to the United Nations.

Don't worry, I won't let the fat man get involved in the survivor's affairs again. Ye Chui assured Mao Mei that he had already decided to move out of here in the next few days and completely cut off all contact with the fat man. Anyway, Ye Chui is the only one who knows the identity of Fatty.

Take me and Satomi to treat him to a meal, and thank him for taking care of him this time. Maomei finally sent a message.

I see. Ye Chui replied with a smile.

Then Ye Chui looked at the fat man sitting across the table.

The fat man had a great time eating this meal, his fat belly was swollen, he leaned on the armchair and picked his teeth with a bamboo stick, with an expression of indescribable satisfaction, he burped his mouth, his fat face was shiny of……

Ye Chui couldn't help sighing: What a fat wild koi!


Ye Chui was going to move out of the small rental house on Gangtou Street first, and he found a new house in Nanling City, but it was only a temporary residence.

The elf jewelry he exchanged for the first time in the game has already been disposed of by Lan Yinger. It is said that it was sold to a Japanese local tycoon, worth more than 13 million. After deducting the agency fee of the alliance, Ye Chui can finally get to ten million.

Because of the huge amount, Lan Yinger will go to Nanling City to hand over the money to Ye Chui in the next few days.

Ye Chui is going to use the money to buy a house, and at the same time he has realized why some people say that money is meaningless to survivors.

In the past, if he suddenly had such a huge sum of money in his hand, Ye Chui would definitely be ecstatic, but now he feels very calm, that is, after learning the news, he gets a little excited and then becomes dull.

When there is a greater pursuit, money is really just something outside the body-this is not pretending.

This morning, when Ye Chui was packing up his things and was about to leave the residence quietly during Fatty's working hours, and when he didn't plan to meet Fatty again, his cell phone rang suddenly. Ye Chui took out his cellphone and saw that the caller ID was Avatar. So he knew it was Lan Ying's call.

Have you arrived at Nanling? Ye Chui answered the phone.

I just got off the plane, and I'm rushing to you in a taxi. I'm starving to death. You have to treat me to dinner, a big meal. Lan Yinger said on the phone.

Well, tell the driver to take you to Laijing Hotel on Lanshui Street, and I'll treat you to a big meal. Ye Chui said with a smile.

Continue to ask for recommendation tickets to collect ~~~ It’s not easy to write the star’s name in the article, so I used a nickname... Blade 2 is really the best in the series. If you haven’t seen it, you can watch it, especially the action. Shooting, and finally the blade climbed out of the blood pool to fight the dozen or so armed vampires. With the dynamic music, that part is absolutely exciting...

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