Chapter 938 – Severed arm

Guntaro Amen, who was shot out by Kazuko, quickly got up, because Jin Muken’s attack just now had no force at all, so it could only be regarded as a push of Guntaro Amen.

The Amen Guntaro who got up did not expect Jin Muken’s Kazuko to be so powerful. With such a strong Kazuko, it is obvious that he has eaten a lot of talents, right!

Suddenly, Kotaro Amen felt that Jin Muyan was a little hypocritical.

“{Ghoul} is {Ghoul}, even if you are kind, you will eat people!” Amen Kotaro murmured to himself.

Then, Kotaro Amen rushed towards Jin Muken with his bare hands, planning to fight Jin Muken with his fists.

Jin Muyan saw that Amen Guntaro was still unwilling to fight with him, and he immediately scolded: “Enough! Do you want to die like that?”

Just when Amen Guntaro’s figure had arrived in front of Jin Muken, and when he was about to throw a fist towards Jin Muken, Kinmuken’s Kazuko plunged into Amen Guntaro’s shoulders, and Amen Guntaro’s figure could not help but stop, but Jin Muken Kazuko did not penetrate Amen Kotaro’s body.

However, Amen Guntaro still endured the pain and forcibly punched Jin Muken.

“How can it be possible for {Ghoul} to live in peace with humans! Idiot!”

With a punch, Amen Guntaro couldn’t help but said again.(Read more @

Amen Guntaro’s punch and this sentence seemed to awaken Jin Muyan, as if viewed from different angles, they all had different meanings.

Kenmo Jinmu also went the other way, punching Amen Kotaro heavily on the forehead, knocking Amen Kotaro to the ground abruptly.

Guntaro Amen seemed to be stunned by a punch, and there was no movement after he fell to the ground.

Jin Muyan looked down at Amen Kotaro, who fell unconscious, and said, “Not all humans are like you! {Ghoul} is not what you think! Idiot!”

After that, Jin Muken was still not at ease with Amen Kotaro, so he probed the sniff of Tan Amen Kotaro again, and after confirming that Amen Kotaro was still alive, Jin Muken breathed a sigh of relief.



After Mato had a long sword, Cooke, approached Hina Min, he swiped Hina Min’s neck fiercely, as if he had caused Hina Min to die in the same way as Mrs. Ryoko.

In an instant, the two pieces of armor near Hina’s shoulder blades, which were the same as his mother, also tightly wrapped the long sword Kukine that Mabe swung.

Reale has rich combat experience. After seeing the young bird to learn how to use it, he used the same method to wrap the long sword in his hand, immediately loosened him, and then took out a dagger from his belt. come out.

This dagger is not the kind of dagger that is used for cutting fruits on the market, but is made of the material used to make Kukin, so it is incomparable to those on the market.

Although weapons made of this material still can’t fight against {Ghoul}’s Kazu, it can easily break through {Ghoul}’s body.

The round tube part of the Bang Bang hammer used by Amen Gangtaro is made of this material, and the hammer body is composed of the Rc cells of the {Gangko} Hebao, which is why Amen Gangtaro Strike Jin Muyan’s Lin Hyuk with that round tube and it will collapse directly.

Then, Mato pierced Hina’s heart with the dagger.

At this critical moment, a cold light flashed, and Mato’s palm was chopped off.

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