The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 1426: Supreme Order, the Long River of Time and Space

The elemental ocean plane is the origin of the universe. With the infinite energy here, Xu Xin used the kingdom of the earth to pry the supreme order and opened up the "six reincarnations".

The so-called six reincarnations are not the so-called six paths of Shura, beasts, etc. in Buddhism, but represent a kind of reincarnation road of cycle.

The reincarnation opened by Xu Xin is not so fancy, nor does it mean that a hell is really opened up, but it integrates the order of fate and the reincarnation of the earth into the original cosmic cycle.

The magic universe has evolved for hundreds of epochs, and it has evolved to a certain limit. It lacks the power of change and has become lifeless.

What the universe is like now, I am afraid it will still be the same after hundreds or thousands of epochs, and there will not be much change.

Such a stable universe is actually not conducive to the development of the universe. And because it is a subsidiary universe, the laws and rules are too simple and basic, and there are many problems.

For example, it is too easy to be immortal, the holy domain can last forever, and the holy domain and even the god level are subject to too few constraints.

For example, the Lord God cannot enter the material plane. Once the Lord God causes the material plane to collapse, he will be wiped out by the Supreme God.

From this point of view, the Supreme Order does not want any creatures to destroy the plane.

However, the rules of the universe will not punish wanton killings. A sanctuary can slaughter hundreds of thousands, millions, and billions of ordinary creatures at will without being punished. As long as it is not stopped, a god-level can completely kill a plane.

Once all the creatures in the plane die and the balance of the plane development is destroyed, the plane will sooner or later collapse and be destroyed, which is a disadvantage to the universe.

There are actually many similar examples and loopholes in the magic universe.

Although there are not many plane destruction events at present, for the balanced development of the universe, Xu Xin feels that it is still necessary to make changes and exert influence on the universe within reasonable rules.

Therefore, there is the "Six Paths of Reincarnation", which represents the rule change of Xu Xin's will.

When the Earthly Kingdom was integrated into the origin of the universe and changed the order of the universe, the countless creatures in the magic universe all had some kind of enlightenment in their hearts, and the order and rules of the universe seemed to be changing.

"Six reincarnations, heavenly punishment, from now on, there will be a heavenly calamity... 100,000 years for the Holy Domain, 1 million years for the God Level... rebirth after the calamity, death after the calamity..."

The supreme rules are everywhere.

Xu Xin's will was soon conveyed to countless creatures in billions of planes. This is a targeted order for the eternal immortals such as the Holy Domain and the God Level. The heavenly calamity comes once every 100,000 or 1 million years. If you can survive it, you will live, and if you can't survive it, you will die.

Moreover, if you kill indiscriminately and create many evil obstacles, the heavenly calamity will be particularly severe.

God has eyes. This sentence was just a joke in Xu Xin's first life, but it has become a reality at this moment.

Xu Xin added "variables" to the universe with his own ideas, allowing the magic universe that has developed to a bottleneck period to usher in a new change again.

At the origin of the universe, Xu Xin's "God" seemed to be able to see everything from the perspective of the laws of the earth. This is the state of the Supreme God.

The Supreme God is the Supreme Rule Order, which only maintains the operation of the rules. All other creatures are disillusioned and have nothing to do with it.

In this state, as long as Xu Xin casts his eyes on a certain creature or a certain world, he can vaguely sense the "fate" of the creature, or the development trajectory of the world.

When he realized this, Xu Xin suddenly realized that he had some guesses about what Hongmeng called "people with undetermined fate".

The "fate" he sees now is the future of the so-called "people with predetermined fate".

Fate is already determined. No matter how hard they struggle, without external intervention, they will only be caged birds in the attached universe throughout their lives, including the so-called fate master Aofu. His choice is wrong, and no matter how hard he tries, his fate is doomed to fail.

The so-called person with uncertain destiny has the possibility of transcending the universe at a certain moment. Since there is a slight chance, there is also a slight possibility to break through the limitations of the universe.

When a person with uncertain destiny grasps the power to transcend the universe, he has the possibility of transcending. From that moment on, his destiny is controlled by himself.

All creatures in the universe may have "uncertain destiny", but when they are born, their fate is soon determined in one choice after another.

Everything in the hundreds of centuries since the creation of the world, and even the development of future destiny, are all seen by Xu Xin. His left eye seems to connect the past years, and his right eye seems to peek into the endless future.

Xu Xin is one with the Supreme Order and has seen the life trajectories of one creature after another. These life trajectories bind creatures like spider webs. Every move, word, thought, and action of theirs is affected by these layers of trajectories. What you think, think, and do cannot escape this trajectory of destiny.

At first, Xu Xin was still curious, and he would pay attention to the development of certain people in this fate trajectory, but as the fate was determined again and again, Xu Xin gradually got tired of it.

It was like watching a TV show and encountering spoilers. Seeing the fate trajectory too early, there was no interest in the subsequent development. The future that could be seen at a glance, the countless creatures in the universe were like birds in a cage and turtles in a jar in Xu Xin's eyes.

When his mind moved slightly and he wanted to change some fates, those fates would develop according to his ideas. Soon, a new fate trajectory appeared and completely emerged in Xu Xin's mind, and reality basically developed in that way.

Finally, Xu Xin sighed.

Then he did not make any more changes to the development of the universe.

Xu Xin looked up and looked beyond the universe. At this moment, he had the power to break through the cosmic barrier and rush out of the universe, but he was not ready to leave, because... he felt it was unnecessary.

Xu Xin knew about the outside of the universe. Beyond the magic universe was the Hongmeng space universe, which was full of Hongmeng Qi, and there were Hongmeng Golden List and the Creator God Hongmeng nurtured by the space, which was similar to a "nesting doll" universe.

After he "transcended" the universe, he needed to absorb the Hongmeng Qi to transform, and then become the so-called Hongmeng controller. His fate was over at a glance, so it was meaningless, and he didn't think that the Hongmeng controller who was like a nesting doll was interesting.

Now that he has achieved the Supreme God of the Law of the Earth, in a sense, he is the Hongmeng controller of the magic universe. If he rushes out of the universe, he will only have greater power, and it seems that... there will be no change.


Xu Xin frowned slightly and finally sighed. He used to think about transcendence, but when this step was within reach, he felt it was boring.

For the time being, he is not going to leave.

He wants to stay in the magic universe and continue to see.

Perhaps, when he witnesses the rise of a "man with uncertain destiny" with his own eyes, he will have more insights.

Xu Xin's mind is determined, the supreme order is re-established, the long river of time and space flows, and the development of the magic universe continues to move forward...

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