Chapter 782 – Lively

Seeing that Xingming’s attack not only counteracted his attack, but the aftershocks of the attack also tore the air and tore his skin. He admired Xingming’s heart even more in his heart.

If Hei Si Mou and Beiming Yu Xingming were both humans, then it can be said that Hei Si Mou had already lost.

However, the skin laceration was quickly completely repaired by Black Death Mou’s regeneration ability.

“It seems that this level of moves can’t do much for you!” Hei Si Mou finished speaking, and threw the ghost knife in his right hand sideways, and then the ghost knife seemed to be alive. It began to grow longer, and at the same time some branches grew.

Seeing Hei Si Mou’s posture, Beiming Yu Xingming knew that Hei Si Mou wanted to show his true strength.

“The breath of the moon, the shape of the ba, the tail of the moon dragon!”

Hei Death Mou directly hit the moon dragon and swept its tail towards Xingming Weiming Islet. Xingming didn’t choose to make it hard this time, because the distance this time was much longer than the previous one, plus Weiming Yu Xingming has turned on [Stripes] again, and all aspects of his attributes have been improved, so Weiming Yu Xingming is able to dodge this trick.

I saw Xinming Yu jumped directly into the sky, avoiding the black death Mou’s [Moon Dragon Waving Tail] from the air.(Read more @

Hei Si Mou didn’t have too many accidents for Xingming to avoid Beiming Island and jump to the sky to avoid his own attack. Instead, he immediately changed his moves and swung his knife into the air again.

“The breath of the moon, the shape of the nine, the moon and the face!”

I saw Hei Si Mou slashed intensively into the air. With the wielding of the ghost knives in Hei Si Mou’s hand, many huge crescent blades, mixed with many small crescent blades rotating at high speed, slashed towards the air. Past. The staggered slashes blocked the many escape spaces of Xingming Weiming Islet.

“The breath of the rock, the shape of Ba, the new Buddha ascends the throne!”

With the launch of [New Buddha ascending to the throne], long stone pillars sprang up on the ground. Weiming Yu Xingming used the rising stone pillars as a foothold, using the twisting of his body and the swinging meteor hammer. In the gap, there is [Jianyue·Lianmian] hiding from the black death Mou.

If it weren’t for this trick, Xingming’s Weiming Islet in the air would definitely be hit by Black Death Mou’s slash.

Even Meiming Islet Xingming launches [Rock Body Skin] cannot block the powerful attack of Hei Si Mou, and [Rock Buddha Body Protector] must touch the ground with both feet, and then use the meteor hammer to smash it to induce it to stay in the air. Zhong couldn’t get the Rock Buddha out at all.

Although Xingming on Weiming Islet successfully avoided the densely interlaced huge slashes with the help of the rising stone pillars, there are many small crescent curved blades that cover the surface of the huge slashes and rotate at a high speed. But there is no way to avoid it completely.

This is mainly due to the loss of his burly physique. If it is such a petite physique as Butterfly Ninja, he might be able to avoid being rubbed by those small crescents.

The small crescent curved blade that was dense and told to revolve, all of a sudden, hundreds of blood holes were drawn on the body of Ming Yu Xingming.

Although the blood port is not fatal, and the aorta is not cut, it can’t stand the large number, so the instantaneous bleeding is also very large.

Then, Xingming’s figure fell back to the ground again. At the moment when Xingming’s body touched the ground, the ground was impacted by the weight of Xingming’s body, and it suddenly cracked.

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